123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466 |
- MWF.xApplication = MWF.xApplication || {};
- MWF.xApplication.cms = MWF.xApplication.cms || {};
- MWF.xApplication.cms.Xform = MWF.xApplication.cms.Xform || {};
- MWF.xApplication.cms.Xform.LP={
- "ok": "OK",
- "deleteDatagridLineTitle": "Delete item confirmation",
- "deleteDatagridLine": "Are you sure you want to delete the current item?",
- "cancelDatagridLineEditTitle": "Cancel Data Grid Edit Confirmation",
- "cancelDatagridLineEdit": "Are you sure to cancel editing the data grid?",
- "datagridImport": "Import Excel",
- "datagridExport": "Export Excel",
- "exportDefaultName": "DataGrid",
- "datatemplateExportDefaultName": "DataTemplate",
- "datatableExportDefaultName": "DataTable",
- "importSuccess": "Import successful!",
- "validationInfor": "Verification Information",
- "importFail": "Import failed",
- "importValidationColumnText": "Column {n}:",
- "importValidationColumnTextExcel": "Column {n}:",
- "notValidNumber": "Not a number",
- "notValidDate": "Not a date format",
- "fullstop": ".",
- "notExistInSystem": "Does not exist in the system",
- "uploadedFilesCannotHaveSpaces": "Uploaded files cannot contain spaces",
- "browserNotActiveX": "Your browser does not support ActiveX, Office controls cannot be loaded, please use Internet Explorer",
- "activity": "activity",
- "dataSaved": "Data saved successfully",
- "taskProcessed": "File has been submitted",
- "taskProcessedMessage": "You processed a task: ",
- "nextActivity": "Next Activity: ",
- "nextUser": "Processor: ",
- "arrivedActivitys": "arrived activities ",
- "arrivedUsers": "arrived user ",
- "replace": " instead ",
- "next_etc": " {count} people",
- "nextTaskMatrix": "Possible next handlers: ",
- "processStarted": "Job has been started",
- "processStartedMessage": "You started a new job: ",
- "draftStart": "Process has been started",
- "taskCompleted": "Task has been processed",
- "workCompleted": "Work has been completed",
- "arrivedActivity": "Work has arrived activity: ",
- "workProcess": "Flow to",
- "close": "Close",
- "retract": "Retract",
- "reroute": "Reroute",
- "rerouteTo": "RerouteTo",
- "rollback": "Process rollback",
- "rollbackTo": "Process rollback to",
- "rollback_success": "Rollback success",
- "selectRollbackActivity": "Select the location of the file to be rollback to:",
- "tryToProcess": "try to continue flow",
- "in": " in ",
- "andSoForth": "...",
- "noIdentitySelectRange": "Cannot determine the range of identity selection",
- "noIdentityDutySelectRange": "Unable to determine the range of duty selection",
- "noUnitSelectRange": "Cannot determine the selection range of the unit",
- "noSelectRange": "Cannot determine the selection range",
- "noSelectType": "The selection type is not set",
- "selectRoute": "Select Route",
- "submitAt": " Submit At ",
- "idea": " Opinion ",
- "processing": " Processing ",
- "comeTime": "Arrival Time ",
- "begin": "begin",
- "end": "end",
- "none": "None",
- "empower": " empower ",
- "person": "Personnel Name",
- "department": "Unit",
- "startTime": "Received time",
- "completedTime": "Processing Time",
- "route": " route ",
- "opinion": "Opinion",
- "systemProcess": "System Process",
- "showProcess": "Show Process",
- "deleteAttachmentTitle": "Delete attachment confirmation",
- "deleteAttachment": "Are you sure you want to delete the attachment you selected?",
- "sendTaskNotice": "A reminder has been sent to the task person: {users}",
- "setReadedConfirmContent": "Are you sure you want to mark \"{title}\" as readed?",
- "setReadedConfirmTitle": "Mark as readed confirmation",
- "replaceAttachmentTitle": "Replace Attachment Confirmation",
- "replaceAttachment": "Are you sure you want to replace the attachment you selected?",
- "uploadMore": "You can only upload up to {n} attachments",
- "notValidation": "Data validation failed",
- "lineNotValidation": "Line data validation failed",
- "notValidation_number": "Only allow numbers",
- "notAttachmentValidation": "Attachment validation failed.",
- "retractTitle": "Retract Confirmation",
- "retractText": "Are you sure you want to retract this document?",
- "workRetract": "The document has been retract",
- "retractWorkInfor": "You retract the document:",
- "currentActivity": "Current Activity:",
- "currentUser": "Processor:",
- "inputResetPeople": "Please select the person to reset to!",
- "resetTo": "Reset To",
- "reset": "Reset",
- "resetOk": "Document has been reset to",
- "workReset": "Document has been reset",
- "resetWorkInfor": "You reset the document:",
- "workRollback": "Document has been backtracked",
- "rollbackOk": "Document has been backtracked to",
- "rollbackWorkInfor": "You have backtracked the document:",
- "workReroute": "Document has been rerouted",
- "rerouteWorkInfor": "You rerouted a document:",
- "rerouteOk": "Document has been rerouted to:",
- "inputSplitValue": "Please enter or choose to increase the value of the branch",
- "addSplitOk": "The processing branch has been added:",
- "addSplitWork": "Processing branch has been added",
- "addSplitWorkInfor": "You have added a branch to the current work",
- "deleteWorkTitle": "Delete work confirmation",
- "deleteWorkText": {
- "html": "<div style='color: red;'>Note: You are deleting this work, and the work cannot be retrieved after deletion. Are you sure you want to delete this work?</div>",
- "text": "Note: You are deleting this work. The work cannot be retrieved after deletion. Are you sure you want to delete this work?"
- },
- "workDelete": "Work has been deleted",
- "terminateWorkTitle": "Terminate file",
- "terminateWorkText": "Terminating the file means that the file is abandoned and will be transferred directly. ",
- "workTerminate": "The file has been terminated",
- "terminateWork": "Terminate file",
- "amount": "▌Total",
- "sectionAmount": "▌Subtotal",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "add": "Add",
- "addLine": "AddLine",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "completedEdit": "Completed",
- "cancelEdit": "Cancel",
- "mobileGridHelp": "Long press the data area to edit the data<br>Swipe to the left to delete the data",
- "item": "▌Item",
- "all": "All",
- "imageClipper": "Image Editor",
- "noOrgObject": "Unmatched person or organization, click to modify",
- "menu_revisions_show": "ShowTraces",
- "menu_revisions_hide": "HideTraces",
- "menu_fullscreen": "Fullscreen",
- "menu_toolbar_show": "ShowToolbar",
- "menu_toolbar_hide": "HideToolbar",
- "menu_preview": "PrintPreview",
- "menu_redfile": "Red File",
- "menu_seal": "Seal",
- "menu_showHistory": "View history",
- "menu_hideHistory": "Close history",
- "menu_new": "Create Document",
- "menu_openfile": "Open local file",
- "menu_savefile": "Save to local",
- "menu_att": "View Attachment",
- "menu_file": "Open",
- "completed": "Completed",
- "openOfficeInfor": "Click here to open the {type} file",
- "seeVersion": "See Version",
- "selectVersionToRestore": "Please select the text version to be restored:",
- "restoreFile": "Restore",
- "installNTKOWebChromePluginNotice_xpi": "NTKO Web Chrome cross-browser plugin has not been installed. Please click <a href=\"../o2_lib/officecontrol/ntkoplugins.xpi\">install components</a>",
- "installNTKOWebChromePluginNotice_crx": "NTKO Web Chrome cross-browser plugin has not been installed. Please click <a href=\"../o2_lib/officecontrol/ntkoplugins.crx\">install components</a>",
- "showReadCompletedTitle": "Readed Person ",
- "showReadTitle": "Reader",
- "worklogRead": "View read",
- "mediaOpinion_image": "Handwritten Opinion",
- "mediaOpinion_video": "Video Opinion",
- "mediaOpinion_voice": "Voice Opinion",
- "attachmentPermission": "Set attachment permission",
- "attachmentPermissionInfo": "You are setting permissions for the following attachments:",
- "attachmentRead": "Who can view and download this attachment: (if it is not empty, you need to choose to edit and set permissions at the same time)",
- "attachmentEdit": "Who can edit this attachment: (if it is not empty, you need to choose to set permissions at the same time)",
- "attachmentController": "Who can set the permissions of this attachment",
- "attachmentOCRTitle": "Correct the text in the automatically recognized picture",
- "attachmentOCR_saved": "Image text recognition results have been saved",
- "attachmentOrderTitle": "Attachment Order",
- "attachmentOrderUp": "Up",
- "attachmentOrderDown": "Down",
- "attachmentOrderInfo": "Drag the attachment icon, or sort the attachments through the \"Up\" and \"Down\" buttons",
- "autosave": "Auto Save Document",
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- "ANNInput": "Smart input suggested value: ",
- "recover": "Recover Text",
- "notRecover": "Cancel body recovery",
- "doublePage": "Double",
- "singlePage": "Single",
- "editdoc": "EditText",
- "editdocCompleted": "EditComplete",
- "printdoc": "Print",
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- "fullScreen": "FullScreen",
- "returnScreen": "Restore",
- "editdoc_mobile": "Edit",
- "editdocCompleted_mobile": "EditComplete",
- "printdoc_mobile": "Print",
- "history_mobile": "Trace",
- "handwrittenApproval_mobile": "Approval",
- "subformNestedError": "This form has nested subforms, please contact the administrator!",
- "subpageNestedError": "There are nested subpages on this page, please contact the administrator!",
- "subformUniqueError": "The form is embedded with the same subform repeatedly, please contact the administrator!",
- "moduleUniqueError": "The form has a field with the same name, please contact the administrator!",
- "selectEmpower": "Authorized personnel selection",
- "empowerDlgText": "The following personnel have empowered the work, the file will be sent to the empowered person after selection, and the file will be sent to the task person after deselecting",
- "empowerTo": "Empower to",
- "empowerToHtml": "<font style='color:#ff5400;'>{person}</font>({department}) empowered to <font style='color:#ff5400;'>{empowerTo}</font> Processing. ({time})</font>",
- "autoFlowHtml": "The system automatically submitted at: {time}",
- "systemSubmit": "System Automatic Processing",
- "selectAll": "Select All",
- "computePage": "Calculating page breaks, please wait...",
- "keyLockTitle": "File editing is locked",
- "keyLockInfor": "The file is being edited by {name}. You can view the contents of the document and refresh the page to try again later.",
- "year": " Year ",
- "month": " Month ",
- "date": " ",
- "documentEditor": {
- "copies": "",
- "secret": "",
- "priority": "",
- "redHeader": "文件红头",
- "fileno": "[文号]",
- "signerTitle": "签发人:",
- "signer": "[签发人]",
- "subject": "[标题]",
- "mainSend": "[主送单位:]",
- "filetext": "[请在此处编辑正文内容]",
- "attachmentTitle": "附件:",
- "attachment": "[附件]",
- "issuanceUnit": "[发文机关]",
- "issuanceDate": "[成文日期]",
- "annotation": "",
- "copytoTitle": "抄送:",
- "copyto": "[抄送]",
- "editionUnit": "[印发机关]",
- "editionDate": "[印发日期]",
- "historyList": "历史版本文档",
- "attachmentInfor": "[Click here to edit the content of attachments]"
- },
- "documentHistory": {
- "diffContent": "<div>{time}</div>{name} modified content at \"{activity}\"",
- "insertContent": "<div>{time}</div>{name} inserted content at \"{activity}\":",
- "deleteContent": "<div>{time}</div>{name} deleted content at \"{activity}\":",
- "insert": " Insert ",
- "delete": " Deleted ",
- "insertTimes": " Insert at {times} ",
- "deleteTimes": " Deleted {times} ",
- "play": "Play",
- "pause": "Pause",
- "stop": "Stop",
- "next": "Next Modification Record",
- "prev": "Previous Modification Record",
- "exit": "Exit Trace Review",
- "diff_patch_count": "Total {history} versions, {diff} revisions.",
- "original": "Original Version",
- "nodiff": "There is no historical modification information yet",
- "word": " word ",
- "diff": "Contrast",
- "diffTitle": "Compared with the previous version",
- "showAllHistory": "Show All History",
- "showAll": "Show all traces"
- },
- "subjectEmpty": "Subject cannot be empty",
- "issuanceUnitEmpty": "The issuing unit cannot be empty",
- "fullWidth": "The automatic conversion of half-width spaces to full-width spaces is enabled. If you need to enter half-width spaces, please use: SHIFT+space",
- "pauseWork": "The current task has entered the pending state",
- "resumeWork": "The current task has been resumed from the pending state",
- "resume": "Resume",
- "pause": "Pending",
- "selectItemCountNotice": "Please select at least {count} items",
- "setReaded": "Mark as read",
- "readed": "Readed",
- "attachmentArea": "Attachment Area",
- "intelligentCorrection": "Intelligent Error Correction",
- "maxItemCountNotice": "A maximum of {n} items allowed to be added",
- "selectItemNotice": "Please select item",
- "minItemNotice": "At least {n} items need to be kept. The deleted item is less than the item to be kept, please check",
- "deleteSelectedItemNotice": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected item",
- "minItemCountNotice": "Please keep at least {n} items",
- "systemField": "System Field",
- "systemFieldEmptyNotice": "System Field cannot be empty",
- "importTooManyNotice ": " you import {n1} data, allowed to import {n2} data maximum ",
- "importTooFewNotice ": "you import {n1} data, need to keep at least {n2} data ",
- "pleaseSelect": "Please Choose",
- "form": {
- "close": "Close",
- "closeTitle": "Close Document",
- "save": "Save",
- "saveTitle": "Save Document",
- "flow": "Submit",
- "flowTitle": "Submit Document",
- "process": "Submit",
- "processTitle": "Submit Document",
- "submit": "Submit",
- "submitTitle": "Submit Document",
- "reroute": "Reroute",
- "rerouteTitle": "Reroute to other Activity",
- "reset": "Reset",
- "resetTitle": "Reset to other Person",
- "split": "AddSplit",
- "splitTitle": "Add Split Work branch",
- "retract": "Retract",
- "retractTitle": "Retract Task to current person",
- "rollback": "Rollback",
- "rollbackTitle": "Rollback the work to the specified activity, without keeping process records",
- "delete": "Delete",
- "deleteTitle": "Delete Document",
- "terminate": "Terminate",
- "terminateTitle": "End file process",
- "print": "Print",
- "printTitle": "Open through the print form, and print the document",
- "press": "Urge",
- "pressTitle": "Urge",
- "pause": "Pending",
- "pauseTitle": "Set the task as pending",
- "resume": "Resume",
- "resumeTitle": "Resume the task from pending",
- "downloadAll": "Download",
- "downloadAllTitle": "Download the form and all attachments",
- "monitor": "Process Monitor",
- "monitorTitle": "Process Monitor",
- "addTask": "Add Task",
- "addTaskTitle": "Add task to current activity",
- "rerouteActivity": "Activity: ",
- "reroutePerson": "Person: ",
- "selectPerson": "Select",
- "retouteOpinion": "Opinion: ",
- "resetPerson": "Person: ",
- "resetOpinion": "Opinion: ",
- "keepTask": "Keep my task",
- "readedOpinion": "Opinion: ",
- "setReaded": "Mark as read",
- "readed": "Readed",
- "rollbackInfo": "Select the location of the file to be rollback to",
- "addSplitInfo": "Split data according to your business settings. The data should match the split setting in the process. multiple values with a comma (,)",
- "splitValue": "Split by",
- "opinion": "opinion",
- "selectUnit": "Select Unit",
- "excludeBranches": "Exclude existing branches",
- "yes": "Yes",
- "no": "No",
- "readIdentity": "Identity",
- "sendReadNotify": "Send a pending notification",
- "reviewIdentity": "Identity",
- "noTaskToReset": "The current job does not have your task, and the operation cannot be performed",
- "addTaskPerson": "Add Task",
- "addTaskOpinion": "Opinion",
- "addTaskBefore": "Add Task Before",
- "addTaskAfter": "Add Task After",
- "addTaskBeforeTitle": "Add a task before you process",
- "addTaskAfterTitle": "Add a task after you process",
- "addTaskType": "Add Task Type",
- "modeType": "Processing method",
- "single": "single",
- "queue": "serial",
- "parallel": "parallel",
- "addTaskRepeatedTitle": "Repeat Reminder",
- "addTaskRepeatedInfo": "<span class='mainColor_color'><b>{repeated}</b></span> is already in the list of handlers and will not be processed。",
- "mergeWork": "Merge work",
- "goBack": "return",
- "goBackTitle": "Return to activities that have already passed",
- "goBackActivity": "Return to Activity:",
- "goBackActivityWay": "Post return processing:",
- "goBackActivityWayStep": "Flow normally according to the process",
- "goBackActivityWayJump": "Directly return to the person returning the item",
- "goBackTo": "Return to:",
- "selectGoBackActivity": "Please select the activity to be returned"
- },
- "sendRead": "Send Read",
- "sendReadOk": "Sent Read:",
- "noPermissionOrWorkNotExisted": "You do not have permission or the job does not exist",
- "inputSendReadPeople": "Please select the person",
- "sendReadPeopleCanNotEmpty": "The person cannot be empty",
- "sendReview": "Add Review",
- "sendReviewOk": "Review has been added:",
- "inputSendReviewPeople": "Please select the person",
- "sendReviewPeopleCanNotEmpty": "Please select the person",
- "inputAddTaskPeople": "Please select Person",
- "addTaskOk": "Added Task",
- "addTaskInfor": "You have added task to the file:",
- "applicationNotFound": "App Not Found",
- "pdfview": {
- "nofile": "nofile ,please upload",
- "upload": "upload"
- },
- "ofdview": {
- "nofile": "nofile ,please upload",
- "upload": "upload"
- },
- "onlyoffice": {
- "noInstall": "no install",
- "filetext": "filetext"
- },
- "officeonline": {
- "noInstall": "no install",
- "filetext": "filetext"
- },
- "title": "Title",
- "createTime": "Created Time",
- "creatorPerson": "Creator",
- "creatorUnit": "Create organization",
- "score": "match degree",
- "updateTime": "Update Time",
- "documentType": "Document type",
- "processName": "Process name",
- "draftTime": "Draft time",
- "draftPerson": "Draft person ",
- "categoryName": "Category Name",
- "publishPerson": "Publisher",
- "publishTime": "Publish time",
- "document": "Document",
- "work": "Work",
- "cancelAssociatedTitle": "Disassociate Document",
- "cancelAssociated": "Are you sure you want to cancel the association with document '{title}'?",
- "associatedResult": "Associated Result",
- "selectDocNote": "Please select a document first",
- "associatedDocument": "Associated Document",
- "docDeleted": "The document has been deleted or you do not have permission to open this document.",
- "system": "System",
- "attachmentSecurity": "Attachment classification identification",
- "importTooManyNotice": "{n1} pieces of data were imported this time, and a maximum of {n2} pieces of data are allowed to be imported",
- "importTooFewNotice": "{n1} pieces of data were imported this time, and at least {n2} pieces of data need to be retained",
- "uploading": "Uploading attachment, please wait for the attachment upload to complete before performing this operation.",
- "documentPublished": "Published successfully",
- "documentDelayedPublished": "Timed Published Successfully",
- "firstDate": "First reading time",
- "readDate": "Recent reading time",
- "readCount": "Number of Readings",
- "deleteDocumentTitle": "Confirm Delete Document",
- "deleteDocumentText": {
- "html": "<div style='color: red;'>Note: You are deleting this document, and the document cannot be retrieved after deletion. Are you sure you want to delete this document?</div>"
- },
- "documentDelete": "Document has been deleted",
- "readerFieldNotice": "If not selected, all members will be visible",
- "readedLogTitle": "Reading Log",
- "readedCountText": "Total {person} people, {count} reads",
- "defaultReadedLogText": "<font style='color:#00F;'>{person}</font>({department}) read in <font style='color:#00F'>{date}</font>, A total of <font style='color:#00F'>{count}</font> times",
- "commendLogTitle": "Commend Log",
- "commendLogPerson": "Commend Person",
- "commendCountText": "Total {count} Commend",
- "commendLogTime": "Commend Time",
- "defaultCommendLogText": "<font style='color:#00F;'>{person}</font> Commend in<font style='color:#00F'>{date}</font>",
- "reply": "Comment",
- "commentTitle": "Comment Area",
- "commentCountText": "Total {count} comments",
- "saveComment": "Comment",
- "saveCommentSuccess": "Save Comment Success",
- "deleteCommentTitle": "Delete Comment Confirmation",
- "deleteCommentText": "After deleting a comment, it cannot be restored. Are you sure you want to delete this comment?",
- "deleteCommentSuccess": "Comment deleted successfully",
- "commentFormTitle": "Edit Comment",
- "createCommentSuccess": "Comment created successfully",
- "updateSuccess": "Update successful",
- "save": "Save",
- "setTopTitle": "Put Top Confirmation",
- "setTopText": "Are you sure to put the current document on top?",
- "setTopSuccess": "Put Top Success",
- "cancelTopTitle": "Cancel Top Title Confirmation",
- "cancelTopText": "Are you sure you want to cancel the current document on top?",
- "cancelTopSuccess": "Cancel Top Success",
- "selectAttachment": "Select Attachment",
- "yesterday": "yesterday",
- "theDayBeforeYesterday": "The Day Before yesterday",
- "severalWeekAgo": "{count}weeks ago",
- "severalDayAgo": "{count} days ago",
- "severalHourAgo": "{count}hours ago",
- "severalMintuesAgo": "{count} minutes ago",
- "justNow": "JustNow",
- "commend": {
- "do": "Commend",
- "undo": "Un Commend"
- }
- }
- MWF.xApplication.cms.Xform["lp."+o2.language] = MWF.xApplication.cms.Xform.LP