123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321 |
- MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor = MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor || {};
- if ((!('innerText' in document.createElement('a'))) && ('getSelection' in window)) {
- HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__('innerText', function() {
- var selection = window.getSelection(),
- ranges = [],
- str, i;
- // Save existing selections.
- for (i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i++) {
- ranges[i] = selection.getRangeAt(i);
- }
- // Deselect everything.
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- // Select `el` and all child nodes.
- // 'this' is the element .innerText got called on
- selection.selectAllChildren(this);
- // Get the string representation of the selected nodes.
- str = selection.toString();
- // Deselect everything. Again.
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- // Restore all formerly existing selections.
- for (i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
- selection.addRange(ranges[i]);
- }
- // Oh look, this is what we wanted.
- // String representation of the element, close to as rendered.
- return str;
- });
- HTMLElement.prototype.__defineSetter__('innerText', function(text) {
- /**
- * @Desc: 解决FireFox节点内容删除后text为null,出现报错的问题
- * @Editor: Naixor
- * @Date: 2015.9.16
- */
- this.innerHTML = (text || '').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
- });
- }
- (function(){
- var keymap = MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.KeyMap = {
- 'Shift': 16,
- 'Control': 17,
- 'Alt': 18,
- 'CapsLock': 20,
- 'BackSpace': 8,
- 'Tab': 9,
- 'Enter': 13,
- 'Esc': 27,
- 'Space': 32,
- 'PageUp': 33,
- 'PageDown': 34,
- 'End': 35,
- 'Home': 36,
- 'Insert': 45,
- 'Left': 37,
- 'Up': 38,
- 'Right': 39,
- 'Down': 40,
- 'Direction': {
- 37: 1,
- 38: 1,
- 39: 1,
- 40: 1
- },
- 'Del': 46,
- 'NumLock': 144,
- 'Cmd': 91,
- 'CmdFF': 224,
- 'F1': 112,
- 'F2': 113,
- 'F3': 114,
- 'F4': 115,
- 'F5': 116,
- 'F6': 117,
- 'F7': 118,
- 'F8': 119,
- 'F9': 120,
- 'F10': 121,
- 'F11': 122,
- 'F12': 123,
- '`': 192,
- '=': 187,
- '-': 189,
- '/': 191,
- '.': 190
- };
- // 小写适配
- for (var key in keymap) {
- if (keymap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- keymap[key.toLowerCase()] = keymap[key];
- }
- }
- var aKeyCode = 65;
- var aCharCode = 'a'.charCodeAt(0);
- // letters
- 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'.split('').forEach(function(letter) {
- keymap[letter] = aKeyCode + (letter.charCodeAt(0) - aCharCode);
- });
- // numbers
- var n = 9;
- do {
- keymap[n.toString()] = n + 48;
- } while (--n);
- }());
- MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.Key = function(){
- var CTRL_MASK = 0x1000;
- var ALT_MASK = 0x2000;
- var SHIFT_MASK = 0x4000;
- function hash(unknown) {
- if (typeof(unknown) == 'string') {
- return hashKeyExpression(unknown);
- }
- return hashKeyEvent(unknown);
- }
- function is(a, b) {
- return a && b && hash(a) == hash(b);
- }
- this.hash = hash;
- this.is = is;
- function hashKeyEvent(keyEvent) {
- var hashCode = 0;
- if (keyEvent.ctrlKey || keyEvent.metaKey) {
- hashCode |= CTRL_MASK;
- }
- if (keyEvent.altKey) {
- hashCode |= ALT_MASK;
- }
- if (keyEvent.shiftKey) {
- hashCode |= SHIFT_MASK;
- }
- // Shift, Control, Alt KeyCode ignored.
- if ([16, 17, 18, 91].indexOf(keyEvent.keyCode) === -1) {
- /**
- * 解决浏览器输入法状态下对keyDown的keyCode判断不准确的问题,使用keyIdentifier,
- * 可以解决chrome和safari下的各种问题,其他浏览器依旧有问题,然而那并不影响我们对特
- * 需判断的按键进行判断(比如Space在safari输入法态下就是229,其他的就不是)
- * @editor Naixor
- * @Date 2015-12-2
- */
- if (keyEvent.keyCode === 229 && keyEvent.keyIdentifier) {
- return hashCode |= parseInt(keyEvent.keyIdentifier.substr(2), 16);
- }
- hashCode |= keyEvent.keyCode;
- }
- return hashCode;
- }
- function hashKeyExpression(keyExpression) {
- var hashCode = 0;
- keyExpression.toLowerCase().split(/\s*\+\s*/).forEach(function(name) {
- switch(name) {
- case 'ctrl':
- case 'cmd':
- hashCode |= CTRL_MASK;
- break;
- case 'alt':
- hashCode |= ALT_MASK;
- break;
- case 'shift':
- hashCode |= SHIFT_MASK;
- break;
- default:
- hashCode |= MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.KeyMap[name];
- }
- });
- return hashCode;
- }
- };
- MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.Format = function(template, args) {
- if (typeof(args) != 'object') {
- args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
- }
- return String(template).replace(/\{(\w+)\}/ig, function(match, $key) {
- return args[$key] || $key;
- });
- };
- MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.Debug = function(flag) {
- function noop() {}
- function stringHash(str) {
- var hash = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
- hash += str.charCodeAt(i);
- }
- return hash;
- }
- var debugMode = this.flaged = window.location.search.indexOf(flag) != -1;
- if (debugMode) {
- var h = stringHash(flag) % 360;
- var flagStyle = MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.Format(
- 'background: hsl({0}, 50%, 80%); ' +
- 'color: hsl({0}, 100%, 30%); ' +
- 'padding: 2px 3px; ' +
- 'margin: 1px 3px 0 0;' +
- 'border-radius: 2px;', h);
- var textStyle = 'background: none; color: black;';
- this.log = function() {
- var output = MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.Format.apply(null, arguments);
- console.log(MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.Format('%c{0}%c{1}', flag, output), flagStyle, textStyle);
- };
- } else {
- this.log = noop;
- }
- };
- MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.JsonDiff = function( tree1, tree2 ){
- /*!
- * https://github.com/Starcounter-Jack/Fast-JSON-Patch
- * json-patch-duplex.js 0.5.0
- * (c) 2013 Joachim Wester
- * MIT license
- */
- var _objectKeys = (function () {
- if (Object.keys)
- return Object.keys;
- return function (o) {
- var keys = [];
- for (var i in o) {
- if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
- keys.push(i);
- }
- }
- return keys;
- };
- })();
- function escapePathComponent(str) {
- if (str.indexOf('/') === -1 && str.indexOf('~') === -1)
- return str;
- return str.replace(/~/g, '~0').replace(/\//g, '~1');
- }
- function deepClone(obj) {
- if (typeof obj === "object") {
- return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
- } else {
- return obj;
- }
- }
- // Dirty check if obj is different from mirror, generate patches and update mirror
- function _generate(mirror, obj, patches, path) {
- var newKeys = _objectKeys(obj);
- var oldKeys = _objectKeys(mirror);
- var changed = false;
- var deleted = false;
- for (var t = oldKeys.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) {
- var key = oldKeys[t];
- var oldVal = mirror[key];
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- var newVal = obj[key];
- if (typeof oldVal == "object" && oldVal != null && typeof newVal == "object" && newVal != null) {
- _generate(oldVal, newVal, patches, path + "/" + escapePathComponent(key));
- } else {
- if (oldVal != newVal) {
- changed = true;
- patches.push({ op: "replace", path: path + "/" + escapePathComponent(key), value: deepClone(newVal) });
- }
- }
- } else {
- patches.push({ op: "remove", path: path + "/" + escapePathComponent(key) });
- deleted = true; // property has been deleted
- }
- }
- if (!deleted && newKeys.length == oldKeys.length) {
- return;
- }
- for (var t = 0; t < newKeys.length; t++) {
- var key = newKeys[t];
- if (!mirror.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- patches.push({ op: "add", path: path + "/" + escapePathComponent(key), value: deepClone(obj[key]) });
- }
- }
- }
- //function compare(tree1, tree2) {
- // var patches = [];
- // _generate(tree1, tree2, patches, '');
- // return patches;
- //}
- var patches = [];
- _generate(tree1, tree2, patches, '');
- return patches;
- };