en.js 2.1 KB

  1. MWF.xApplication = MWF.xApplication || {};
  2. MWF.xApplication.service = MWF.xApplication.service || {};
  3. MWF.xApplication.service.DictionaryDesigner = MWF.xApplication.service.DictionaryDesigner || {};
  4. MWF.xApplication.service.DictionaryDesigner.LP={
  5. "title": "DictionaryEditor",
  6. "newDictionary": "Create Dictionary",
  7. "property": "Property",
  8. "item": "Item",
  9. "type": "Type",
  10. "value": "Value",
  11. "dictionary": "Dictionary",
  12. "search": "Search",
  13. "next": "Next",
  14. "id": "ID",
  15. "name": "Name",
  16. "alias": "Alias",
  17. "description": "Description",
  18. "projectionType": "Projection Type",
  19. "projectionProcess": "Projection Process",
  20. "design": "Design",
  21. "script": "Script",
  22. "notice": {
  23. "save_success": "Data dictionary saved successfully!",
  24. "deleteDataTitle": "Delete Data Confirmation",
  25. "deleteData": "Are you sure to delete the current data and its sub-data?",
  26. "changeTypeTitle": "Change Data Type Confirmation",
  27. "changeTypeDeleteChildren": "Changing the data type will delete all child data. Are you sure you want to execute it?",
  28. "changeType": "Changing the data type will change the value of the data. Are you sure you want to execute it?",
  29. "inputTypeError": "The data type you entered is wrong, please re-enter",
  30. "sameKey": "The item name you entered already exists in the object, please re-enter",
  31. "emptyKey": "Project name cannot be empty, please re-enter",
  32. "numberKey": "The item name cannot be a number, please re-enter",
  33. "sameObjectKey": "Duplicate item name",
  34. "emptyObjectKey": "Project name cannot be empty",
  35. "numberObjectKey": "Item name cannot be a number",
  36. "editorNotValidated": "Please fix the error reported by the editor first",
  37. "inputName": "Please enter the data dictionary name and alias",
  38. "noModifyName": "Cannot modify the name or alias",
  39. "jsonParseError": "json format error, please correct it first"
  40. },
  41. "isSave": "Saving, please wait...",
  42. "formToolbar": {
  43. "save": "Save data dictionary",
  44. "saveas": "Save data dictionary as",
  45. "help": "help",
  46. "search": "search",
  47. "autoSave": "AutoSave"
  48. }
  49. }
  50. MWF.xApplication.service.DictionaryDesigner["lp."+o2.language] = MWF.xApplication.service.DictionaryDesigner.LP