en.js 4.5 KB

  1. MWF.xApplication = MWF.xApplication || {};
  2. MWF.xApplication.Profile = MWF.xApplication.Profile || {};
  3. MWF.xApplication.Profile.LP={
  4. "title": "Personal Settings",
  5. "inforConfig": "Personal",
  6. "layoutConfig": "UI",
  7. "ideaConfig": "Opinion",
  8. "passwordConfig": "Password",
  9. "ssoConfig": "SSO",
  10. "facelogin": "FaceLogin",
  11. "openFaceSet": "click here, Open FaceSet",
  12. "clear": "Clear ui config data",
  13. "setDefault": "Set as the default ui config",
  14. "clearDefault": "Clear default ui config data",
  15. "setForce": "Set force to open the application",
  16. "clearForce": "Clear forced open application",
  17. "setDefaultOk": "The default ui config has been set",
  18. "setForceOk": "Forced to open the app has been set",
  19. "clearok": "Desktop cache record has been cleared",
  20. "saveIdea": "Save frequently opinions",
  21. "saveIdeaDefault": "Save as default opinions",
  22. "ideaSaveOk": "Frequently opinions saved",
  23. "workDeletedNote": "Job '{title}' has been deleted or you do not have permission to open it.",
  24. "workDeletedTitle": "No job found",
  25. "workDeletedContent": "Job '{title}' has been deleted or you do not have permission to open it. Do you want to delete this authorization record?",
  26. "deleteSuccess": "Delete successful",
  27. "icon": "Avatar",
  28. "changeIcon": "Change",
  29. "name": "Name",
  30. "employee": "Employee",
  31. "display": "Nickname",
  32. "officePhone": "OfficePhone",
  33. "mail": "Mail",
  34. "mobile": "Cellphone",
  35. "weixin": "Wechat",
  36. "QQ": "QQ",
  37. "signature": "Signature",
  38. "saveInfor": "Save personal information",
  39. "saveInforOk": "Personal information saved successfully",
  40. "nickNameInforError": "The nickname format is incorrect, the rules are as follows: only Chinese, Number, English, _, - and spaces can be used, the length is 4 to 20, and the length of one Chinese is 2",
  41. "ipAddress": "Login IP",
  42. "ipAddressPlaceHolder": "If it is not empty, only the matching ip address can log in to the account. Separate multiple values with \",\"",
  43. "ipAddressIncorrectNotice": "IP address format is incorrect:",
  44. "language": "Language",
  45. "forumNickName": "Forum Nickname",
  46. "lps": {
  47. "zh-CN": "简体中文",
  48. "en": "English",
  49. "es": "español",
  50. "ko": "한국인",
  51. "zh-HK": "繁體中文"
  52. },
  53. "passwordRule": "Password rules",
  54. "oldPassword": "Old password",
  55. "password": "New password",
  56. "morePassword": "Confirm password",
  57. "passwordNotMatch": "The new password does not match the confirmed password",
  58. "changePasswordOk": "Password reset complete",
  59. "changePersonIcon": "Change Avatar",
  60. "layoutAction": "UI operation",
  61. "desktopBackground": "Desktop background",
  62. "paswordRule": "6 or more digits, including numbers and letters.",
  63. "weak": "weak",
  64. "middle": "middle",
  65. "high": "high",
  66. "empower": {
  67. "fromPerson": "Person",
  68. "fromIdentity": "Identity",
  69. "toPerson": "EmpoweredPerson",
  70. "toIdentity": "EmpoweredIdentity",
  71. "keepTask": "Keep my task",
  72. "application": "Application",
  73. "applicationName": "Application Name",
  74. "applicationAlias": "Application Alias",
  75. "process": "Process",
  76. "processName": "Process Name",
  77. "processAlias": "Process Alias",
  78. "type": "Type",
  79. "startTime": "Start Time",
  80. "completedTime": "Completed Time",
  81. "emPowerConfig": "Empowerment",
  82. "addEmPower": "create",
  83. "myEmPower": "My Empowerment",
  84. "receiveEmPower": "Empowered to me",
  85. "ok": "Save",
  86. "cancel": "Cancel",
  87. "noData": "No Empowerment",
  88. "withdraw": "Withdraw",
  89. "alert1": "Please select a process or application",
  90. "alert2": "Please contact the administrator to add identity information!",
  91. "withdrawOk": "Withdraw the empowerment successfully",
  92. "selectEmPower": "Select the empowerment",
  93. "saveOk": "Saved successfully",
  94. "type_all": "All",
  95. "type_application": "Application",
  96. "type_process": "Process",
  97. "type_filter": "File type",
  98. "saveNotAll": "Partial save failed",
  99. "startTimeEarlyCompleteTime": "The start time cannot be later than the end time",
  100. "title": "Title",
  101. "activityName": "Activity",
  102. "createTime": "Commission time",
  103. "edit": "Edit",
  104. "editEmpower": "Edit empowerment",
  105. "enable": "Enable",
  106. "disable": "Disable"
  107. },
  108. "emPowerConfig": "Empower",
  109. "addEmPower": "create",
  110. "myEmPower": "My Empowerment",
  111. "receiveEmPower": "Empowered to me",
  112. "myEmPowerLog": "Empowered Task",
  113. "receiveEmPowerLog": "Empowered Task received",
  114. "ok": "Save",
  115. "cancel": "Cancel",
  116. "bindOauth": "Bind Oauth account",
  117. "pageText": "Page {n}",
  118. "search": "search",
  119. "cancel1": "cancel",
  120. "createEmpower": "New Out of Office Authorization",
  121. "noTask": "No To Do",
  122. "action": "operation",
  123. "createAuthorize": "New Delegation"
  124. }
  125. MWF.xApplication.Profile["lp."+o2.language] = MWF.xApplication.Profile.LP