en.js 7.4 KB

  1. MWF.xApplication = MWF.xApplication || {};
  2. MWF.xApplication.Calendar = MWF.xApplication.Calendar || {};
  3. MWF.xApplication.Calendar.LP={
  4. "title": "Calendar",
  5. "calendar": "Calendar",
  6. "event": "Event",
  7. "subject": "Title",
  8. "applyPerson": "Applicant",
  9. "myCalendar": "My Calendar",
  10. "year": "year",
  11. "month": "Month",
  12. "day": "Day",
  13. "list": "Schedule",
  14. "today": "Today",
  15. "tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
  16. "afterTomorrow": "The Day After Tomorrow",
  17. "yesterday": "Yesterday",
  18. "beforeYesterday": "The day before yesterday",
  19. "nextMonth": "Next Month",
  20. "floor": "Floor",
  21. "enable": "Available",
  22. "disable": "Disable",
  23. "modifyConfirm": "Confirm to modify",
  24. "cancel": "Cancel",
  25. "close": "Close",
  26. "save": "Save",
  27. "begin": "Begin",
  28. "beginTime": "Begin",
  29. "end": "End",
  30. "endTime": "End",
  31. "time": "Time",
  32. "remind": "Remind",
  33. "repeat": "Repeat",
  34. "notRepeat": "Not Repeat",
  35. "repeatUntilAvailable": "End",
  36. "repeatUntilAvailableTextArr": [
  37. "Never",
  38. "End Date"
  39. ],
  40. "eventTime": "Schedule Time",
  41. "endDate": "End Date",
  42. "remindWhenBegin": "Remind When Begin",
  43. "no": "No",
  44. "editMore": "More edits",
  45. "calendarName": "Calendar Name",
  46. "createCalendar": "New Calendar",
  47. "createNewCalendar": "New Calendar",
  48. "seeMore": "See More",
  49. "calendarMarket": "Calendar Square",
  50. "description": "Remarks",
  51. "type": "Type",
  52. "canlendarTypeArr": [
  53. "Personal Calendar",
  54. "Organization Calendar"
  55. ],
  56. "unitCalendar": "Organization Calendar",
  57. "myFollowCalendar": "Followed Calendar",
  58. "unit": "Owning Organization",
  59. "unit2": "Organization,",
  60. "belongTo": "Belonging",
  61. "unitEmptyNotice": "Owning organization cannot be empty",
  62. "isOpened": "Is it open",
  63. "followed": "Followed",
  64. "clickToCancelFollow": "Click to cancel following",
  65. "cancelFollowSuccess": "Unfollow success",
  66. "follow": "Follow",
  67. "followSuccess": "Follow Success",
  68. "saveOptionDialogTitle": "Modify repeat schedule",
  69. "selectModifyCalendarTypeNotice": "Please select the type of schedule you want to modify",
  70. "calendarModifyTypeArr": [
  71. "Only modify the current schedule",
  72. "Modify the current schedule and this repeating schedule afterwards",
  73. "Modify all this repeating schedule"
  74. ],
  75. "deleteOptionDialogTitle": "Delete duplicate schedule",
  76. "selectDeleteCalendarTypeNotice": "Please select the type of calendar you want to delete",
  77. "calendarDeleteTypeArr": [
  78. "Only modify the current schedule",
  79. "Modify the current schedule and this repeating schedule afterwards",
  80. "Modify all this repeating schedule"
  81. ],
  82. "countEvents": "Item Schedule",
  83. "noEventWeek": "No event within a week",
  84. "am": "a.m.",
  85. "pm": "p.m.",
  86. "eventNotice": "reminder",
  87. "delete": "Delete",
  88. "cancel_confirm_title": "Confirm Delete Schedule",
  89. "cancel_confirm": "Cannot be restored after deletion. Are you sure you want to delete '{name}' schedule?",
  90. "cancelEvent": "Delete",
  91. "addEvent": "New Schedule",
  92. "editEvent": "Edit Schedule",
  93. "readEvent": "View Schedule",
  94. "color": "Color",
  95. "repeatFrequencyArr": [
  96. "No",
  97. "Everyday",
  98. "Weekly",
  99. "Monthly (on the day)",
  100. "Yearly (on the day)"
  101. ],
  102. "repeatFrequencyArr2": [
  103. "Do not repeat",
  104. "Every day",
  105. "Weekly",
  106. "Monthly (on the day)",
  107. "Yearly (on the day)"
  108. ],
  109. "repeatInfor": "Repeat every {frequency}",
  110. "remindIntervalArr": [
  111. "Do not remind",
  112. "At the beginning",
  113. "5 minutes early",
  114. "10 minutes early",
  115. "15 minutes early",
  116. "30 minutes early",
  117. "1 hour early",
  118. "2 hours early"
  119. ],
  120. "allDay": "All Day",
  121. "trueFalseArr": [
  122. "Yes",
  123. "No"
  124. ],
  125. "font": "Font",
  126. "refresh": "Refresh",
  127. "setting": "Settings",
  128. "phone": "Mobile",
  129. "mail": "Mailbox",
  130. "eventSubject": "Title",
  131. "eventDescription": "Description",
  132. "eventAttachment": "Attachment",
  133. "eventDetail": "Details",
  134. "content": "Content",
  135. "none": "none",
  136. "address": "Location",
  137. "locationName": "Location",
  138. "name": "Name",
  139. "eventTopInfor": "Hello {userName}!<br/>Today you have <span style='color: #FB4747'>{count}</span> event:",
  140. "noEventTopInfor": "Hello {userName}! You have no event for today.",
  141. "createSuccess": "Created successfully!",
  142. "updateSuccess": "Save successfully!",
  143. "config_saveSuccess": "Configuration saved successfully!",
  144. "deleteCalendar": "Delete",
  145. "deleteCalendarTitle": "Delete Confirmation",
  146. "deleteCalendarContent": "Cannot be restored after deletion. Are you sure you want to delete '{name}'?",
  147. "deleteSuccess": "Delete successfully",
  148. "editCalendar": "Edit Calendar",
  149. "onlyViewCurrent": "Only view current",
  150. "viewCalendar": "Calendar Details",
  151. "noPublicCalendar": "There is no public calendar in the system!",
  152. "create": "New",
  153. "cancel_createEvent_title": "Delete Schedule Confirmation",
  154. "cancel_createEvent": "The schedule is about to be deleted. The data you filled in will be lost. Are you sure you want to cancel the current schedule?",
  155. "event_input_error": "Please fill in the following correctly:<br/>",
  156. "event_input_subject_error": "The agenda title cannot be empty!",
  157. "event_input_time_error": "The end time of the schedule cannot be earlier than the start time!",
  158. "event_saveSuccess": "The schedule was saved successfully!",
  159. "deleteAttachmentTitle": "Delete attachment confirmation",
  160. "deleteAttachment": "Are you sure you want to delete the attachment you selected?",
  161. "dateFormatMonth": "%Y-%m",
  162. "dateFormatMonthDay": "%m-%d",
  163. "dateFormatMonthDay2": "%m-%e",
  164. "dateFormatMonthOnly": "%m",
  165. "dateFormatDay": "%Y-%m-%d",
  166. "dateFormatDayOnly": "%d",
  167. "dateFormatAll": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
  168. "dateFormat": "db",
  169. "person": "person",
  170. "personal": "Personal",
  171. "persist": "persist",
  172. "date": "Day",
  173. "hour": "Hour",
  174. "minute": "minute",
  175. "second": "second",
  176. "to": "to",
  177. "all": "All",
  178. "remindInAdvance": "Remind {text} in advance",
  179. "isAvaliable": "enable",
  180. "manager": "Manager",
  181. "viewerRange": "Visible Range",
  182. "publisherRange": "Create a new range",
  183. "noTask": "No Schedule Today",
  184. "noEvent": "No event on the day",
  185. "noAddress": "Address not filled in",
  186. "noEventCurMonth": "There is no schedule for the month",
  187. "weeklyViewTitle": "{month}, week {week}",
  188. "week": "Week",
  189. "weeks": {
  190. "Sun": "Sun",
  191. "Mon": "Mon",
  192. "Tues": "Tues",
  193. "Wed": "Wed",
  194. "Thur": "Thur",
  195. "Fri": "Fri",
  196. "Sat": "Sat",
  197. "arr": [
  198. "Sun",
  199. "Mon",
  200. "Tues",
  201. "Wed",
  202. "Thur",
  203. "Fri",
  204. "Sat"
  205. ],
  206. "rruleArr": [
  207. "SU",
  208. "MO",
  209. "TU",
  210. "WE",
  211. "TH",
  212. "FR",
  213. "SA"
  214. ]
  215. },
  216. "weeksShort": {
  217. "Sun": "Sun",
  218. "Mon": "Mon",
  219. "Tues": "Tues",
  220. "Wed": "Wed",
  221. "Thur": "Thur",
  222. "Fri": "Fri",
  223. "Sat": "Sat",
  224. "arr": [
  225. "Sun",
  226. "Mon",
  227. "Tues",
  228. "Wed",
  229. "Thur",
  230. "Fri",
  231. "Sat"
  232. ],
  233. "rruleArr": [
  234. "SU",
  235. "MO",
  236. "TU",
  237. "WE",
  238. "TH",
  239. "FR",
  240. "SA"
  241. ]
  242. },
  243. "config": {
  244. "navi": "Navigation",
  245. "autoHide": "AutoHide",
  246. "default": "Default View",
  247. "applyProcess": "Schedule Process",
  248. "legend": "Icon",
  249. "eventStatus": "Event Status",
  250. "wait": "Appointed",
  251. "progress": "Progress",
  252. "completed": "Completed",
  253. "invite": "Invitation",
  254. "weekBegin": "Starting day of the week",
  255. "viewSetting": "Enable View",
  256. "viewCustomName": "View display name",
  257. "mobileCreateEnable": "Whether the mobile terminal can create a new schedule",
  258. "mobileCreateEnableOptions": [
  259. "Yes",
  260. "No"
  261. ]
  262. },
  263. "nextActivity": "Next Activity:",
  264. "nextUser": "Processor:",
  265. "deal": "Deal",
  266. "processStarted": "File has been started",
  267. "processStartedMessage": "You started a new job:",
  268. "add": "Add",
  269. "more": "More",
  270. "schedule": {
  271. "noEvent": "You have no agenda for the day",
  272. "current": "Currently you have",
  273. "someEvent": "Item agenda!"
  274. }
  275. }
  276. MWF.xApplication.Calendar["lp."+o2.language] = MWF.xApplication.Calendar.LP