Documenteditor.js 189 KB

  1. MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("process.Xform", "$Module", null, false);
  2. /** @class Documenteditor 公文编辑器。
  3. * @o2cn 公文编辑器
  4. * @example
  5. * //可以在脚本中获取该组件
  6. * //方法1:
  7. * var documenteditor = this.form.get("fieldId"); //获取组件
  8. * //方法2
  9. * var documenteditor =; //在组件事件脚本中获取
  10. * @extends MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.$Module
  11. * @o2category FormComponents
  12. * @o2range {Process}
  13. * @hideconstructor
  14. */
  15. MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor = MWF.APPDocumenteditor = new Class(
  16. /** @lends MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor# */
  17. {
  18. Extends: MWF.APP$Module,
  19. options: {
  20. /**
  21. * 当公文编辑器内容每次被渲染的时候都会触发。
  22. * @event MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor#loadPage
  23. * @see {@link|组件事件说明}
  24. */
  25. "moduleEvents": ["load", "queryLoad", "beforeLoad", "postLoad", "afterLoad", "loadPage", "fullScreen", "returnScreen", "pagePosition"],
  26. "docPageHeight": 850.4,
  27. "docPageFullWidth": 794,
  28. "pageShow": "single"
  29. },
  30. initialize: function(node, json, form, options){
  31. this.node = $(node);
  32."module", this);
  33. this.json = json;
  34. this.form = form;
  35. this.field = true;
  36. this.fieldModuleLoaded = false;
  37. },
  38. _loadCss: function(reload){
  39. var key = encodeURIComponent(this.cssPath);
  40. if (!reload && o2.widget.css[key]){
  41. this.css = o2.widget.css[key];
  42. }else{
  43. this.cssPath = (this.cssPath.indexOf("?")!=-1) ? this.cssPath+"&v="+o2.version.v : this.cssPath+"?v="+o2.version.v;
  44. var r = new Request.JSON({
  45. url: this.cssPath,
  46. secure: false,
  47. async: false,
  48. method: "get",
  49. noCache: false,
  50. onSuccess: function(responseJSON, responseText){
  51. this.css = responseJSON;
  52. o2.widget.css[key] = responseJSON;
  53. }.bind(this),
  54. onError: function(text, error){
  55. console.log(error + text);
  56. }
  57. });
  58. r.send();
  59. }
  60. },
  61. load: function(){
  62. if (!this.json.isDelay){
  64. }
  65. },
  66. /**
  67. * 激活公文编辑器编辑。设置了延迟加载的时候,可以通过这个方法来激活
  68. * @example
  69. * this.form.get("fieldId").active();
  70. */
  71. active: function(){
  72. this._loadModuleEvents();
  73. if (this.fireEvent("queryLoad")){
  74. this.fireEvent("beforeLoad");
  75. this.cssPath ="/doc.wcss";
  76. this._loadCss();
  77. this._queryLoaded();
  78. this._loadUserInterface(function(){
  79. this.fieldModuleLoaded = true;
  80. this.fireEvent("postLoad");
  81. this.fireEvent("afterLoad");
  82. this.fireEvent("load");
  83."resize", function(){
  84. // if (this.options.pageShow!=="double"){
  85. // this._doublePage();
  86. // }else{
  87. this._singlePage();
  88. // }
  89. // this.scaleTo(this.scale);
  90. // this._checkScale();
  91. }.bind(this));
  92. o2.UD.getDataJson("documenteditorScale", function(json){
  93. if (json){
  94. this.scaleTo(json.scale);
  95. this.documenteditorScale = json.scale
  96. }
  97. // if (this.documenteditorScale) this.scaleTo(this.documenteditorScale);
  98. // this.addEvent("loadPage", function(){
  99. // if (this.documenteditorScale) this.scaleTo(this.documenteditorScale);
  100. // }.bind(this));
  101. this._checkScale();
  102. }.bind(this));
  103. }.bind(this));
  104. this._loadStyles();
  105. this._afterLoaded();
  106. }
  107. },
  108. _createNewPage: function(){
  109. var pageNode = new Element("div.doc_layout_page", {"styles": this.css.doc_page}).inject(this.contentNode);
  110. var pageContentNode = new Element("div.doc_layout_page_content", {"styles": this.css.doc_layout_page_content}).inject(pageNode);
  111. pageNode.set("data-pagecount", this.pages.length+1);
  112. this.pages.push(pageNode);
  113. return pageNode;
  114. },
  115. _getShow: function(name, typeItem, scriptItem){
  116. switch (this.json[typeItem]) {
  117. case "y":
  118. return true;
  119. case "n":
  120. return false;
  121. case "a":
  122. if (["copies", "secret", "priority", "attachment", "annotation"].indexOf(name!=-1)){
  123. if (o2.typeOf([name])=="string"){
  124. var v =[name].trim();
  125. return !!v && (!!v.length);
  126. }else{
  127. return !![name] && (!![name].length);
  128. }
  129. }
  130. return true;
  131. case "s":
  132. if (this.json[scriptItem] && this.json[scriptItem].code){
  133. return !!this.form.Macro.exec(this.json[scriptItem].code, this);
  134. }
  135. return true;
  136. default:
  137. return true;
  138. }
  139. },
  140. _loadCssStyle: function(){
  141. if (this.json.css && this.json.css.code && !this.styleNode){
  142. var cssText = this.form.parseCSS(this.json.css.code);
  143. cssText = cssText.replace(/documenteditor_table/g, 'documenteditor_table';
  144. var styleNode = document.createElement("style");
  145. styleNode.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
  147. styleNode.inject(this.node, "top");
  148. if(styleNode.styleSheet){
  149. var setFunc = function(){
  150. if(styleNode.styleSheet.disabled){
  151. setTimeout(setFunc, 100);
  152. }else{
  153. styleNode.styleSheet.cssText = cssText;
  154. }
  155. };
  156. setFunc();
  157. }else{
  158. var cssTextNode = document.createTextNode(cssText);
  159. styleNode.appendChild(cssTextNode);
  160. }
  161. this.styleNode = styleNode;
  162. }
  163. },
  164. _createPage: function(callback, callbackAftreLoad){
  165. var control = this.getShowControl();
  166. this.json.fileup = !!(control.signer);
  167. this._loadCssStyle();
  168. var url = (this.json.documentTempleteType==="cus") ?
  169. this.json.documentTempleteUrl :
  170. "../x_component_process_FormDesigner/Module/Documenteditor/templete/"+(this.json.documentTempleteName || "standard")+".html";
  171. url = url+((url.indexOf("?")!==-1) ? "&" : "?")+"v="+o2.version.v;
  172. this._clearCopytoTrs();
  173. fetch(o2.filterUrl(url)).then(function(res){
  174. return res.text();
  175. }).then(function(html){
  176. this.contentNode.empty();
  177. if (this.filetextEditor) this.filetextEditor.destroy();
  178. if (this.attachmentTextEditor) this.attachmentTextEditor.destroy();
  179. this.editMode = false;
  180. // this.historyMode = false;
  181. var pageContentNode = this._createNewPage().getFirst();
  182. pageContentNode.set("html", html);
  183. if (this.attachmentTemplete){
  184. var attNode = pageContentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_attachment_content");
  185. if (attNode) attNode.empty();
  186. }
  187. if (callback) callback(control);
  188. this.fireEvent("loadPage");
  189. if (callbackAftreLoad) callbackAftreLoad(control);
  190. }.bind(this));
  191. },
  192. _clearCopytoTrs: function(){
  193. if (this.layout_copytoContentTr){
  194. this.layout_copytoContentTr.destroy();
  195. this.layout_copytoContentTr = null;
  196. }
  197. if (this.layout_copytoContentTrP){
  198. this.layout_copytoContentTrP.destroy();
  199. this.layout_copytoContentTrP = null;
  200. }
  201. if (this.layout_copyto2ContentTr){
  202. this.layout_copyto2ContentTr.destroy();
  203. this.layout_copyto2ContentTr = null;
  204. }
  205. if (this.layout_copyto2ContentTrP){
  206. this.layout_copyto2ContentTrP.destroy();
  207. this.layout_copyto2ContentTrP = null;
  208. }
  209. },
  210. getTempleteJson: function(callback){
  211. if (this.templeteJson){
  212. if (callback) callback();
  213. }else{
  214. o2.getJSON(o2.filterUrl("../x_component_process_FormDesigner/Module/Documenteditor/templete/templete.json"), function(json){
  215. this.templeteJson = json;
  216. if (callback) callback();
  217. }.bind(this));
  218. }
  219. },
  220. getShowControl: function(){
  221. var control = {};
  222. control.copiesSecretPriority = this._getShow("copiesSecretPriority", "copiesSecretPriorityShow", "copiesSecretPriorityShowScript");
  223. control.copies = this._getShow("copies", "copiesShow", "copiesShowScript");
  224. control.secret = this._getShow("secret", "secretShow", "secretShowScript");
  225. control.priority = this._getShow("priority", "priorityShow", "priorityShowScript");
  226. control.redHeader = this._getShow("redHeader", "redHeaderShow", "redHeaderShowScript");
  227. control.redLine = this._getShow("redLine", "redLineShow", "redLineShowScript");
  228. control.signer = this._getShow("signer", "signerShow", "signerShowScript");
  229. control.fileno = this._getShow("fileno", "filenoShow", "filenoShowScript");
  230. control.subject = this._getShow("subject", "subjectShow", "subjectShowScript");
  231. control.mainSend = this._getShow("mainSend", "mainSendShow", "mainSendShowScript");
  232. control.attachment = this._getShow("attachment", "attachmentShow", "attachmentShowScript");
  233. control.issuanceUnit = this._getShow("issuanceUnit", "issuanceUnitShow", "issuanceUnitShowScript");
  234. control.issuanceDate = this._getShow("issuanceDate", "issuanceDateShow", "issuanceDateShowScript");
  235. control.annotation = this._getShow("annotation", "annotationShow", "annotationShowScript");
  236. control.copyto = this._getShow("copyto", "copytoShow", "copytoShowScript");
  237. control.copyto2 = this._getShow("copyto2", "copyto2Show", "copyto2ShowScript");
  238. control.editionUnit = this._getShow("editionUnit", "editionUnitShow", "editionUnitShowScript");
  239. control.editionDate = this._getShow("editionDate", "editionDateShow", "editionDateShowScript");
  240. control.meetingAttend = this._getShow("meetingAttend", "meetingAttendShow", "meetingAttendShowScript");
  241. control.meetingLeave = this._getShow("meetingLeave", "meetingLeaveShow", "meetingLeaveShowScript");
  242. control.meetingSit = this._getShow("meetingSit", "meetingSitShow", "meetingSitShowScript");
  243. control.meetingRecord = this._getShow("meetingRecord", "meetingRecordShow", "meetingRecordShowScript");
  244. this.json.fileup = !!(control.signer);
  245. return control;
  246. },
  247. getEditControl: function(){
  248. var control = {};
  249. control.copies = this._getEdit("copies", "copiesEdit", "copiesEditScript");
  250. control.secret = this._getEdit("secret", "secretEdit", "secretEditScript");
  251. control.priority = this._getEdit("priority", "priorityEdit", "priorityEditScript");
  252. control.redHeader = this._getEdit("redHeader", "redHeaderEdit", "redHeaderEditScript");
  253. control.signer = this._getEdit("signer", "signerEdit", "signerEditScript");
  254. control.fileno = this._getEdit("fileno", "filenoEdit", "filenoEditScript");
  255. control.subject = this._getEdit("subject", "subjectEdit", "subjectEditScript");
  256. control.mainSend = this._getEdit("mainSend", "mainSendEdit", "mainSendEditScript");
  257. control.attachment = this._getEdit("attachment", "attachmentEdit", "attachmentEditScript");
  258. control.attachmentText = this._getEdit("attachmentText", "attachmentTextEdit", "attachmentTextEditScript");
  259. control.issuanceUnit = this._getEdit("issuanceUnit", "issuanceUnitEdit", "issuanceUnitEditScript");
  260. control.issuanceDate = this._getEdit("issuanceDate", "issuanceDateEdit", "issuanceDateEditScript");
  261. control.annotation = this._getEdit("annotation", "annotationEdit", "annotationEditScript");
  262. control.copyto = this._getEdit("copyto", "copytoEdit", "copytoEditScript");
  263. control.copyto2 = this._getEdit("copyto2", "copyto2Edit", "copyto2EditScript");
  264. control.editionUnit = this._getEdit("editionUnit", "editionUnitEdit", "editionUnitEditScript");
  265. control.editionDate = this._getEdit("editionDate", "editionDateEdit", "editionDateEditScript");
  266. control.meetingAttend = this._getShow("meetingAttend", "meetingAttendEdit", "meetingAttendEditScript");
  267. control.meetingLeave = this._getShow("meetingLeave", "meetingLeaveEdit", "meetingLeaveEditScript");
  268. control.meetingSit = this._getShow("meetingSit", "meetingSitEdit", "meetingSitEditScript");
  269. control.meetingRecord = this._getShow("meetingRecord", "meetingRecordEdit", "meetingRecordEditScript");
  270. return control;
  271. },
  272. //份数 密级 紧急程度
  273. _loadCopiesSecretPriority: function(){
  274. this.layout_copiesSecretPriority = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_copiesSecretPriority");
  275. if (this.layout_copiesSecretPriority) this.layout_copiesSecretPriority.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_copiesSecretPriority);
  276. /**
  277. * @summary 份数的dom对象.
  278. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  279. */
  280. this.layout_copies = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_copies");
  281. if (this.layout_copies) this.layout_copies.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_copies);
  282. /**
  283. * @summary 密级的dom对象.
  284. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  285. */
  286. this.layout_secret = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_secret");
  287. if (this.layout_secret) this.layout_secret.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_secret);
  288. /**
  289. * @summary 紧急度的dom对象.
  290. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  291. */
  292. this.layout_priority = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_priority");
  293. if (this.layout_priority) this.layout_priority.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_priority);
  294. this.layout_copiesSecretPriority_blank = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_copiesSecretPriority_blank");
  295. },
  296. //红头
  297. _loadRedHeader: function(){
  298. /**
  299. * @summary 红头的dom对象.
  300. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  301. */
  302. this.layout_redHeader = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_redHeader");
  303. if (this.layout_redHeader) this.layout_redHeader.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_redHeader);
  304. },
  305. //文号签发人(上行文)
  306. _loadFileNoUp: function(){
  307. this.layout_filenoArea = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_fileno_area");
  308. this.layout_fileNoUpTable = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup");
  309. if (this.layout_fileNoUpTable) this.layout_fileNoUpTable.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup);
  310. var td = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_fileno_td");
  311. if (td) td.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_fileno_td);
  312. /**
  313. * @summary 文号的dom对象.
  314. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  315. */
  316. this.layout_fileno = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_fileno");
  317. if (this.layout_fileno) this.layout_fileno.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_fileno);
  318. td = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_signer_td");
  319. if (td) td.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_signer_td);
  320. var node = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_signer_table");
  321. if (node) node.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_signer_table);
  322. node = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_signerTitle_td");
  323. if (node) node.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_signerTitle_td);
  324. this.layout_signerTitle = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_signer");
  325. if (this.layout_signerTitle) this.layout_signerTitle.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_signer);
  326. node = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_signerContent_td");
  327. if (node) node.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_signerContent_td);
  328. /**
  329. * @summary 签发人的dom对象.
  330. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  331. */
  332. this.layout_signer = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_signerContent");
  333. if (this.layout_signer) this.layout_signer.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_signerContent);
  334. if (!this.layout_fileno){
  335. this.layout_fileNoUpTable = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup");
  336. this.layout_filenoArea = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_fileno_area");
  337. this.layout_fileno = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_fileno");
  338. if (this.layout_fileno) this.layout_fileno.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_fileno);
  339. }
  340. },
  341. //文号
  342. _loadFileNo: function(){
  343. this.layout_fileNoUpTable = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup");
  344. this.layout_filenoArea = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_fileno_area");
  345. this.layout_fileno = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_fileno");
  346. if (this.layout_fileno) this.layout_fileno.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_fileno);
  347. td = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_signer_td");
  348. if (td) td.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_signer_td);
  349. var node = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_signer_table");
  350. if (node) node.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_signer_table);
  351. node = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_signerTitle_td");
  352. if (node) node.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_signerTitle_td);
  353. this.layout_signerTitle = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_signer");
  354. if (this.layout_signerTitle) this.layout_signerTitle.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_signer);
  355. node = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_signerContent_td");
  356. if (node) node.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_signerContent_td);
  357. this.layout_signer = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_signerContent");
  358. if (this.layout_signer) this.layout_signer.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_signerContent);
  359. if (!this.layout_fileno){
  360. this.layout_filenoArea = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_fileno_area");
  361. this.layout_fileNoUpTable = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup");
  362. if (this.layout_fileNoUpTable) this.layout_fileNoUpTable.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup);
  363. var td = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_fileno_td");
  364. if (td) td.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_fileno_td);
  365. this.layout_fileno = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filenoup_fileno");
  366. if (this.layout_fileno) this.layout_fileno.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filenoup_fileno);
  367. }
  368. },
  369. //红线
  370. _loadRedLine: function(){
  371. this.layout_redLine = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_redline");
  372. if (this.layout_redLine) this.layout_redLine.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_redline);
  373. },
  374. //标题
  375. _loadSubject:function(){
  376. /**
  377. * @summary 标题的dom对象.
  378. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  379. */
  380. this.layout_subject = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_subject");
  381. if (this.layout_subject) this.layout_subject.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_subject);
  382. if (this.json.subjectFontFamily){
  383. if (this.layout_subject) this.layout_subject.setStyle("font-family", this.json.subjectFontFamily);
  384. }
  385. },
  386. //主送
  387. _loadMainSend: function(){
  388. /**
  389. * @summary 主送的dom对象.
  390. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  391. */
  392. this.layout_mainSend = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_mainSend");
  393. if (this.layout_mainSend) this.layout_mainSend.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_mainSend);
  394. },
  395. //正文
  396. // _createFiletext: function(filetextNode, node, where){
  397. // if (!filetextNode){
  398. // var filetextNode = new Element("div.doc_layout_filetext").inject(node, where);
  399. // filetextNode.addClass("doc_block");
  400. // filetextNode.setAttribute('contenteditable', true);
  401. // }
  402. // CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
  403. // var filetextEditor = CKEDITOR.inline(filetextNode, this._getEditorConfig());
  404. //"editor", filetextEditor);
  405. // if (!this.filetextEditors) this.filetextEditors = [];
  406. // this.filetextEditors.push(filetextEditor);
  407. //
  408. // filetextEditor.on( 'blur', function(e) {
  409. // // var filetextNode = e.editor.container.$;
  410. // // var pageNode = filetextNode.getParent(".doc_layout_page");
  411. // // this._checkSplitPage(pageNode);
  412. // // this._repage();
  413. // }.bind(this));
  414. //
  415. // return filetextNode;
  416. // },
  417. _loadFiletext: function(){
  418. /**
  419. * @summary 正文区域的dom对象.
  420. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  421. */
  422. this.layout_filetext = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filetext");
  423. this.layout_filetext.addClass("css";
  424. this.layout_filetext.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filetext);
  425. //this.layout_filetext = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filetext");
  426. // if (this.layout_filetexts.length){
  427. // this.layout_filetexts.each(function(layout_filetext){
  428. // layout_filetext.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_filetext);
  429. // }.bind(this));
  430. // }
  431. },
  432. //附件
  433. _loadAttachment: function(){
  434. this.layout_attachmentTable = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_attachment");
  435. if (this.layout_attachmentTable) this.layout_attachmentTable.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_attachment);
  436. var node = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_attachment_title_td");
  437. if (node) node.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_attachment_title_td);
  438. this.layout_attachmentTitle = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_attachment_title");
  439. if (node) node.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_attachment_title);
  440. node = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_attachment_content_td");
  441. if (node) node.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_attachment_content_td);
  442. /**
  443. * @summary 附件区域的dom对象.
  444. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  445. */
  446. this.layout_attachment = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_attachment_content");
  447. if (this.layout_attachment) this.layout_attachment.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_attachment_content);
  448. },
  449. //发布单位
  450. _loadIssuance: function(){
  451. this.layout_issuanceTable = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_issuance");
  452. /**
  453. * @summary 发文单位的dom对象.
  454. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  455. */
  456. this.layout_issuanceUnit = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_issuanceUnit");
  457. /**
  458. * @summary 发文时间的dom对象.
  459. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  460. */
  461. this.layout_issuanceDate = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_issuanceDate");
  462. if (this.layout_issuanceTable) this.layout_issuanceTable.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_issuance);
  463. if (this.layout_issuanceUnit) this.layout_issuanceUnit.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_issuanceUnit);
  464. if (this.layout_issuanceDate) this.layout_issuanceDate.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_issuanceDate);
  465. },
  466. //附注
  467. _loadAnnotation: function(){
  468. /**
  469. * @summary 附注的dom对象.
  470. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  471. */
  472. this.layout_annotation = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_annotation");
  473. if (this.layout_annotation) this.layout_annotation.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_annotation);
  474. },
  475. //附件文本
  476. _loadAttachmentText: function(){
  477. this.layout_attachmentText = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_attachment_text");
  478. },
  479. //版记
  480. _loadEdition: function(){
  481. this.layout_editionArea = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_editionArea");
  482. this.layout_edition = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_edition");
  483. if (this.layout_edition) this.layout_edition.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_edition);
  484. var node = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_copyto");
  485. if (node) node.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_edition_copyto);
  486. node = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_copyto_table");
  487. if (node) node.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_edition_copyto_table);
  488. var node = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_copyto2");
  489. if (node) node.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_edition_copyto);
  490. node = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_copyto2_table");
  491. if (node) node.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_edition_copyto_table);
  492. this.layout_copytoTitle = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_copyto_title");
  493. if (this.layout_copytoTitle) this.layout_copytoTitle.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_edition_copyto_title);
  494. /**
  495. * @summary 抄送的dom对象.
  496. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  497. */
  498. this.layout_copytoContent = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_copyto_content");
  499. if (this.layout_copytoContent) this.layout_copytoContent.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_edition_copyto_content);
  500. this.layout_copyto2Title = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_copyto2_title");
  501. if (this.layout_copyto2Title) this.layout_copyto2Title.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_edition_copyto_title);
  502. this.layout_copyto2Content = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_copyto2_content");
  503. if (this.layout_copyto2Content) this.layout_copyto2Content.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_edition_copyto_content);
  504. var issuance = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_issuance");
  505. if (issuance) issuance.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_edition_issuance);
  506. var issuance_table = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_issuance_table");
  507. if (issuance_table) issuance_table.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_edition_issuance_table);
  508. /**
  509. * @summary 印发单位的dom对象.
  510. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  511. */
  512. this.layout_edition_issuance_unit = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_issuance_unit");
  513. if (this.layout_edition_issuance_unit) this.layout_edition_issuance_unit.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_edition_issuance_unit);
  514. /**
  515. * @summary 印发时间的dom对象.
  516. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  517. */
  518. this.layout_edition_issuance_date = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_issuance_date");
  519. if (this.layout_edition_issuance_date) this.layout_edition_issuance_date.setStyles(this.css.doc_layout_edition_issuance_date);
  520. },
  521. loadSeal: function(){
  522. /**
  523. * @summary 模拟盖章的dom对象.
  524. * @member {MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.Documenteditor}
  525. */
  526. this.layout_seals = this.contentNode.getElements(".doc_layout_seal");
  527. this.layout_seals.each(function(node){
  528. // if (!node.get("src")){
  529. node.hide();
  530. // }else{
  531. //;
  532. // node.setStyles({
  533. // "border": "0",
  534. // "border-radius": "0"
  535. // });
  536. // }
  537. });
  538. },
  539. /**对正文进行模拟盖章(模板中必须有class为“doc_layout_seal”的img对象)
  540. * @summary 对正文进行模拟盖章,此方法只是进行模拟盖章,通过图片显示,并非专业盖章,不具备法律效应。
  541. * * @param src{String} 盖章图片的url.
  542. * @param position{integer} 要盖章的位置, 默认为0.
  543. * @example
  544. * this.form.get("documenteditor").seal("../custom/img/seal.png", 0); //在第一个盖章位置进行模拟盖章
  545. */
  546. seal: function(src, position){
  547. var p = position || 0;
  548. if (this.layout_seals && this.layout_seals.length){
  549. if (this.layout_seals[p]){
  550. this.layout_seals[p].src = src;
  551. this.layout_seals[p].show();
  552. this.layout_seals[p].setStyles({
  553. "border": "0",
  554. "border-radius": "0",
  555. "z-index": -1
  556. });
  557. }
  558. this.getSealData();
  559. }
  560. },
  561. _loadMeeting: function(){
  562. this.layout_meetingAttendArea = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_meeting_attend");
  563. this.layout_meetingAttendTitle = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_meeting_attend_title");
  564. this.layout_meetingAttendContent = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_meeting_attend_content");
  565. this.layout_meetingLeaveArea = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_meeting_leave");
  566. this.layout_meetingLeaveTitle = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_meeting_leave_title");
  567. this.layout_meetingLeaveContent = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_meeting_leave_content");
  568. this.layout_meetingSitArea = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_meeting_sit");
  569. this.layout_meetingSitTitle = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_meeting_sit_title");
  570. this.layout_meetingSitContent = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_meeting_sit_content");
  571. this.layout_meetingRecordArea = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_meeting_record");
  572. this.layout_meetingRecordTitle = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_meeting_record_title");
  573. this.layout_meetingRecordContent = this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_meeting_record_content");
  574. },
  575. _loadCustom: function(){
  576. var nodes = this.contentNode.getElements(".doc_layout");
  577. nodes.each(function(node){
  578. var name = node.get("data-doc-layout");
  579. if (!this.customLayouts) this.customLayouts = [];
  580. this.customLayouts.push({
  581. "name": name,
  582. "node": node,
  583. });
  584. this[name] = node;
  585. }.bind(this));
  586. },
  587. _loadPageLayout: function(control){
  588. this._loadCopiesSecretPriority();
  589. this._loadRedHeader();
  590. if (this.json.fileup){
  591. this._loadFileNoUp();
  592. }else{
  593. this._loadFileNo();
  594. }
  595. if (!this.layout_fileno) this._loadFileNo();
  596. this._loadRedLine();
  597. this._loadSubject();
  598. this._loadMainSend();
  599. this._loadFiletext();
  600. this._loadAttachment();
  601. this._loadIssuance();
  602. this._loadAnnotation();
  603. this._loadAttachmentText()
  604. this._loadEdition();
  605. this.loadSeal();
  606. //会议纪要
  607. this._loadMeeting();
  608. //自定义
  609. this._loadCustom();
  610. this.reSetShow(control);
  611. this.reSetEdit();
  612. // 份数: this.layout_copies
  613. // 密级: this.layout_secret
  614. // 紧急程度: this.layout_priority
  615. // 红头: this.layout_redHeader
  616. // 上行文编号签发: this.layout_fileNoUpTable
  617. // 文号: this.layout_fileno
  618. // 签发: this.layout_signerTitle
  619. // 签发人: this.layout_signer
  620. // 文号: this.layout_fileno
  621. // 红线: this.layout_redLine
  622. // 标题: this.layout_subject
  623. // 主送单位: this.layout_mainSend
  624. // 正文: this.layout_filetexts
  625. // 附件: this.layout_attachmentTitle
  626. // 附件: this.layout_attachment
  627. // 单位: this.layout_issuanceUnit
  628. // 签发时间: this.layout_issuanceDate
  629. // 附注: this.layout_annotation
  630. // 抄送: this.layout_copytoTitle
  631. // 抄送: this.layout_copytoContent
  632. // 版记单位 this.layout_edition_issuance_unit
  633. // 版记日期 this.layout_edition_issuance_date
  634. },
  635. reSetShow: function(control){
  636. if (!control) control = this.getShowControl();
  637. var m = function(s){ return (control[s]) ? "show" : "hide"; }
  638. if (this.layout_copiesSecretPriority) this.layout_copiesSecretPriority[m("copiesSecretPriority")]();
  639. // control.copies = this._getShow("copies", "copiesShow", "copiesShowScript");
  640. // control.secret = this._getShow("secret", "secretShow", "secretShowScript");
  641. // control.priority = this._getShow("priority", "priorityShow", "priorityShowScript");
  642. var n = 0;
  643. if (!control.copies) n++;
  644. if (!control.secret) n++;
  645. if (!control.priority) n++;
  646. if (this.layout_copiesSecretPriority_blank){
  647. this.layout_copiesSecretPriority_blank.empty();
  648. while (n>0){
  649. this.layout_copiesSecretPriority_blank.appendHTML("<p class=\"MsoNormal\"><span style='font-size:16.0pt'>&nbsp;</span></p>");
  650. n--;
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  653. if (this.layout_copies) this.layout_copies[m("copies")]();
  654. if (this.layout_secret) this.layout_secret[m("secret")]();
  655. if (this.layout_priority) this.layout_priority[m("priority")]();
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  658. if (this.layout_fileNoUpTable) this.layout_fileNoUpTable[m("signer")]();
  659. if (this.layout_filenoArea) this.layout_filenoArea[(!control.signer) ? "show" : "hide"]();
  660. if (this.json.fileup){
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  663. this._loadFileNo();
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  665. if (this.layout_fileno) this.layout_fileno.set("text", || " ");
  666. if (this.layout_signerTitle) this.layout_signerTitle[m("signer")]();
  667. if (this.layout_signer) this.layout_signer[m("signer")]();
  668. if (this.layout_fileno) this.layout_fileno[m("fileno")]();
  669. if (this.layout_subject) this.layout_subject[m("subject")]();
  670. if (this.layout_mainSend) this.layout_mainSend[m("mainSend")]();
  671. if (this.layout_attachmentTable) this.layout_attachmentTable[m("attachment")]();
  672. if (this.layout_issuanceUnit) this.layout_issuanceUnit[m("issuanceUnit")]();
  673. if (this.layout_issuanceDate) this.layout_issuanceDate[m("issuanceDate")]();
  674. if (this.layout_issuanceUnit && this.layout_issuanceDate){
  675. var table = this.layout_issuanceUnit.getParent("table")
  676. if (table && !table.hasClass("doc_layout_headIssuance")) {
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  678. "font-size": "16pt",
  679. "font-family": "'Times New Roman',仿宋_GB2312",
  680. "letter-spacing": "-0.4pt"
  681. }).x;
  682. var dateWidth = o2.getTextSize(this.layout_issuanceDate.get("text"), {
  683. "font-size": "16pt",
  684. "font-family": "'Times New Roman',仿宋_GB2312",
  685. "letter-spacing": "-0.4pt"
  686. }).x;
  687. if (table.hasClass("doc_layout_issuanceV2")){
  688. if (unitWidth<=dateWidth){
  689. //日期右空四字,单位相对与日期居中
  690. var flagTd = this.layout_issuanceUnit.getParent("td").getNext("td");
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  692. flagTd = this.layout_issuanceDate.getParent("td").getNext("td");
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  697. var span = dateP.getElement("");
  698. if (span) span.destroy();
  699. }
  700. }else{
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  706. var dateP = this.layout_issuanceDate.getParent("p");
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  709. var span = dateP.getElement("");
  710. if (!span) new Element("", { "html": "&#x3000;&#x3000;" }).inject(dateP, "top");
  711. }
  712. }
  713. }else{
  714. if (unitWidth <= dateWidth) {
  715. //日期右空四字,单位相对与日期居中
  716. var flagTd = this.layout_issuanceDate.getParent("td").getNext("td");
  717. if (flagTd) {
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  720. flagTd = this.layout_issuanceUnit.getParent("td").getNext("td");
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  723. //var dateTd = this.layout_issuanceDate.getParent("td");
  724. var unitTd = this.layout_issuanceUnit.getParent("td");
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  731. var unitTd = this.layout_issuanceUnit.getParent("td");
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  733. flagTd = this.layout_issuanceDate.getParent("td").getNext("td");
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  735. var p = this.layout_issuanceDate.getParent("p");
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  741. if (this.layout_annotation) this.layout_annotation[m("annotation")]();
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  744. }else{
  745. if (this.layout_copytoContent){
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  749. if (this.layout_copyto2Content){
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  753. if (!this.copyToOrder){
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  755. if (this.layout_copytoContentTr && this.layout_copyto2ContentTr){ //需要知道顺序
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  757. var n = this.layout_copytoContentTrP.getFirst();
  758. while (n && n!=this.layout_copytoContentTr && n!=this.layout_copyto2ContentTr){
  759. n = n.getNext();
  760. }
  761. if (n==this.layout_copytoContentTr){
  762. this.copyToOrder = "copyto";
  763. }
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  770. if ((!control.copyto || !this.layout_copytoContent) && (!control.copyto2 || !this.layout_copyto2Content) ){
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  772. if (this.layout_copytoContentTr) this.layout_copytoContentTr.dispose();
  773. if (this.layout_copyto2ContentTr) this.layout_copyto2ContentTr.dispose();
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  781. if (this.layout_copyto2ContentTr){
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  786. }
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  796. if (this.layout_copytoContentTr){
  797. try{
  798. this.layout_copytoContentTr.inject(this.layout_copytoContentTrP, "top");
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  810. // if (this.layout_copyto2ContentTr) this.layout_copyto2ContentTr.inject(this.layout_copyto2ContentTrP, "top");
  811. if (this.layout_copytoContentTr){
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  818. if (this.layout_copyto2ContentTr){
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  826. // if (this.layout_copyto2ContentTr) this.layout_copyto2ContentTr.inject(this.layout_copyto2ContentTrP, "top");
  827. // if (this.layout_copytoContentTr) this.layout_copytoContentTr.inject(this.layout_copytoContentTrP, "top");
  828. if (this.layout_copyto2ContentTr){
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  831. }catch (e){
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  835. if (this.layout_copytoContentTr){
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  838. }catch (e){
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  844. if ((!control.editionUnit || !this.layout_edition_issuance_unit) && (!control.editionDate || !this.layout_edition_issuance_date)){
  845. if (this.layout_editionArea && (this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_issuance_date") || this.contentNode.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_issuance_unit"))){
  846. var trs = this.layout_editionArea.getElement("table").rows;
  847. trs.item(trs.length-1).destroy();
  848. // trs = this.layout_editionArea.getElement("table").rows;
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  850. // if (tr){
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  852. // "border-bottom": "solid windowtext 1.5pt",
  853. // "mso-border-bottom-alt": "solid windowtext 1pt"
  854. // });
  855. // }
  856. }
  857. }
  858. if (this.layout_editionArea && (this.layout_edition_issuance_date || this.layout_edition_issuance_unit)){
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  860. for (var i=0; i<trs.length; i++){
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  1337. // var button = this.toolbar.childrenButton[0];
  1338. // button.setText(( ? MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.editdocCompleted_mobile : MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.editdocCompleted);
  1339. // button.picNode.getElement("img").set("src", "../x_component_process_Xform/$Form/default/icon/editdoc_completed.png");
  1340. // //this.toolbar.node.inject(this.getFullWidthFlagNode());
  1341. //
  1342. // }
  1343. this.editMode = true;
  1344. }
  1345. },
  1346. _switchReadOrEditInline: function(){
  1347. if (this.editMode){
  1348. this._readFiletext();
  1349. this.editMode = false;
  1350. }else{
  1351. this._editFiletext("inline");
  1352. //if (this.loadFileTextEditFun) this.layout_filetext.removeEvent("click", this.loadFileTextEditFun);
  1353. this.editMode = true;
  1354. }
  1355. //this._switchButtonText();
  1356. },
  1357. // _switchButtonText: function(){
  1358. // var text = ( ? MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.editdoc_mobile : MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.editdoc;
  1359. // var img = "editdoc.png";
  1360. // if (this.editMode){
  1361. // text = ( ? MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.editdocCompleted_mobile : MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.editdocCompleted;
  1362. // img = "editdoc_completed.png";
  1363. // }
  1364. //
  1365. // if (! && this.sideToolbar && this.sideToolbar.childrenButton[0]) {
  1366. // var button = this.sideToolbar.childrenButton[0];
  1367. // button.setText(text);
  1368. // button.picNode.getElement("img").set("src", "../x_component_process_Xform/$Form/default/icon/"+img);
  1369. // }
  1370. // if (this.toolbar && this.toolbar.childrenButton[0]){
  1371. // button = this.toolbar.childrenButton[0];
  1372. // button.setText(text);
  1373. // button.picNode.getElement("img").set("src", "../x_component_process_Xform/$Form/default/icon/"+img);
  1374. // }
  1375. // },
  1376. editFiletext: function(){
  1377. if (!this.editMode && this.allowEdit){
  1378. this._editFiletext("inline");
  1379. //if (this.loadFileTextEditFun) this.layout_filetext.removeEvent("click", this.loadFileTextEditFun);
  1380. this.editMode = true;
  1381. //this._switchButtonText();
  1382. }
  1383. },
  1384. // getFullWidthFlagNode: function(){
  1385. // if (!this.fullWidthFlagNode){
  1386. // this.fullWidthFlagNode = new Element("span", {
  1387. // "styles": {
  1388. // "line-height": "26px",
  1389. // "color": "#999999",
  1390. // "font-size": "12px"
  1391. // },
  1392. // "text": MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.fullWidth
  1393. // });
  1394. // }
  1395. // return this.fullWidthFlagNode;
  1396. // },
  1397. _printDoc: function(e,el){
  1398. e.disable();
  1399. var scale = this.scale;
  1400. this.toWord(function(data, filename){
  1401. if (filename){
  1402. o2.saveAs(data, filename);
  1403. }else{
  1404. if ( && !{
  1405. this.form.workAction.getAttachmentStream(,;
  1406. }else{
  1407. this.form.workAction.getWorkcompletedAttachmentStream(, ((this.form.businessData.workCompleted) ? :;
  1408. }
  1409. }
  1410. this.scaleTo(scale);
  1411. e.enable();
  1412. }.bind(this), "", null, true);
  1413. },
  1414. _historyDoc: function(){
  1415. if (this.json.viewTracesFullScreen===true){
  1416. this._fullScreen();
  1417. }
  1418. this._readFiletext();
  1419. this.editMode = false;
  1420. this.getHistory(function(){
  1421. }.bind(this), function(){
  1422. this.historyMode = false;
  1423. this.resetData();
  1424. }.bind(this));
  1425. this.historyMode = true;
  1426. },
  1427. getHistory: function(callback, nodiff){
  1428. if (this.history){
  1430. if (callback) callback();
  1431. }, function(){
  1432. if (nodiff) nodiff();
  1433. });
  1434. }else{
  1435. MWF.xDesktop.requireApp("process.Xform", "widget.DocumentHistory", function(){
  1436. this.history = new MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.widget.DocumentHistory(this);
  1437. this.history.load(function(){
  1438. if (callback) callback();
  1439. }, function(){
  1440. if (nodiff) nodiff();
  1441. });
  1442. }.bind(this));
  1443. }
  1444. },
  1445. htmlToText: function(html){
  1446. var tmpdiv = new Element("div", {"html": html});
  1447. var text = tmpdiv.get("text");
  1448. tmpdiv.destroy();
  1449. return text;
  1450. },
  1451. _readFiletext: function(){
  1452. //this._returnScale();
  1453. //this.zoom(1);
  1454. var scale = this.scale;
  1455. if (this.filetextEditor) this.filetextEditor.destroy();
  1456. if (this.filetextScrollNode){
  1457. if (this.reLocationFiletextToolbarFun){
  1458. this.filetextScrollNode.removeEvent("scroll", this.reLocationFiletextToolbarFun);
  1459. //"resize", this.reLocationFiletextToolbarFun);
  1460. this.reLocationFiletextToolbarFun = null;
  1461. }
  1462. this.filetextScrollNode = null;
  1463. }
  1464. if (this.filetextToolbarNode) this.filetextToolbarNode = null;
  1465. this.layout_filetext.setAttribute('contenteditable', false);
  1466. = this.getData();
  1467. if (!{
  1468. // = this.json.defaultValue.filetext;
  1469. this.layout_filetext.set("html", this.json.defaultValue.filetext);
  1470. }
  1471. //this._checkSplitPage(this.pages[0]);
  1472. this._repage();
  1473. this.scaleTo(scale);
  1474. },
  1475. _editFiletext: function(inline){
  1476. if ( == this.json.defaultValue.filetext) = "  ";
  1477. this.setData(;
  1478. this.node.setStyles({
  1479. "height":"auto"
  1480. });
  1481. this._createEditor(inline);
  1482. },
  1483. _createEditor: function(inline, node, data, editorName, callback){
  1484. if (this.allowEdit){
  1485. this.loadCkeditorFiletext(function(e){
  1486. //e.editor.focus();
  1487. // var text = (data ||\u3000*/g, "");
  1488. // if (!text){
  1489. // var range = e.editor.createRange();
  1490. // range.moveToElementEditEnd(e.editor.editable());
  1491. //
  1492. //;
  1493. // range.scrollIntoView();
  1494. // }else{
  1495. // e.editor.getSelection().scrollIntoView();
  1496. // }
  1497. //e.editor.getSelection().scrollIntoView();
  1498. // var text = (data ||\u3000*/g, "");
  1499. // if (!text){
  1500. // var range = e.editor.createRange();
  1501. // range.moveToElementEditEnd(e.editor.editable());
  1502. //
  1503. //;
  1504. // range.scrollIntoView();
  1505. // }else{
  1506. // e.editor.getSelection().scrollIntoView();
  1507. // }
  1508. // e.editor.getSelection().scrollIntoView();
  1509. //
  1510. //this.getFiletextToolber();
  1511. //this.filetextToolbarNode.inject(this.layout_filetext.getOffsetParent());
  1512. //this.locationFiletextToolbar(editorName);
  1513. if (callback) callback();
  1514. }.bind(this), inline, node, editorName);
  1515. }
  1516. },
  1517. getFiletextToolber: function(editorName){
  1518. if (editorName){
  1519. if (this[editorName]) {
  1520. if (!this[editorName+"ToolbarNode"]) {
  1521. // var className = "cke_editor_" + this[editorName].name;
  1522. // var toolbarNode = $$("." + className)[0];
  1523. var className = "cke_" + this[editorName].name;
  1524. var toolbarNode = $(className);
  1525. this[editorName+"ToolbarNode"] = toolbarNode;
  1526. }
  1527. }
  1528. }else{
  1529. if (this.filetextEditor) {
  1530. if (!this.filetextToolbarNode) {
  1531. // var className = "cke_editor_" +;
  1532. // var filetextToolbarNode = $$("." + className)[0];
  1533. var className = "cke_" +;
  1534. var filetextToolbarNode = $(className);
  1535. this.filetextToolbarNode = filetextToolbarNode;
  1536. //filetextToolbarNode.destroy();
  1537. }
  1538. }
  1539. }
  1540. },
  1541. reLocationFiletextToolbarEvent: function(editorName){
  1542. if (Browser.ie11){
  1543. o2.defer(this.reLocationFiletextToolbar, 500, this, [editorName]);
  1544. // if (this.waitLocationFiletext) window.clearTimeout(this.waitLocationFiletext);
  1545. // this.waitLocationFiletext = window.setTimeout(function(){
  1546. // this.reLocationFiletextToolbar(editorName);
  1547. // this.waitLocationFiletext = false;
  1548. // }.bind(this), 500);
  1549. // if (!this.waitLocationFiletext){
  1550. // this.waitLocationFiletext = window.setTimeout(function(){
  1551. // this.reLocationFiletextToolbar(editorName);
  1552. // this.waitLocationFiletext = false;
  1553. // }.bind(this), 1000);
  1554. // }
  1555. }else{
  1556. this.reLocationFiletextToolbar(editorName)
  1557. }
  1558. },
  1559. reLocationFiletextToolbar: function(editorName){
  1560. this.getFiletextToolber(editorName);
  1561. var toolbarNode = (editorName) ? this[editorName+"ToolbarNode"] : this.filetextToolbarNode;
  1562. var editor = (editorName) ? this[editorName] : this.filetextEditor;
  1563. var node = (editorName) ? this.layout_attachmentText : this.layout_filetext;
  1564. if (toolbarNode){
  1565. if (!this.filetextScrollNode){
  1566. var scrollNode = this.contentNode;
  1567. while (scrollNode){
  1568. if (scrollNode.getStyle("overflow")=="auto" || scrollNode.getStyle("overflow-y")=="auto"){
  1569. var transform;
  1570. if (window.getComputedStyle){
  1571. transform = window.getComputedStyle(this.contentNode).transform;
  1572. }else{
  1573. transform = currentStyle.transform
  1574. }
  1575. transform = transform.substring(transform.indexOf("(")+1);
  1576. transform = transform.substring(0, transform.indexOf(")"));
  1577. var scaleList = transform.split(/,\s*/g);
  1578. var scaleY = scaleList[3];
  1579. var scale = (scaleY || 1).toFloat();
  1580. if ((scrollNode.getScrollSize().y*scale-1)>scrollNode.getSize().y){
  1581. break;
  1582. }
  1583. }
  1584. scrollNode = scrollNode.getParent();
  1585. }
  1586. this.filetextScrollNode = scrollNode;
  1587. }
  1588. var h = toolbarNode.getSize().y;
  1589. var position = node.getPosition();
  1590. var size = node.getSize();
  1591. var contentSize = this.filetextScrollNode.getSize();
  1592. if (layout.userLayout && layout.userLayout.scale && layout.userLayout.scale!==1){
  1593. var x = editor.editable().$.getPosition().x;
  1594. toolbarNode.setStyle("left", ""+x+"px");
  1595. }
  1596. toolbarNode.setStyle("min-width", "530px");
  1597. if (position.y<0 && size.y+position.y+h<contentSize.y){
  1598. var tp = this.toolbar.node.getPosition();
  1599. var tsy = this.toolbar.node.getSize().y;
  1600. var h = tp.y+tsy;
  1601. toolbarNode.setStyle("top", ""+h+"px");
  1602. }else if (position.y-h<0){
  1603. var tp = this.toolbar.node.getPosition();
  1604. var tsy = this.toolbar.node.getSize().y;
  1605. var h = tp.y+tsy;
  1606. toolbarNode.setStyle("top", ""+h+"px");
  1607. }else{
  1608. var p = node.getPosition().y-h;
  1609. toolbarNode.setStyle("top", "" + p + "px");
  1610. }
  1611. }
  1612. },
  1613. locationFiletextToolbar: function(editorName){
  1614. // this.getFiletextToolber(editorName);
  1615. // var toolbarNode = (editorName) ? this[editorName+"ToolbarNode"] : this.filetextToolbarNode;
  1616. //
  1617. // toolbarNode.inject(this.scrollNode, "bottom");
  1618. // toolbarNode.setStyles({
  1619. // "position": "absolute",
  1620. // "top": "40px"
  1621. // });
  1622. this.reLocationFiletextToolbar(editorName);
  1623. var toolbarNode = (editorName) ? this[editorName+"ToolbarNode"] : this.filetextToolbarNode;
  1624. if (toolbarNode) {
  1625. var scrollNode = this.contentNode;
  1626. while (scrollNode){
  1627. if (scrollNode.getStyle("overflow")=="auto" || scrollNode.getStyle("overflow-y")=="auto"){
  1628. var transform;
  1629. if (window.getComputedStyle){
  1630. transform = window.getComputedStyle(this.contentNode).transform;
  1631. }else{
  1632. transform = currentStyle.transform
  1633. }
  1634. transform = transform.substring(transform.indexOf("(")+1);
  1635. transform = transform.substring(0, transform.indexOf(")"));
  1636. var scaleList = transform.split(/,\s*/g);
  1637. var scaleY = scaleList[3];
  1638. var scale = (scaleY || 1).toFloat();
  1639. if ((scrollNode.getScrollSize().y*scale-1)>scrollNode.getSize().y){
  1640. break;
  1641. }
  1642. }
  1643. scrollNode = scrollNode.getParent();
  1644. }
  1645. if (scrollNode){
  1646. this.filetextScrollNode = scrollNode
  1647. if (editorName){
  1648. if (this.reLocationAttachmentTextToolbarFun) this.filetextScrollNode.removeEvent("scroll", this.reLocationAttachmentTextToolbarFun);
  1649. if (!this.reLocationAttachmentTextToolbarFun) this.reLocationAttachmentTextToolbarFun = function(){
  1650. this.reLocationFiletextToolbarEvent(editorName);
  1651. }.bind(this);
  1652. this.filetextScrollNode.addEvent("scroll", this.reLocationAttachmentTextToolbarFun);
  1653. }else{
  1654. if (this.reLocationFiletextToolbarFun) this.filetextScrollNode.removeEvent("scroll", this.reLocationFiletextToolbarFun);
  1655. if (!this.reLocationFiletextToolbarFun) this.reLocationFiletextToolbarFun = this.reLocationFiletextToolbarEvent.bind(this);
  1656. this.filetextScrollNode.addEvent("scroll", this.reLocationFiletextToolbarFun);
  1657. }
  1658. }
  1659. }
  1660. },
  1661. _isAllowEdit:function(){
  1662. if (this.readonly) return false;
  1663. if (this.json.allowEdit=="n") return false;
  1664. if (this.json.allowEdit=="s"){
  1665. if (this.json.allowEditScript && this.json.allowEditScript.code){
  1666. return !!this.form.Macro.exec(this.json.allowEditScript.code, this);
  1667. }
  1668. }
  1669. return true;
  1670. },
  1671. _isAllowPrint: function(){
  1672. if (this.json.allowPrint=="n") return false;
  1673. if (this.json.allowPrint=="s"){
  1674. if (this.json.allowPrintScript && this.json.allowPrintScript.code){
  1675. return !!this.form.Macro.exec(this.json.allowPrintScript.code, this);
  1676. }
  1677. }
  1678. return true;
  1679. },
  1680. _isAllowHistory: function(){
  1681. if (this.json.allowHistory=="n") return false;
  1682. if (this.json.allowHistory=="s"){
  1683. if (this.json.allowHistoryScript && this.json.allowHistoryScript.code){
  1684. return !!this.form.Macro.exec(this.json.allowHistoryScript.code, this);
  1685. }
  1686. }
  1687. return true;
  1688. },
  1689. _getEdit: function(name, typeItem, scriptItem){
  1690. switch (this.json[typeItem]) {
  1691. case "y":
  1692. return true;
  1693. case "n":
  1694. return false;
  1695. case "s":
  1696. if (this.json[scriptItem] && this.json[scriptItem].code){
  1697. return !!this.form.Macro.exec(this.json[scriptItem].code, this);
  1698. }
  1699. return true;
  1700. }
  1701. },
  1702. loadCkeditorStyle: function(node){
  1703. if (node){
  1704. o2.load("ckeditor", function(){
  1705. //CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
  1706. node.setAttribute('contenteditable', true);
  1707. var editor = CKEDITOR.inline(this.layout_filetext, this._getEditorConfig());
  1708. this.filetextEditor.on("instanceReady", function(e){
  1709. if (callback) callback(e);
  1710. }.bind(this));
  1711. }.bind(this));
  1712. }
  1713. },
  1714. _loadToolbars: function(){
  1715. var html ="";
  1716. var editdoc, printdoc, history, fullscreen=MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.fullScreen;
  1717. if ({
  1718. editdoc = MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.editdoc_mobile;
  1719. printdoc = MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.printdoc_mobile;
  1720. history = MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.history_mobile;
  1721. }else{
  1722. editdoc = MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.editdoc;
  1723. printdoc = MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.printdoc;
  1724. history = MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.history;
  1725. }
  1726. // if (this.allowEdit){
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  1728. // html += "<span MWFnodetype=\"MWFToolBarButton\" MWFButtonImage=\"../x_component_process_Xform/$Form/default/icon/editdoc.png\" title=\""+editdoc+"\" MWFButtonAction=\"_switchReadOrEditInline\" MWFButtonText=\""+editdoc+"\"></span>";
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  1730. // }
  1731. if (this.allowPrint){
  1732. html += "<span MWFnodetype=\"MWFToolBarButton\" MWFButtonImage=\"../x_component_process_Xform/$Form/default/icon/print.png\" title=\""+printdoc+"\" MWFButtonAction=\"_printDoc\" MWFButtonText=\""+printdoc+"\"></span>";
  1733. }
  1734. if (this.allowHistory){
  1735. html += "<span MWFnodetype=\"MWFToolBarButton\" MWFButtonImage=\"../x_component_process_Xform/$Form/default/icon/versions.png\" title=\""+history+"\" MWFButtonAction=\"_historyDoc\" MWFButtonText=\""+history+"\"></span>";
  1736. }
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  1739. }
  1740. // if (this.json.fullWidth=="y"){
  1741. // html += "<span style='line-height: 26px; color: #999999; font-size: 12px'>已启用半角空格自动转换为全角空格,如需输入半角空格,请使用:SHIFT+空格</span>"
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  1743. this.toolbarNode = new Element("div", {"styles": this.css.doc_toolbar_node}).inject(this.toolNode);
  1744. this.toolbarNode.set("html", html);
  1745. MWF.require("MWF.widget.Toolbar", function() {
  1746. this.toolbar = new MWF.widget.Toolbar(this.toolbarNode, {"style": "documentEdit"}, this);
  1747. this.toolbar.load();
  1748. }.bind(this));
  1749. if (!{
  1750. this.scrollNode = this.toolbarNode.getParentSrcollNode();
  1751. if (this.scrollNode){
  1752. this.scrollNode.addEvent("scroll", function(){
  1753. this.resetToolbarEvent();
  1754. }.bind(this));
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  1757. //if (this.json.canDoublePage!=="n" && !{
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  1759. this.doublePageAction.addEvent("click", function(){
  1760. if (this.options.pageShow!=="double"){
  1761. this._doublePage();
  1762. }else{
  1763. this.options.pageShow="single";
  1764. this.reload();
  1765. // this._singlePage();
  1766. var _self = this;
  1767. window.setTimeout(function(){
  1768. _self.scaleTo(_self.documenteditorScale);
  1769. },10);
  1770. }
  1771. }.bind(this));
  1772. if (this.json.canDoublePage==="n" || this.doublePageAction.hide();
  1773. //}
  1774. this.zoomActionArea = new Element("div", {"styles": {"float": "right", "margin-right": "10px"}}).inject(this.toolbarNode);
  1775. if (this.json.isScale !== "y") this.zoomActionArea.hide();
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  1785. "background-color": "#ffffff",
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  1787. },
  1788. "text": "+"
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  1800. "margin-left": "5px"
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  1802. "text": "100%"
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  1816. "text": "-"
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  1873. v = v-0.05;
  1874. if (v<0.5) v = 0.5;
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  1876. this.scaleTo(v);
  1877. o2.UD.putData("documenteditorScale", {"scale": this.scale});
  1878. this.documenteditorScale = this.scale;
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  1881. _fullScreen: function(){
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  1916. bt.setText(MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.fullScreen);
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  1944. // this.fullScreenScrollResizeToolbarFun = function(){this.resizeToolbar(this.fullScreenScrollNode);}.bind(this);
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  1948. bt.setText(MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.returnScreen);
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  1956. // this.getData();
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  1960. },20)
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  1962. /**缩放文件内容
  1963. * @param scale{Number} 缩放的比率
  1964. * @example
  1965. * this.form.get("fieldId").scaleTo(0.5);
  1966. */
  1967. scaleTo: function(scale){
  1968. //this._returnScale();
  1969. this.isScale = false;
  1970. this.scale = scale;
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  1986. // margin = 10;
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  1995. this.resetNodeSize();
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  2007. this._checkScale();
  2008. }
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  2010. this._checkScale();
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  2013. _contentNodeWitdh: function(){
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  2121. _doublePage: function(){
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  2128. window.setTimeout(function(){
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  2182. _getDefaultData: function(){
  2183. return Object.clone(this.json.defaultValue);
  2184. //return Object.clone(MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.documentEditor);
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  2186. _loadFiletextPage: function(callback){
  2187. = this._getBusinessData();
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  2189. this._computeData(true);
  2190. this._createPage(function(control){
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  2192. // = this._getBusinessData();
  2193. // if (! = this._getDefaultData();
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  2207. if (!this.editMode && this.allowEdit && !this.historyMode){
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  2209. //if (this.loadFileTextEditFun) this.layout_filetext.removeEvent("click", this.loadFileTextEditFun);
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  2212. if (callback) callback();
  2213. }.bind(this));
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  2341. editorConfig.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles = false;
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  2345. editorConfig.removePlugins = ['magicline','cloudservices','easyimage', 'exportpdf'];
  2346. editorConfig.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV;
  2347. editorConfig.pasteFilter = "plain-text";
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  2349. // editorConfig.removePlugins = ['magicline'];
  2350. // editorConfig.mathJaxLib = '';
  2351. if (this.json.ckeditConfigOptions && this.json.ckeditConfigOptions.code){
  2352. var o = this.form.Macro.exec(this.json.ckeditConfigOptions.code, this);
  2353. if (o) editorConfig = Object.merge(editorConfig, o);
  2354. }
  2355. if (editorName){
  2356. editorConfig.removeButtons = editorConfig.removeButtons.split(/,\s*/).erase("PageBreak").join(",");
  2357. var tags = editorConfig.format_tags.split(/;\s*/);
  2358. if (tags.indexOf("附件标题")==-1){
  2359. editorConfig.format_tags = "附件标题"+((editorConfig.format_tags) ? ";" : "")+editorConfig.format_tags;
  2360. }
  2361. if (tags.indexOf("附件序号")==-1){
  2362. editorConfig.format_tags = "附件序号"+((editorConfig.format_tags) ? ";" : "")+editorConfig.format_tags;
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  2365. name: '附件序号',
  2366. element: 'div',
  2367. styles: {
  2368. 'font-family': '黑体',
  2369. 'font-size': '16pt'
  2370. }
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  2372. if (!editorConfig["format_附件标题"]) editorConfig["format_附件标题"] = {
  2373. name: '附件标题',
  2374. element: 'div',
  2375. styles: {
  2376. 'font-family': '方正小标宋简体',
  2377. 'font-size': '22pt',
  2378. 'text-align': 'center'
  2379. }
  2380. }
  2381. }
  2382. return editorConfig;
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  2384. _checkSplitPage: function(pageNode){
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  2396. _splitFiletextNodeOneWord:function(lnode, nextPageNode){
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  2434. this._splitFiletext(lnode, nextPageNode, nextFiletextNode, pageNode);
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  2447. if (lnode.parentNode) lnode.parentNode.removeChild(lnode);
  2448. }
  2449. lnode = tmpnode;
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  2471. var node = blockNode;
  2472. var nextPageNode = filetextNode;
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  2483. transWidth: function(node){
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  2489. //nothing
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  2495. },
  2496. insertFullWidth: function(node, txt){
  2497. if (!node) return '';
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  2501. return true;
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  2503. //nothing
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  2505. var flag = this.insertFullWidth(node.firstChild, txt);
  2506. if (flag) return true;
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  2508. node = node.nextSibling;
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  2511. loadCkeditorFiletext: function(callback, inline, node, editorName){
  2512. if (node || this.layout_filetext){
  2513. o2.load("../o2_lib/htmleditor/ckeditor4161/ckeditor.js", function(){
  2514. CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
  2515. (node || this.layout_filetext).setAttribute('contenteditable', true);
  2516. var editor;
  2517. try{
  2518. var editorConfig = this._getEditorConfig(editorName);
  2519. editor = CKEDITOR.inline(node || this.layout_filetext, editorConfig);
  2520. this[(editorName || "filetextEditor")] = editor;
  2521. editor.on("instanceReady", function(e){
  2522. var v = e.editor.editable().$.get("text");
  2523. if (!v || v=="  ") e.editor.setData(this.json.defaultValue.filetext);
  2524. if (callback) callback(e);
  2525. }.bind(this));
  2526. editor.on( 'focus', function( e ) {
  2527. window.setTimeout(function(){
  2528. // this.reLocationFiletextToolbar(editorName);
  2529. this.locationFiletextToolbar(editorName);
  2530. }.bind(this), 10);
  2531. var v = e.editor.editable().$.get("text");
  2532. if (!v || v==this.json.defaultValue.filetext){
  2533. e.editor.setData("  ");
  2534. e.editor.focus();
  2535. var range = e.editor.createRange();
  2536. range.moveToElementEditEnd(e.editor.editable());
  2538. }
  2539. }.bind(this) );
  2540. editor.on( 'blur', function( e ) {
  2541. if (!!editorName) this.getAttachmentTextData();
  2542. var v = e.editor.editable().$.get("text");
  2543. if (!v || v=="  ") e.editor.setData(this.json.defaultValue.filetext);
  2544. }.bind(this) );
  2545. editor.on( 'loaded', function( e ) {
  2546. editor.element.$.store("module", this);
  2547. editor.element.$.store("scale", this.scale);
  2548. }.bind(this) );
  2549. editor.on( 'afterPaste', function( e ) {
  2550. }.bind(this));
  2551. editor.on( 'afterPasteFromWord', function( e ) {
  2552. }.bind(this));
  2553. const _self = this;
  2554. editor.on( 'paste', function( e ) {
  2555. var html =;
  2556. //if (this.json.fullWidth=="y") html = html.replace(/\x20/g, " ");
  2557. var rexbr = /\<br\>|\<br \/\>|\<br\/\>/g;
  2558. var rexp = /\<p\>/g;
  2559. if (rexbr.test(html) && !rexp.test(html)){
  2560. var ps = html.split(/\<br\>|\<br \/\>|\<br\/\>/g);
  2561. html = "";
  2562. ps.each(function(p){
  2563. html = html + "<p>"+p+"</p>";
  2564. });
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  2566. var tmp = new Element("div")
  2567. tmp.set("html", html);
  2568. var pList = tmp.getElements("p");
  2569. pList.each(function(p, i){
  2570. //if ("ie"){
  2571. if (this.json.fullWidth!=="n") this.transWidth(p);
  2572. if (!p.getParent("table")){
  2573. var text = p.get("text");
  2574. var rex = /^\u3000*/;
  2575. var m = text.match(rex);
  2576. var l = (m[0]) ? Math.max((2-m[0].length), 0): 2;
  2577. var txt = "";
  2578. // for (var i=0; i<l; i++) txt+=" ";
  2579. // this.insertFullWidth(p.getFirst(), txt);
  2580. for (var i=0; i<l; i++) p.appendText(" ","top");
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  2583. // var textIndent = p.getStyle("text-indent");
  2584. // if (textIndent.toInt()) p.appendText("  ","top");
  2585. //}
  2586. }.bind(this));
  2587. var tableList = tmp.getElements("table");
  2588. if (tableList && tableList.length){
  2589. var w = (node || this.layout_filetext).offsetWidth.toFloat()-2;
  2590. tableList.each(function(table){
  2591. const rTable = _self.cloneTable(table, editorConfig);
  2592. rTable.inject(table, 'after');
  2593. table.destroy();
  2594. // var twstyle = table.getStyle("width");
  2595. // var tws = (twstyle) ? (twstyle.toFloat() || 0) : 0;
  2596. // var twatt = table.get("width");
  2597. // var twa = (twatt) ? (twatt.toFloat() || 0) : 0;
  2598. // var tw = Math.max(tws, twa);
  2599. // if (tw===0 || tw>w){
  2600. // table.setStyle("width", ""+w+"px");
  2601. // }
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  2605. "margin-right": "",
  2606. "word-break": "break-all"
  2607. });
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  2609. // var tdList = tmp.getElements("td");
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  2622. // });
  2623. = tmp.get("html");
  2624. tmp.destroy();
  2625. this.fireEvent("paste");
  2626. }.bind(this) );
  2627. editor.on( 'afterPaste', function( e ) {
  2628. this.resetNodeSize();
  2629. this.fireEvent("afterPaste");
  2630. }.bind(this) );
  2631. editor.on( 'change', function( e ) {
  2632. var h = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
  2633. var scrollNode = this.contentNode;
  2634. while (scrollNode && (scrollNode.getScrollSize().y<=scrollNode.getSize().y || (scrollNode.getStyle("overflow")!=="auto" && scrollNode.getStyle("4-y")!=="auto"))){
  2635. scrollNode = scrollNode.getParent();
  2636. }
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  2638. var top = scrollNode.scrollTop.toFloat();
  2639. scrollNode.scrollTop = h+top;
  2640. }
  2641. document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;
  2642. if (!!editorName) this.getAttachmentTextData();
  2643. o2.defer(this.resetNodeSize, 500, this);
  2644. }.bind(this) );
  2645. editor.on( 'insertElement', function( e ) {
  2646. if ($.tagName.toString().toLowerCase()=="table"){
  2648. "margin-left": "",
  2649. "margin-right": "",
  2650. "word-break": "break-all"
  2651. });
  2652. }
  2653. var tr =$.getElement("tr");
  2654. if (tr){
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  2656. if (tds && tds.length){
  2657. var p = 100/tds.length;
  2658. tds.setStyle("width", ""+p+"%");
  2659. }
  2660. }
  2661. }.bind(this) );
  2662. if (this.json.textIndent!=="n"){
  2663. (node || this.layout_filetext).addEvent("keyup", function(ev){
  2664. if (ev.code==13) editor.insertText("  ");
  2665. }.bind(this));
  2666. }
  2667. if (this.json.fullWidth!=="n"){
  2668. editor.addCommand( 'insertHalfSpace', {
  2669. exec: function( editor ) {
  2670. editor.insertText(" ");
  2671. }
  2672. } );
  2673. editor.setKeystroke( CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 32, 'insertHalfSpace' );
  2674. editor.on("key", function(e){
  2675. if (this.json.fullWidth!=="n") if ({
  2676. e.editor.insertText(" ");
  2677. e.cancel();
  2678. }
  2679. }.bind(this));
  2680. }
  2681. }catch(e){
  2682. editor = this[(editorName || "filetextEditor")];
  2683. }
  2684. }.bind(this));
  2685. }
  2686. },
  2687. getTableWidth(table) {
  2688. var twstyle = table.getStyle("width");
  2689. var tws = (twstyle) ? (parseFloat(twstyle) || 0) : 0;
  2690. var twatt = table.get("width");
  2691. var twa = (twatt) ? (parseFloat(twatt) || 0) : 0;
  2692. return Math.max(tws, twa);
  2693. },
  2694. cloneTable(table, editorConfig) {
  2695. const rows = table.rows;
  2696. const w = this.getTableWidth(table);
  2697. const rTable = new Element('table');
  2698. rTable.set({
  2699. "border": editorConfig.qtBorder,
  2700. "cellpadding": editorConfig.qtCellPadding || 0,
  2701. "cellspacing": editorConfig.qtCellSpacing || 0,
  2702. "class": editorConfig.qtClass
  2703. });
  2704. rTable.setStyles(editorConfig.qtStyle);
  2705. rTable.setStyles({
  2706. "width": editorConfig.qtWidth,
  2707. "word-break": "break-all"
  2708. });
  2709. rTable.dataset.tableType = 'o2';
  2710. for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
  2711. const r = rows.item(i);
  2712. const cr = new Element(r.tagName);
  2713. cr.inject(rTable, 'bottom');
  2714. const cells = r.getElements('td,th');
  2715. cells.forEach((c) => {
  2716. const cc = new Element(c.tagName);
  2717. const rowspan = c.getAttribute('rowspan');
  2718. const colspan = c.getAttribute('colspan');
  2719. if (rowspan) cc.set('rowspan', rowspan);
  2720. if (colspan) cc.set('colspan', colspan);
  2721. const w = c.getStyle('width');
  2722. if (w) cc.setStyle('width', w);
  2723. const pw = c.get('width');
  2724. if (w) cc.set('width', pw);
  2725. cc.set('html', c.get('html'));
  2726. cc.inject(cr, 'bottom');
  2727. });
  2728. }
  2729. return rTable;
  2730. },
  2731. _loadEvents: function(editorConfig){
  2732. Object.each(, function(e, key){
  2733. if (e.code){
  2734. this.editor.on(key, function(event){
  2735. return, this, event);
  2736. }.bind(this), this);
  2737. }
  2738. }.bind(this));
  2739. },
  2740. _bindFieldChange: function(name,dataItem, dom){
  2741. var field = this.form.all[this.json[dataItem]];
  2742. if (field){
  2743. var bindFun = function(){
  2744. this._computeItemFieldData(name, dataItem);
  2745. //if ([name]){
  2746. if (this[dom]){
  2747. if (dom=="layout_redHeader" ||dom=="layout_issuanceUnit" || dom=="layout_meetingAttendContent" || dom=="layout_meetingLeaveContent" || dom=="layout_meetingSitContent" || dom=="layout_meetingRecordContent" || dom=="layout_signer") {
  2748. this[dom].set("html", this.filterHtml([name] || ""));
  2749. }else if (dom=="layout_subject"){
  2750. this[dom].set("html", ([name] || ""));
  2751. }else if (dom=="layout_attachment"){
  2752. this.setAttachmentData();
  2753. }else if (dom=="layout_annotation"){
  2754. var annotation =[name];
  2755. if (annotation){
  2756. if (annotation.substring(0, 1)!=="(") annotation = "("+annotation;
  2757. if (annotation.substring(annotation.length-1, annotation.length)!==")") annotation = annotation+")";
  2758. this[dom].set("text", annotation);
  2759. }else{
  2760. this[dom].set("text", "");
  2761. }
  2762. }else{
  2763. this[dom].set("text",[name]|| "");
  2764. }
  2765. }
  2766. this.reSetShow();
  2767. //}
  2768. }.bind(this);
  2769."bindFun", bindFun);
  2770. field.addModuleEvent("change", bindFun);
  2771. }
  2772. },
  2773. _computeItemFieldData: function(name, dataItem, dataItemNode){
  2774. var v = "";
  2775. var module = (dataItemNode) ? this.form.all[dataItemNode] : this.form.all[this.json[dataItem]];
  2776. if (module && module.getData) v = module.getData();
  2777. if (!v) v = (dataItemNode) ?[dataItemNode] :[this.json[dataItem]];
  2778. if (v){
  2779. var t = o2.typeOf(v);
  2780. switch (t) {
  2781. case "string":
  2782. switch (name) {
  2783. case "issuanceDate":
  2784. case "editionDate":
  2785. var d = new Date(v);
  2786. if (d && d.isValid() && d.getFullYear()!=1970){
  2787. var y = d.getFullYear();
  2788. var m = d.getMonth();
  2789. var day = d.getDate();
  2790. m = m +1;
  2791. var lp = MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP;
  2792.[name] = "";
  2793. }else{
  2794.[name] = v;
  2795. }
  2796. //[name] = (new Date(v).isValid()) ? Date.parse(v).format("%Y年%m月%d%日") : v;
  2797. break;
  2798. case "mainSend":
  2799.[name] = v + ":";
  2800. break;
  2801. case "copyto":
  2802. case "copyto2":
  2803. var flag = (v.substring(v.length-1, v.length)=="。");
  2804.[name] = v + ((flag) ? "" : "。");
  2805. break;
  2806. default:
  2807. if (name==="subject") v = o2.txt(v);
  2808.[name] = v;
  2809. }
  2810. break;
  2811. case "array":
  2812. var strs = [];
  2813. var strLength = 0;
  2814. v.each(function(value){
  2815. if (o2.typeOf(value)=="object" && value.distinguishedName){
  2816. if (>strLength) strLength =;
  2817. strs.push(;
  2818. }else{
  2819. if (value.length>strLength) strLength = value.length;
  2820. strs.push(value.toString());
  2821. }
  2822. });
  2823. //if (strs.length){
  2824. switch (name) {
  2825. case "attachment":
  2826. //[name] =, i){ var j = i+1; return j+"、"+n}).join("<br>");
  2827. var atts ={
  2828. return (a.indexOf(".")!=-1) ? a.substring(0, a.lastIndexOf(".")) : a;
  2829. });
  2830.[name] = atts;
  2831. break;
  2832. case "issuanceDate":
  2833. case "editionDate":
  2834. var tmpStrs =, i){
  2835. var d = Date.parse(n);
  2836. if (d && d.isValid() && d.getFullYear()!=1970){
  2837. var y = d.getFullYear();
  2838. var m = d.getMonth();
  2839. var day = d.getDate();
  2840. m = m +1;
  2841. var lp = MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP;
  2842. return "";
  2843. }else{
  2844. return n;
  2845. }
  2846. //return () ? d.format("%Y年%m月%d日") : n;
  2847. });
  2848.[name] = tmpStrs.join(",");
  2849. break;
  2850. case "signer":
  2851. var signers = "";
  2852. strs.each(function(name, i){
  2853. while (name.length<strLength){ name = name+" ";}
  2854. //signers.push(name);
  2855. if (i % 2==0){
  2856. signers = signers+name+" ";
  2857. }else{
  2858. signers = signers+name+"<br>";
  2859. }
  2860. });
  2861.[name] = signers;
  2862. break;
  2863. case "mainSend":
  2864.[name] = strs.length ? strs.join(",") + ":" : "";
  2865. break;
  2866. case "copyto":
  2867. case "copyto2":
  2868.[name] = strs.length ? strs.join(",") + "。" : "";
  2869. break;
  2870. default:
  2871.[name] = strs.join(",");
  2872. }
  2873. //}
  2874. break;
  2875. default:
  2876.[name] = v.toString();
  2877. }
  2878. }else{
  2879.[name] = this.json.defaultValue[name];
  2880. }
  2881. },
  2882. computeData: function(){
  2883. this._computeData(false);
  2884. this.setData(;
  2885. },
  2886. _computeItemData: function(name, typeItem, dataItem, scriptItem, ev, dom){
  2887. switch (this.json[typeItem]) {
  2888. case "data":
  2889. if (this.json[dataItem]){
  2890. if (ev) this._bindFieldChange(name, dataItem, dom);
  2891. this._computeItemFieldData(name, dataItem);
  2892. }
  2893. break;
  2894. case "script":
  2895. if (this.json[scriptItem] && this.json[scriptItem].code){
  2896. var v = this.form.Macro.exec(this.json[scriptItem].code, this);
  2897.[name] = v;
  2898. if (name=="attachment"){
  2899. //[name] = (typeOf(v)=="array") ?, i){ var j = i+1; return j+"、"+n}).join("<br>") : v;
  2900.[name] = (typeOf(v)=="array") ? v : [v];
  2901. }
  2902. if (name=="signer"){
  2903. var strs = [];
  2904. var strLength = 0;
  2905. if (o2.typeOf(v)!=="array") v = [v];
  2906. v.each(function(value){
  2907. if (o2.typeOf(value)=="object" && value.distinguishedName){
  2908. if (>strLength) strLength =;
  2909. strs.push(;
  2910. }else{
  2911. if (value.length>strLength) strLength = value.length;
  2912. strs.push(value.toString());
  2913. }
  2914. });
  2915. var signers = "";
  2916. strs.each(function(name, i){
  2917. while (name.length<strLength){ name = name+" ";}
  2918. //signers.push(name);
  2919. if (i % 2==0){
  2920. signers = signers+name+" ";
  2921. }else{
  2922. signers = signers+name+"<br>";
  2923. }
  2924. });
  2925.[name] = signers;
  2926. }
  2927. if (name=="issuanceDate" || name=="editionDate"){
  2928. var d = Date.parse(v);
  2929. if (d && d.isValid() && d.getFullYear()!=1970){
  2930. var y = d.getFullYear();
  2931. var m = d.getMonth();
  2932. var day = d.getDate();
  2933. m = m +1;
  2934. var lp = MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP;
  2935.[name] = "";
  2936. }else{
  2937.[name] = v;
  2938. }
  2939. //[name] = (d.isValid() && d.getFullYear()!=1970) ? d.format("%Y年%m月%d日") : v;
  2940. }
  2941. }
  2942. break;
  2943. }
  2944. },
  2945. _computeCustomItemData: function(name, field, ev){
  2946. //if (this.json.customFields[]){
  2947. if (ev) this._bindCustomFieldChange(name, field, name);
  2948. this._computeItemFieldData(name, null, field);
  2949. //}
  2950. },
  2951. _bindCustomFieldChange: function(name, dataItem, dom){
  2952. var field = this.form.all[dataItem];
  2953. if (field){
  2954. var bindFun = function(){
  2955. this._computeItemFieldData(name, null, dataItem);
  2956. //if ([name]){
  2957. if (this[dom]){
  2958. var value =[name] || "";
  2959. var reg = new RegExp("\n","g");
  2960. var text = value.replace(reg,"<br/>");
  2961. if (dom=="layout_redHeader" || dom=="layout_issuanceUnit") {
  2962. this[dom].set("html",[name] || "");
  2963. }else if (dom=="layout_subject"){
  2964. this[dom].set("html", ([name] || ""));
  2965. }else if (dom=="layout_attachment"){
  2966. this.setAttachmentData();
  2967. }else{
  2968. this[dom].set("html", text|| "");
  2969. }
  2970. }
  2971. this.reSetShow();
  2972. //}
  2973. }.bind(this);
  2974."bindFun", bindFun);
  2975. field.addModuleEvent("change", bindFun);
  2976. }
  2977. },
  2978. _computeData: function(ev){
  2979. this._computeItemData("copies", "copiesValueType", "copiesValueData", "copiesValueScript", ev, "layout_copies");
  2980. this._computeItemData("secret", "secretValueType", "secretValueData", "secretValueScript", ev, "layout_secret");
  2981. this._computeItemData("priority", "priorityValueType", "priorityValueData", "priorityValueScript", ev, "layout_priority");
  2982. this._computeItemData("redHeader", "redHeaderValueType", "redHeaderValueData", "redHeaderValueScript", ev, "layout_redHeader");
  2983. this._computeItemData("fileno", "filenoValueType", "filenoValueData", "filenoValueScript", ev, "layout_fileno");
  2984. this._computeItemData("signer", "signerValueType", "signerValueData", "signerValueScript", ev, "layout_signer");
  2985. this._computeItemData("subject", "subjectValueType", "subjectValueData", "subjectValueScript", ev, "layout_subject");
  2986. this._computeItemData("mainSend", "mainSendValueType", "mainSendValueData", "mainSendValueScript", ev, "layout_mainSend");
  2987. this._computeItemData("attachment", "attachmentValueType", "attachmentValueData", "attachmentValueScript", ev, "layout_attachment");
  2988. this._computeItemData("issuanceUnit", "issuanceUnitValueType", "issuanceUnitValueData", "issuanceUnitValueScript", ev, "layout_issuanceUnit");
  2989. this._computeItemData("issuanceDate", "issuanceDateValueType", "issuanceDateValueData", "issuanceDateValueScript", ev, "layout_issuanceDate");
  2990. this._computeItemData("annotation", "annotationValueType", "annotationValueData", "annotationValueScript", ev, "layout_annotation");
  2991. this._computeItemData("copyto", "copytoValueType", "copytoValueData", "copytoValueScript", ev, "layout_copytoContent");
  2992. this._computeItemData("copyto2", "copyto2ValueType", "copyto2ValueData", "copyto2ValueScript", ev, "layout_copyto2Content");
  2993. this._computeItemData("editionUnit", "editionUnitValueType", "editionUnitValueData", "editionUnitValueScript", ev, "layout_edition_issuance_unit");
  2994. this._computeItemData("editionDate", "editionDateValueType", "editionDateValueData", "editionDateValueScript", ev, "layout_edition_issuance_date");
  2995. this._computeItemData("meetingAttend", "meetingAttendValueType", "meetingAttendValueData", "meetingAttendValueScript", ev, "layout_meetingAttendContent");
  2996. this._computeItemData("meetingLeave", "meetingLeaveValueType", "meetingLeaveValueData", "meetingLeaveValueScript", ev, "layout_meetingLeaveContent");
  2997. this._computeItemData("meetingSit", "meetingSitValueType", "meetingSitValueData", "meetingSitValueScript", ev, "layout_meetingSitContent");
  2998. this._computeItemData("meetingRecord", "meetingRecordValueType", "meetingRecordValueData", "meetingRecordValueScript", ev, "layout_meetingRecordContent");
  2999. Object.each(this.json.customFields, function(field, k){
  3000. this._computeCustomItemData(k, field, ev);
  3001. }.bind(this));
  3002. // if (this.customLayouts){
  3003. // this.customLayouts.each(function(l){
  3004. // this._computeCustomItemData(l, ev);
  3005. // }.bind(this))
  3006. // }
  3007. },
  3008. _loadValue: function(){
  3009. var data = this._getBusinessData();
  3010. },
  3011. /**重新计算公文编辑器的所有字段,当字段是脚本时可以使用该方法立即更新
  3012. * @summary 重新计算公文编辑器的所有字段
  3013. * @example
  3014. * this.form.get("fieldId").reload();
  3015. */
  3016. reload: function(callback){
  3017. this.resetData(false, callback);
  3018. },
  3019. resetData: function(diffFiletext, callback){
  3020. this._computeData(false);
  3021. this.pages = [];
  3022. this.editMode = false;
  3023. this._createPage(function(control){
  3024. this._loadPageLayout(control);
  3025. this.setData(, diffFiletext);
  3026. this._repage();
  3027. if (!this.editMode && this.allowEdit && !this.historyMode && this.options.pageShow!=="double") {
  3028. this._editFiletext("inline");
  3029. this.editMode = true;
  3030. }
  3031. if (callback) callback();
  3032. }.bind(this));
  3033. },
  3034. /**
  3035. * @summary 判断公文编辑器的正文内容是否已经填写
  3036. * @return {Boolean} 是否为空
  3037. * @example
  3038. * if( this.form.get("fieldId").isEmpty() ){
  3039. * this.form.notice('请填写正文内容')
  3040. * }
  3041. */
  3042. isEmpty: function(){
  3043. var data = this.getData();
  3044. if( typeOf(data) !== "object" )return true;
  3045. return !data.filetext || data.filetext===this.json.defaultValue.filetext;
  3046. },
  3047. /**
  3048. * @summary 获取公文编辑器数据
  3049. * @return {Object} 公文编辑器的数据
  3050. * @example
  3051. * var data = this.form.get("fieldId").getData();
  3052. */
  3053. getData: function(){
  3054. //if (this.editMode){
  3055. if (this.layout_copies) = this.layout_copies.get("text");
  3056. if (this.layout_secret) = this.layout_secret.get("text");
  3057. if (this.layout_priority) = this.layout_priority.get("text");
  3058. if (this.layout_redHeader) = this.layout_redHeader.get("html");
  3059. if (this.layout_fileno) = this.layout_fileno.get("text");
  3060. if (this.layout_signerTitle) = this.layout_signerTitle.get("text");
  3061. if (this.layout_signer) = this.layout_signer.get("html");
  3062. if (this.layout_subject) = this.layout_subject.get("html");
  3063. if (this.layout_mainSend) = this.layout_mainSend.get("text");
  3064. if (this.editMode) {
  3065. if (this.layout_filetext){
  3066. var text = this.layout_filetext.get("text");
  3067. text = text.replace(/\u3000*/g, "");
  3068. if (text && text !==this.json.defaultValue.filetext){
  3069. = this.layout_filetext.get("html");
  3070. }else{
  3071. = "";
  3072. }
  3073. }
  3074. }
  3075. this.getAttachmentTextData();
  3076. if (this.layout_signer) = this.layout_signer.get("html");
  3077. if (this.layout_attachmentTitle) = this.layout_attachmentTitle.get("text");
  3078. if (this.layout_attachment){
  3079. this._computeItemData("attachment", "attachmentValueType", "attachmentValueData", "attachmentValueScript", false, "layout_attachment");
  3080. // var atts = [];
  3081. // var nodes = this.layout_attachment.getElements(".doc_layout_attachment_content_name");
  3082. // if (nodes.length){
  3083. // nodes.each(function(node){
  3084. // atts.push(node.get("text"));
  3085. // });
  3086. // }
  3087. // = atts;
  3088. }
  3089. if (this.layout_issuanceUnit) = this.layout_issuanceUnit.get("html");
  3090. if (this.layout_issuanceDate) = this.layout_issuanceDate.get("text");
  3091. if (this.layout_annotation){
  3092. var annotation = this.layout_annotation.get("text");
  3093. if (annotation.substring(0,1)=="(") annotation = annotation.substring(1, annotation.length);
  3094. if (annotation.substring(annotation.length-1, annotation.length)==")") annotation = annotation.substring(0, annotation.length-1);
  3095. = annotation;
  3096. }
  3097. if (this.layout_copytoTitle) = this.layout_copytoTitle.get("text");
  3098. if (this.layout_copytoContent) = this.layout_copytoContent.get("text");
  3099. if (this.layout_copyto2Title) = this.layout_copyto2Title.get("text");
  3100. if (this.layout_copyto2Content) = this.layout_copyto2Content.get("text");
  3101. if (this.layout_edition_issuance_unit) = this.layout_edition_issuance_unit.get("text");
  3102. if (this.layout_edition_issuance_date) = this.layout_edition_issuance_date.get("text");
  3103. if (this.layout_meetingAttendTitle) = this.layout_meetingAttendTitle.get("text");
  3104. if (this.layout_meetingLeaveTitle) = this.layout_meetingLeaveTitle.get("text");
  3105. if (this.layout_meetingSitTitle) = this.layout_meetingSitTitle.get("text");
  3106. if (this.layout_meetingAttendContent) = this.layout_meetingAttendContent.get("html");
  3107. if (this.layout_meetingLeaveContent) = this.layout_meetingLeaveContent.get("html");
  3108. if (this.layout_meetingSitContent) = this.layout_meetingSitContent.get("html");
  3109. if (this.layout_meetingRecordContent) = this.layout_meetingRecordContent.get("html");
  3110. this.getSealData();
  3111. if (this.customLayouts){
  3112. this.customLayouts.each(function(l){
  3113.[] = l.node.get("html");
  3114. }.bind(this))
  3115. }
  3116. //}
  3117. return;
  3118. },
  3119. getAttachmentTextData: function(){
  3120. if (this.layout_attachmentText && this.layout_attachmentText.get("contenteditable")=="true"){
  3121. var text = this.layout_attachmentText.get("text");
  3122. text = text.replace(/\u3000*/g, "");
  3123. if (text && text !==MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.documentEditor.attachmentInfor){
  3124. = this.layout_attachmentText.get("html");
  3125. }else{
  3126. = "";
  3127. }
  3128. }
  3129. },
  3130. getSealData: function(){
  3131. if (this.layout_seals && this.layout_seals.length) {
  3132. = [];
  3133. this.layout_seals.each(function(seal){
  3135. }.bind(this));
  3136. }
  3137. },
  3138. setAttachmentData: function(){
  3139. if (!this.attachmentTemplete){
  3140. this.attachmentTemplete = this.layout_attachment.get("html");
  3141. }
  3142. this.layout_attachment.empty();
  3143. if ( && !{
  3144. =,\s*/g);
  3145. }
  3146. if ( && &&{
  3147. //var tmpdiv = new Element("div", {"styles": {"display":"none"}}).inject(document.body);
  3148. var tmpdiv = new Element("div");
  3149., idx){
  3150. tmpdiv.set("html", this.attachmentTemplete);
  3151. var serialNode = tmpdiv.getElement(".doc_layout_attachment_content_serial");
  3152. var nameNode = tmpdiv.getElement(".doc_layout_attachment_content_name");
  3153. if (>1){
  3154. if (serialNode){
  3155. serialNode.set("text", idx+1);
  3156. serialNode.getNext().set("text", ".");
  3157. }
  3158. }else{
  3159. if (serialNode){
  3160. serialNode.set("text", "");
  3161. serialNode.getNext().set("text", "");
  3162. }
  3163. }
  3164. if (nameNode) nameNode.set("text", name);
  3165. var html = tmpdiv.get("html");
  3166. tmpdiv.empty();
  3167. this.layout_attachment.appendHTML(html);
  3168. }.bind(this));
  3169. tmpdiv.destroy();
  3170. }
  3171. },
  3172. setAttachmentText: function(data){
  3173. this.layout_attachmentText.empty();
  3174. if (data.attachmentText){
  3175. this.layout_attachmentText.set("html", data.attachmentText);
  3176. }else{
  3177. if (this._getEdit("attachmentText", "attachmentTextEdit", "attachmentTextEditScript")){
  3178. this.layout_attachmentText.set("text", MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.documentEditor.attachmentInfor);
  3179. }
  3180. }
  3181. },
  3182. filterHtml: function(html){
  3183. var content = html.replace(/(?:<script[\s\S]*?)(?:(?:<\/script>)|(?:\/>))/gmi, "");
  3184. // content = content.replace(/(?<=[\"\'])javascript\:(?=.*")/gmi, "");
  3185. //content = content.replace(/(?<=\s)on\w*|src|href(?=\=[\"\'])/gmi, function(match){
  3186. content = content.replace(/\son\w*|src|href(?=\=[\"\'])/gmi, function(match){
  3187. return "data-"+match;
  3188. });
  3189. return content;
  3190. },
  3191. /**设置公文编辑器数据
  3192. * @param {Object} data
  3193. * @example
  3194. * var data = this.form.get("fieldId").getData();
  3195. * data.filetext = "测试内容";
  3196. * this.form.get("fieldId").setData(data);
  3197. */
  3198. setData: function(data, diffFiletext){
  3199. if (data){
  3200. = data;
  3201. //["$json"] = this.json;
  3202. this._setBusinessData(data);
  3203. if (this.layout_copies){
  3204. if (data.copies){
  3205. this.layout_copies.set("text", data.copies || " ");
  3206. }else{
  3207. this.layout_copies.set("html", "<span>&nbsp</span>");
  3208. }
  3209. }
  3210. if (this.layout_secret){
  3211. if (data.secret){
  3212. this.layout_secret.set("text", data.secret || " ");
  3213. }else{
  3214. this.layout_secret.set("html", "<span>&nbsp</span>");
  3215. }
  3216. }
  3217. if (this.layout_priority){
  3218. if (data.priority){
  3219. this.layout_priority.set("text", data.priority || " ");
  3220. }else{
  3221. this.layout_priority.set("html", "<span>&nbsp</span>");
  3222. }
  3223. }
  3224. if (this.layout_redHeader) this.layout_redHeader.set("html", data.redHeader || "");
  3225. if (this.layout_fileno) this.layout_fileno.set("text", data.fileno || " ");
  3226. if (this.layout_signerTitle) this.layout_signerTitle.set("text", data.signerTitle || " ");
  3227. if (this.layout_signer) this.layout_signer.set("html", data.signer || " ");
  3228. if (this.layout_subject) this.layout_subject.set("html", data.subject || " ");
  3229. if (this.layout_mainSend) this.layout_mainSend.set("text", data.mainSend || " ");
  3230. if (diffFiletext) {
  3231. this.layout_filetext.set("html", diffFiletext);
  3232. }else if (this.layout_filetext){
  3233. //this.layout_filetext.set("placeholder", this.json.defaultValue.filetext);
  3234. var html = data.filetext.replace(/(?:<script(?:\s+[\w-]+(?:=(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'))?)*\s*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script\s*>)|(?:on\w+\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'))|(?:javascript:.*)/g, '');
  3235. this.layout_filetext.set("html", html);
  3236. // this.layout_filetext.set("html", data.filetext || "  ");
  3237. // var tableList = this.layout_filetext.getElements("table");
  3238. // if (tableList && tableList.length){
  3239. // // var w = this.layout_filetext.offsetWidth;
  3240. // // tableList.setStyle("width", ""+w+"px");
  3241. // tableList.setStyles({
  3242. // "margin-left": "",
  3243. // "margin-right": "",
  3244. // "word-break": "break-all"
  3245. // });
  3246. // }
  3247. }
  3248. if (this.layout_signer) this.layout_signer.set("html", data.signer || "");
  3249. if (this.layout_attachmentTitle) this.layout_attachmentTitle.set("text", data.attachmentTitle || " ");
  3250. if (this.layout_attachment){
  3251. this.setAttachmentData();
  3252. }
  3253. if (this.layout_attachmentText){
  3254. this.setAttachmentText(data);
  3255. }
  3256. if (this.layout_issuanceUnit) this.layout_issuanceUnit.set("html", data.issuanceUnit || " ");
  3257. if (this.layout_issuanceDate) this.layout_issuanceDate.set("text", data.issuanceDate || " ");
  3258. if (this.layout_annotation){
  3259. var annotation = data.annotation;
  3260. if (annotation){
  3261. if (annotation.substring(0, 1)!=="(") annotation = "("+annotation;
  3262. if (annotation.substring(annotation.length-1, annotation.length)!==")") annotation = annotation+")";
  3263. this.layout_annotation.set("text", annotation);
  3264. }else{
  3265. this.layout_annotation.set("text", "");
  3266. }
  3267. }
  3268. if (this.layout_copytoTitle) this.layout_copytoTitle.set("text", data.copytoTitle || " ");
  3269. if (this.layout_copytoContent) this.layout_copytoContent.set("text", data.copyto || " ");
  3270. if (this.layout_copyto2Title) this.layout_copyto2Title.set("text", data.copyto2Title || " ");
  3271. if (this.layout_copyto2Content) this.layout_copyto2Content.set("text", data.copyto2 || " ");
  3272. if (this.layout_edition_issuance_unit) this.layout_edition_issuance_unit.set("text", data.editionUnit || " ");
  3273. if (this.layout_edition_issuance_date) this.layout_edition_issuance_date.set("text", data.editionDate || " ");
  3274. if (this.layout_meetingAttendTitle) this.layout_meetingAttendTitle.set("text", data.meetingAttendTitle || this.json.defaultValue.meetingAttendTitle || " ");
  3275. if (this.layout_meetingLeaveTitle) this.layout_meetingLeaveTitle.set("text", data.meetingLeaveTitle || this.json.defaultValue.meetingLeaveTitle || " ");
  3276. if (this.layout_meetingSitTitle) this.layout_meetingSitTitle.set("text", data.meetingSitTitle || this.json.defaultValue.meetingSitTitle || " ");
  3277. if (this.layout_meetingAttendContent) this.layout_meetingAttendContent.set("html", this.filterHtml(data.meetingAttend || " "));
  3278. if (this.layout_meetingLeaveContent) this.layout_meetingLeaveContent.set("html", this.filterHtml(data.meetingLeave || " "));
  3279. if (this.layout_meetingSitContent) this.layout_meetingSitContent.set("html", this.filterHtml(data.meetingSit || " "));
  3280. if (this.layout_meetingRecordContent) this.layout_meetingRecordContent.set("html", this.filterHtml(data.meetingRecord || " "));
  3281. if (this.layout_seals){
  3282. if (data.seals && data.seals.length){
  3283. data.seals.each(function(src, i){
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  3288. "border": "0",
  3289. "border-radius": "0",
  3290. "z-index": -1
  3291. });
  3292. }
  3293. }.bind(this));
  3294. }
  3295. }
  3296. if (this.customLayouts){
  3297. this.customLayouts.each(function(l){
  3298. var value =[] || "";
  3299. var reg = new RegExp("\n","g");
  3300. var text = value.replace(reg,"<br/>");
  3301. l.node.set("html",text || " ");
  3302. }.bind(this))
  3303. }
  3304. if (this.layout_issuanceUnit && this.layout_issuanceDate ){
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  3306. if (table && !table.hasClass("doc_layout_headIssuance")){
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  3310. "letter-spacing": "-0.2pt"
  3311. }).x;
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  3313. "font-size":"16pt",
  3314. "font-family":"'Times New Roman',仿宋_GB2312",
  3315. "letter-spacing": "-0.2pt"
  3316. }).x;
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  3318. if (unitWidth<=dateWidth){
  3319. //日期右空四字,单位相对与日期居中
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  3322. flagTd = this.layout_issuanceDate.getParent("td").getNext("td");
  3323. if (flagTd) flagTd.setStyle("width", "64pt");
  3324. var dateP = this.layout_issuanceDate.getParent("p");
  3325. if (dateP){
  3326. dateP.setStyle("text-align", "right");
  3327. var span = dateP.getElement("");
  3328. if (span) span.destroy();
  3329. }
  3330. }else{
  3331. var flagTd = this.layout_issuanceUnit.getParent("td").getNext("td");
  3332. if (flagTd) flagTd.setStyle("width", "32pt");
  3333. flagTd = this.layout_issuanceDate.getParent("td").getNext("td");
  3334. if (flagTd) flagTd.setStyle("width", "32pt");
  3335. var dateP = this.layout_issuanceDate.getParent("p");
  3336. if (dateP){
  3337. dateP.setStyle("text-align", "left");
  3338. var span = dateP.getElement("");
  3339. if (!span) new Element("", { "html": "&#x3000;&#x3000;" }).inject(dateP, "top");
  3340. }
  3341. }
  3342. }else{
  3343. if (unitWidth<=dateWidth){
  3344. //日期右空四字,单位相对与日期居中
  3345. var flagTd = this.layout_issuanceDate.getParent("td").getNext("td");
  3346. if (flagTd) {
  3347. var pt = 16*4; //空四字
  3348. flagTd.setStyle("width", "" + pt + "pt");
  3349. flagTd = this.layout_issuanceUnit.getParent("td").getNext("td");
  3350. if (flagTd) flagTd.setStyle("width", "" + pt + "pt");
  3351. }
  3352. //var dateTd = this.layout_issuanceDate.getParent("td");
  3353. var unitTd = this.layout_issuanceUnit.getParent("td");
  3354. unitTd.setStyle("width", dateWidth);
  3355. var p = this.layout_issuanceUnit.getParent("p");
  3356. if (p) p.setStyle("text-align", "center");
  3357. }else{
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  3359. if (flagTd) flagTd.setStyle("width", "32pt");
  3360. var unitTd = this.layout_issuanceUnit.getParent("td");
  3361. unitTd.setStyle("width", "auto");
  3362. flagTd = this.layout_issuanceDate.getParent("td").getNext("td");
  3363. if (flagTd) flagTd.setStyle("width", "64pt");
  3364. var p = this.layout_issuanceDate.getParent("p");
  3365. if (p) p.setStyle("text-align", "right");
  3366. }
  3367. }
  3368. }
  3369. }
  3370. var coptyToTitleNode = (this.layout_copytoTitle || this.layout_copyto2Title);
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  3376. var cell = rows[i].cells[0];
  3377. var tmp = cell.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_issuance_unit");
  3378. if (!tmp) tmp = cell.getElement(".doc_layout_edition_issuance_date");
  3379. if (!tmp){
  3380. var text = cell.get("text").trim();
  3381. var l = 14*text.length;
  3382. var wl = 19*text.length;
  3383. cell.setStyles({
  3384. "max-width": ""+l+"pt",
  3385. "min-width": ""+l+"pt",
  3386. "width": ""+wl+"pt"
  3387. });
  3388. }
  3389. }
  3390. }
  3391. }
  3392. }
  3393. },
  3394. createErrorNode: function(text){
  3395. var node = new Element("div");
  3396. var iconNode = new Element("div", {
  3397. "styles": {
  3398. "width": "20px",
  3399. "height": "20px",
  3400. "float": "left",
  3401. "background": "url("+"../x_component_process_Xform/$Form/default/icon/error.png) center center no-repeat"
  3402. }
  3403. }).inject(node);
  3404. var textNode = new Element("div", {
  3405. "styles": {
  3406. "line-height": "20px",
  3407. "margin-left": "20px",
  3408. "color": "red",
  3409. "word-break": "keep-all"
  3410. },
  3411. "text": text
  3412. }).inject(node);
  3413. return node;
  3414. },
  3415. notValidationMode: function(text){
  3416. if (!this.isNotValidationMode){
  3417. this.isNotValidationMode = true;
  3418."borderStyle", this.node.getStyles("border-left", "border-right", "border-top", "border-bottom"));
  3419. this.node.setStyle("border", "1px solid red");
  3420. this.errNode = this.createErrorNode(text).inject(this.node, "after");
  3421. this.showNotValidationMode(this.node);
  3422. }
  3423. },
  3424. showNotValidationMode: function(node){
  3425. var p = node.getParent("div");
  3426. if (p){
  3427. if (p.get("MWFtype") == "tab$Content"){
  3428. if (p.getParent("div").getStyle("display")=="none"){
  3429. var contentAreaNode = p.getParent("div").getParent("div");
  3430. var tabAreaNode = contentAreaNode.getPrevious("div");
  3431. var idx = contentAreaNode.getChildren().indexOf(p.getParent("div"));
  3432. var tabNode = tabAreaNode.getLast().getFirst().getChildren()[idx];
  3434. p = tabAreaNode.getParent("div");
  3435. }
  3436. }
  3437. this.showNotValidationMode(p);
  3438. }
  3439. },
  3440. validationMode: function(){
  3441. if (this.isNotValidationMode){
  3442. this.isNotValidationMode = false;
  3443. this.node.setStyles(this.node.retrieve("borderStyle"));
  3444. if (this.errNode){
  3445. this.errNode.destroy();
  3446. this.errNode = null;
  3447. }
  3448. }
  3449. },
  3450. validationConfigItem: function(routeName, data){
  3451. var flag = (data.status=="all") ? true: (routeName == data.decision);
  3452. if (flag){
  3453. var n = this.getData();
  3454. var v = (data.valueType=="value") ? n : n.length;
  3455. switch (data.operateor){
  3456. case "isnull":
  3457. if (!v){
  3458. this.notValidationMode(data.prompt);
  3459. return false;
  3460. }
  3461. break;
  3462. case "notnull":
  3463. if (v){
  3464. this.notValidationMode(data.prompt);
  3465. return false;
  3466. }
  3467. break;
  3468. case "gt":
  3469. if (v>data.value){
  3470. this.notValidationMode(data.prompt);
  3471. return false;
  3472. }
  3473. break;
  3474. case "lt":
  3475. if (v<data.value){
  3476. this.notValidationMode(data.prompt);
  3477. return false;
  3478. }
  3479. break;
  3480. case "equal":
  3481. if (v==data.value){
  3482. this.notValidationMode(data.prompt);
  3483. return false;
  3484. }
  3485. break;
  3486. case "neq":
  3487. if (v!=data.value){
  3488. this.notValidationMode(data.prompt);
  3489. return false;
  3490. }
  3491. break;
  3492. case "contain":
  3493. if (v.indexOf(data.value)!=-1){
  3494. this.notValidationMode(data.prompt);
  3495. return false;
  3496. }
  3497. break;
  3498. case "notcontain":
  3499. if (v.indexOf(data.value)==-1){
  3500. this.notValidationMode(data.prompt);
  3501. return false;
  3502. }
  3503. break;
  3504. }
  3505. }
  3506. return true;
  3507. },
  3508. validationConfig: function(routeName, opinion){
  3509. if (this.json.validationConfig){
  3510. if (this.json.validationConfig.length){
  3511. for (var i=0; i<this.json.validationConfig.length; i++) {
  3512. var data = this.json.validationConfig[i];
  3513. if (!this.validationConfigItem(routeName, data)) return false;
  3514. }
  3515. }
  3516. return true;
  3517. }
  3518. return true;
  3519. },
  3520. validation: function(routeName, opinion){
  3521. if (!this.validationConfig(routeName, opinion)) return false;
  3522. if (!this.json.validation) return true;
  3523. if (!this.json.validation.code) return true;
  3524. this.currentRouteName = routeName;
  3525. var flag = this.form.Macro.exec(this.json.validation.code, this);
  3526. this.currentRouteName = "";
  3527. if (!flag) flag = MWF.xApplication.process.Xform.LP.notValidation;
  3528. if (flag.toString()!="true"){
  3529. this.notValidationMode(flag);
  3530. return false;
  3531. }
  3532. return true;
  3533. },
  3534. removeDisplayNone: function(node){
  3535. var n = node.getFirst();
  3536. while (n){
  3537. if (n.getStyle("display")=="none" || (this.json.toWordSeal=="n" && n.hasClass("doc_layout_seal"))){
  3538. var tmp = n.getNext();
  3539. n.destroy();
  3540. n = tmp;
  3541. }else{
  3542. n = this.removeDisplayNone(n);
  3543. n = n.getNext();
  3544. }
  3545. }
  3546. return node;
  3547. },
  3548. /**将公文编辑器内容以html形式输出
  3549. * @return {String}
  3550. * @example
  3551. * var html = this.form.get("fieldId").getDocumentHtml();
  3552. */
  3553. getDocumentHtml: function(){
  3554. var docNode = this.contentNode.getFirst().getFirst();
  3555. var filetextNode = docNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filetext");
  3556. var tables = filetextNode.getElements("table");
  3557. tables.each(function(table){
  3558. var tableWidth = table.offsetWidth;
  3559. table.set("data-o2-width", tableWidth);
  3560. // var tr = table.getElement("tr");
  3561. // if (tr){
  3562. table.getElements("td").each(function(td){
  3563. var tdx = td.offsetWidth;
  3564. var p = (tdx/tableWidth)*100;
  3565. td.set("data-o2-width", tdx);
  3566. });
  3567. //}
  3568. });
  3569. var tmpNode = this.contentNode.getFirst().getFirst().clone(true);
  3570. var htmlNode = tmpNode.getLast();
  3571. htmlNode = this.removeDisplayNone(htmlNode);
  3572. var nodes = tmpNode.querySelectorAll("[data-w-style]");
  3573. if (nodes.length){
  3574. for (var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++){
  3575. var n = nodes.item(i);
  3576. wStyle = n.dataset["wStyle"];
  3577. var styles = wStyle.split(/\s*\;\s*/g);
  3578. styles.each(function(style){
  3579. if (style){
  3580. try{
  3581. s = style.split(/\s*\:\s*/g);
  3582. n.setStyle(s[0], s[1]);
  3583. }catch(e) {}
  3584. }
  3585. });
  3586. }
  3587. }
  3588. var filetextNode = tmpNode.getElement(".doc_layout_filetext");
  3589. filetextNode.getElements("td").setStyle("width", "");
  3590. //var tables = filetextNode.getElements("table");
  3591. var tables = tmpNode.querySelectorAll("table[data-o2-width]");
  3592. for (var i=0; i<tables.length; i++){
  3593. tables[i].setStyle("width", tables[i].dataset["o2Width"]+"px");
  3594. }
  3595. var tds = tmpNode.querySelectorAll("td[data-o2-width]");
  3596. for (var i=0; i<tds.length; i++){
  3597. tds[i].setStyle("width", tds[i].dataset["o2Width"]+"px");
  3598. }
  3599. var htmlStr = tmpNode.get("html");
  3600. tmpNode.destroy();
  3601. return "<html xmlns:v=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml\"><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\" /></head><body>"+htmlStr+"</body></html>";
  3602. },
  3603. /**
  3604. * @summary 将公文编辑器转换成附件,转换的文件名和格式等信息与配置有关
  3605. * @param {Function} [callback] 转换后的回调方法,参数是附件数据.
  3606. * @param {string} [name] - 如果为空或者不传,转换的文件名和格式等信息与配置有关.
  3607. * @example
  3608. * this.form.get("fieldId").toWord( function(attachmentData){
  3609. * //attachmentData 转换后的附件数据
  3610. * })
  3611. */
  3612. toWord: function(callback, name, cb, notSave){
  3613. var docNmae = name || this.json.toWordFilename || ||["$work"].title;
  3614. this.getData();
  3615. this.reload(function(){
  3616. if (! && this.layout_attachmentText){
  3617. this.layout_attachmentText.set("text", "");
  3618. }
  3619. var fileName = docNmae || this.json.toWordFilename || "$doc";
  3620. var n = fileName.lastIndexOf(".");
  3621. if (this.json.wordConversionType==="service"){
  3622. if (n==-1) fileName = fileName+".doc";
  3623. var content = encodeURIComponent(this.getDocumentHtml());
  3624. var body = {
  3625. "fileName": fileName,
  3626. "site": this.json.toWordSite || "$doc",
  3627. "content": content
  3628. };
  3629. this.toWordServiceService(body, callback, cb);
  3630. }else{
  3631. if (n==-1) fileName = fileName+".docx";
  3632. var extName = fileName.split('.').pop();
  3633. if (extName.toLowerCase()!=='docx') fileName = fileName+".docx";
  3634. var content = this.getDocumentHtml();
  3635. o2.xDesktop.requireApp("process.Xform", "widget.OOXML", function(){
  3636. (new o2.OOXML.WML({
  3637. "protection": (this.json.wordConversionEncryption===true),
  3638. "firstPageNumber": (this.json.firstPageNumber!==false)
  3639. })).load(content).then(function(oo_content){
  3640. if (!notSave) {
  3641. = fileName
  3642. var formData = new FormData();
  3643. formData.append("site", this.json.toWordSite || "$doc");
  3644. formData.append("fileName", fileName);
  3645. formData.append('file', oo_content);
  3646. this.toWordOOXMLService(formData, oo_content, callback, cb);
  3647. }else{
  3648. if (callback) callback(oo_content, fileName);
  3649. if (cb) cb();
  3650. }
  3651. }.bind(this));
  3652. }.bind(this));
  3653. }
  3654. }.bind(this));
  3655. },
  3656. toWordServiceService: function(body, callback, cb){
  3657. if (this.toWordServiceServiceProcessing){
  3658. if (!this.toWordServiceServiceProcessList) this.toWordServiceServiceProcessList = [];
  3659. this.toWordServiceServiceProcessList.push({
  3660. body: body,
  3661. callback: callback,
  3662. cb: cb
  3663. });
  3664. return false;
  3665. }
  3666. this.toWordServiceServiceProcessing = true;
  3667. o2.Actions.get("x_processplatform_assemble_surface").docToWord(, body, function(json){
  3668. if (this.form.businessData.workCompleted){
  3669. o2.Actions.get("x_processplatform_assemble_surface").getAttachmentWorkcompleted(,,function(attjson){
  3670. if (callback) callback(;
  3671. this.showToWord(;
  3672. }.bind(this));
  3673. }else{
  3674. o2.Actions.get("x_processplatform_assemble_surface").getAttachment(,,function(attjson){
  3675. if (callback) callback(;
  3676. this.showToWord(;
  3677. }.bind(this));
  3678. }
  3679. if (cb) cb();
  3680. this.toWordServiceServiceProcessing = false;
  3681. if (this.toWordServiceServiceProcessList && this.toWordServiceServiceProcessList.length){
  3682. var o = this.toWordServiceServiceProcessList.shift();
  3683. this.toWordServiceService(o.body, o.callback, o.cb);
  3684. }
  3685. }.bind(this), function(){
  3686. this.toWordServiceServiceProcessing = false;
  3687. if (this.toWordServiceServiceProcessList && this.toWordServiceServiceProcessList.length){
  3688. var o = this.toWordServiceServiceProcessList.shift();
  3689. this.toWordServiceService(o.body, o.callback, o.cb);
  3690. }
  3691. });
  3692. },
  3693. toWordOOXMLService: function(formData, oo_content, callback, cb){
  3694. if (this.toWordOOXMLServiceProcessing){
  3695. if (!this.toWordOOXMLServiceProcessList) this.toWordOOXMLServiceProcessList = [];
  3696. this.toWordOOXMLServiceProcessList.push({
  3697. formData: formData,
  3698. oo_content: oo_content,
  3699. callback: callback,
  3700. cb: cb
  3701. });
  3702. return false;
  3703. }
  3704. this.toWordOOXMLServiceProcessing = true;
  3705. o2.Actions.get("x_processplatform_assemble_surface").V2UploadWorkOrWorkCompleted(, formData, oo_content, function (json) {
  3706. if (this.form.businessData.workCompleted) {
  3707. o2.Actions.get("x_processplatform_assemble_surface").getAttachmentWorkcompleted(,, function (attjson) {
  3708. if (callback) callback(;
  3709. this.showToWord(;
  3710. }.bind(this));
  3711. } else {
  3712. o2.Actions.get("x_processplatform_assemble_surface").getAttachment(,, function (attjson) {
  3713. if (callback) callback(;
  3714. this.showToWord(;
  3715. }.bind(this));
  3716. }
  3717. if (cb) cb();
  3718. this.toWordOOXMLServiceProcessing = false;
  3719. if (this.toWordOOXMLServiceProcessList && this.toWordOOXMLServiceProcessList.length){
  3720. var o = this.toWordOOXMLServiceProcessList.shift();
  3721. this.toWordOOXMLService(o.formData, o.oo_content, o.callback, o.cb);
  3722. }
  3723. }.bind(this), function(){
  3724. this.toWordOOXMLServiceProcessing = false;
  3725. if (this.toWordOOXMLServiceProcessList && this.toWordOOXMLServiceProcessList.length){
  3726. var o = this.toWordOOXMLServiceProcessList.shift();
  3727. this.toWordOOXMLService(o.formData, o.oo_content, o.callback, o.cb);
  3728. }
  3729. }.bind(this));
  3730. },
  3731. docToWord: function(callback){
  3732. try {
  3733. var flag = true;
  3734. if (this.json.toWordConditionScript && this.json.toWordConditionScript.code){
  3735. flag = !!this.form.Macro.exec(this.json.toWordConditionScript.code, this);
  3736. }
  3737. if (flag){
  3738. this.toWord(null, "", callback);
  3739. }else{
  3740. if (callback) callback();
  3741. }
  3742. }catch(e){
  3743. console.error(e);
  3744. if (callback) callback();
  3745. };
  3746. },
  3747. showToWord: function(att_word){
  3748. var site = this.json.toWordSite || "$doc";
  3749. var attModule = this.form.all[site];
  3750. if (attModule){
  3751. var atts = [];
  3752. attModule.attachmentController.attachments.each(function(att){
  3753. if (!{
  3754. atts.push(
  3755. }
  3756. }.bind(this));
  3757. attModule.attachmentController.clear();
  3758. atts.each(function (att) {
  3759. //if ( || (this.json.isOpenInOffice && this.attachmentController.addAttachment(att);
  3760. if (( === &&! attModule.attachmentController.addAttachment(att);
  3761. }.bind(this));
  3762. // attModule.attachmentController.reloadAttachments();
  3763. attModule.attachmentController.addAttachment(att_word);
  3764. }
  3765. }
  3766. });