MWF.xApplication = MWF.xApplication || {}; MWF.xApplication.service = MWF.xApplication.service || {}; MWF.xApplication.service.ServiceManager = MWF.xApplication.service.ServiceManager || {}; MWF.xApplication.service.ServiceManager.LP={ "title": "Service Platform", "categoryTitle": "Category", "description": "Description", "deleteItems": "Delete selected element", "copy": "Copy", "copyto": "Copyto...", "copyInfor": "Select multiple elements, press Ctrl+C to copy the elements, press Ctrl+V to paste elements into the current application", "copyed": "The selected element has been copied", "copyConfirmTitle": "Copy element confirmation", "copyConfirmInfor": "The target area already contains the same elements:", "copySource": "Original file:", "copyTarget": "Copy files:", "copyConfirm_overwrite": "Replace", "copyConfirm_new": "Create", "copyConfirm_skip": "Skip", "copyConfirm_cancel": "Cancel", "copynew": "New", "edit": "Edit", "save": "Save", "cancel": "Cancel", "phone": "Phone", "mail": "Mail", "deleteElementTitle": "Delete design confirmation", "deleteElement": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected design element?", "agent": { "name": "Agent", "create": "Create Agent", "search": "Search Agent", "searchText": "Please enter key words", "noAgentNoticeText": "There is no Agent, you can click here to create a new Agent", "loaded": "Agent loaded", "deleteProcessTitle": "Delete Agent confirmation", "deleteProcess": "Are you sure you want to delete the current Agent?", "noPermission": "You are not an administrator and cannot view Agents.", "deletePageTemplateTitle": "Delete proxy template confirmation", "deletePageTemplate": "Are you sure you want to delete the current proxy template?" }, "invoke": { "name": "Service", "create": "Create Service", "search": "Search Service", "searchText": "Please enter key words", "noAgentNoticeText": "There is no Service, you can click here to create a new Service", "loaded": "Service loaded", "deleteProcessTitle": "Delete Service confirmation", "deleteProcess": "Are you sure you want to delete the current Service?", "noPermission": "You are not an administrator and cannot view Service.", "deletePageTemplateTitle": "Delete interface template confirmation", "deletePageTemplate": "Are you sure you want to delete the current interface template?" }, "dictionary": { "name": "Dictionary", "create": "Create Data Dictionary", "search": "Search Data Dictionary", "searchText": "Please enter a keyword", "noDictionaryNoticeText": "There is no data dictionary, you can click here to create a new data dictionary", "noDictionaryNoCreateNoticeText": "This application does not have a data dictionary now", "loaded": "Data dictionary loaded", "deleteFormTitle": "Confirm Delete Data Dictionary", "deleteForm": "Are you sure you want to delete the current data dictionary?", "noPermission": "You are not an administrator and cannot view dictionary." }, "script": { "name": "Script", "create": "Create Script", "search": "Search Script", "searchText": "Please enter a keyword", "noScriptNoticeText": "There is no script, you can click here to create a new script", "loaded": "Script loaded", "deleteFormTitle": "Delete Script Confirmation", "deleteForm": "Are you sure you want to delete the current script?", "noPermission": "You are not an administrator and cannot view script." }, "all": "All", "agentConfig": "Agent Config", "interfaceConfig": "Service Config", "scriptConfig": "Script Config", "dataConfig": "Data Config", "disable": "Disabled", "application": { "inputApplicationName": "Please enter the name of the data application", "property": "Data application properties", "name": "Data application name", "alias": "Data application alias", "description": "Data application description", "type": "Data application type", "icon": "Data application icon", "id": "Data application identification", "firstPage": "Data application homepage", "controllerList": "controller", "available": "Available range" }, "createSelectTemplate": "New: Select Template", "templateCategory": "Template classification:" } MWF.xApplication.service.ServiceManager["lp."+o2.language] = MWF.xApplication.service.ServiceManager.LP