MWF.xApplication = MWF.xApplication || {}; MWF.xApplication.cms = MWF.xApplication.cms || {}; MWF.xApplication.cms.Index = MWF.xApplication.cms.Index || {}; MWF.xApplication.cms.Index.LP={ "title": "CMS Homepage", "createDocument": "New document", "selectCategory": "Select Category", "searchKey": "Please enter the search key", "all": "All", "filter": "Filter", "ok": "OK", "clear": "Clear", "defaultView": "Default View", "setDefaultView": "Set the next time you open the category to default to this view", "setDefaultSuccess": "Set the default view successfully!", "refresh": "Refresh the homepage", "documentTitle": "Title", "activity": "activity", "status": "Status", "action": "Action", "person": "Drafter", "completedTime": "Completed Time", "noDescription": "Undefined description", "creatorCompanyList": "Create Company", "creatorDepartmentList": "Create Department", "startTimeMonthList": "Create Time", "completedTimeMonthList": "Completed Time", "start": "New", "key": "Keyword", "noFormSelected": "No form is set for this category, please notify the administrator", "documentStartedMessage": "You created a document:", "open": "Open", "delete": "Delete", "edit": "Edit", "setTop": "SetTop", "share": "Share", "phone": "Phone", "mail": "Mail", "deleteDocumentTitle": "Delete Confirmation", "deleteDocument": "Are you sure you want to delete '{title}'?", "deleteDocumentOK": "Document deleted successfully", "allColumn": "All Columns", "search": "Search", "reset": "Reset", "more": "More" } MWF.xApplication.cms.Index["lp."+o2.language] = MWF.xApplication.cms.Index.LP