MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.History = new Class({ initialize : function( minder ){ this.minder = minder; this.MAX_HISTORY = 100; this.lastSnap; this.patchLock; this.undoDiffs = []; this.redoDiffs = []; this.reset(); minder.on('contentchange', this.changed.bind(this)); minder.on('import', this.reset.bind(this)); minder.on('patch', this.updateSelection.bind(this)); }, reset: function () { this.undoDiffs = []; this.redoDiffs = []; this.lastSnap = this.minder.exportJson(); }, makeUndoDiff: function() { var headSnap = this.minder.exportJson(); var diff = MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.JsonDiff(headSnap, this.lastSnap); if (diff.length) { this.undoDiffs.push(diff); while (this.undoDiffs.length > this.MAX_HISTORY) { this.undoDiffs.shift(); } this.lastSnap = headSnap; return true; } }, makeRedoDiff:function() { var revertSnap = this.minder.exportJson(); this.redoDiffs.push(MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.JsonDiff(revertSnap, this.lastSnap)); this.lastSnap = revertSnap; }, undo: function() { this.patchLock = true; var undoDiff = this.undoDiffs.pop(); if (undoDiff) { this.minder.applyPatches(undoDiff); this.makeRedoDiff(); } this.patchLock = false; }, redo: function() { this.patchLock = true; var redoDiff = this.redoDiffs.pop(); if (redoDiff) { this.minder.applyPatches(redoDiff); this.makeUndoDiff(); } this.patchLock = false; }, changed: function() { if (this.patchLock) return; if (this.makeUndoDiff()) this.redoDiffs = []; }, hasUndo: function() { return !!this.undoDiffs.length; }, hasRedo: function() { return !!this.redoDiffs.length; }, updateSelection: function(e) { if (!this.patchLock) return; var patch = e.patch; switch ( { case 'node.add':, true); break; case 'node.remove': case 'data.replace': case 'data.remove': case 'data.add':, true); break; } } }) /** * @Desc: 新增一个用于处理系统ctrl+c ctrl+v等方式导入导出节点的MIMETYPE处理,如系统不支持clipboardEvent或者是FF则不初始化改class * @Editor: Naixor * @Date: 2015.9.21 */ MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.ClipboardMimeType = new Class({ initialize : function(){ this.SPLITOR = '\uFEFF'; this.MIMETYPE = { 'application/km': '\uFFFF' }; this.SIGN = { '\uFEFF': 'SPLITOR', '\uFFFF': 'application/km' }; }, /** * 用于将一段纯文本封装成符合其数据格式的文本 * @method process private * @param {MIMETYPE} mimetype 数据格式 * @param {String} text 原始文本 * @return {String} 符合该数据格式下的文本 * @example * var str = "123"; * str = process('application/km', str); // 返回的内容再经过MimeType判断会读取出其数据格式为application/km * process('text/plain', str); // 若接受到一个非纯文本信息,则会将其转换为新的数据格式 */ process: function(mimetype, text) { text = text || ""; if (!this.isPureText(text)) { var _mimetype = this.whichMimeType(text); if (!_mimetype) { throw new Error('unknow mimetype!'); } text = this.getPureText(text); } if (mimetype === false) { return text; } return mimetype + this.SPLITOR + text; }, /** * 注册数据类型的标识 * @method registMimeTypeProtocol public * @param {String} type 数据类型 * @param {String} sign 标识 */ registMimeTypeProtocol : function(type, sign) { if (sign && this.SIGN[sign]) { throw new Error('sing has registed!'); } if (type && !!this.MIMETYPE[type]) { throw new Error('mimetype has registed!'); } this.SIGN[sign] = type; this.MIMETYPE[type] = sign; }, /** * 获取已注册数据类型的协议 * @method getMimeTypeProtocol public * @param {String} type 数据类型 * @param {String} text|undefiend 文本内容或不传入 * @return {String|Function} * @example * text若不传入则直接返回对应数据格式的处理(process)方法 * 若传入文本则直接调用对应的process方法进行处理,此时返回处理后的内容 * var m = new MimeType(); * var kmprocess = m.getMimeTypeProtocol('application/km'); * kmprocess("123") === m.getMimeTypeProtocol('application/km', "123"); * */ getMimeTypeProtocol : function(type, text) { var mimetype = this.MIMETYPE[type] || false; if (text === undefined) { return this.process(mimetype); }; return this.process(mimetype, text); }, getSpitor : function() { return this.SPLITOR; }, getMimeType : function(sign) { if (sign !== undefined) { return this.SIGN[sign] || null; } return this.MIMETYPE; }, isPureText : function(text) { if( !text )return true; return !(~text.indexOf(this.getSpitor())); }, getPureText : function(text) { if (this.isPureText(text)) { return text; }; return text.split(this.getSpitor())[1]; }, whichMimeType : function(text) { if (this.isPureText(text)) { return null; }; return this.getMimeType(text.split(this.getSpitor())[0]); } }) MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.Clipboard = new Class({ initialize : function( editor ){ this.editor = editor; this.minder = editor.minder; this.Data =; if (!this.minder.supportClipboardEvent || kity.Browser.gecko) { return; } this.fsm = this.editor.fsm; this.receiver = this.editor.receiver; this.MimeType = this.editor.MimeType; this.kmencode = this.MimeType.getMimeTypeProtocol('application/km'); this.decode = this.Data.getRegisterProtocol('json').decode; this._selectedNodes = []; /** * 由editor的receiver统一处理全部事件,包括clipboard事件 * @Editor: Naixor * @Date: 2015.9.24 */ document.addEventListener('copy', this.beforeCopy.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('cut', this.beforeCut.bind(this)); document.addEventListener('paste', this.beforePaste.bind(this)); }, /* * 增加对多节点赋值粘贴的处理 */ encode: function (nodes) { var _nodes = []; for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { _nodes.push( this.minder.exportNode(nodes[i])); } return kmencode( this.Data.getRegisterProtocol('json').encode(_nodes)); }, beforeCopy : function (e) { if (document.activeElement == this.receiver.element) { var clipBoardEvent = e; var state = this.fsm.state(); switch (state) { case 'input': { break; } case 'normal': { var nodes = [].concat(this.minder.getSelectedNodes()); if (nodes.length) { // 这里由于被粘贴复制的节点的id信息也都一样,故做此算法 // 这里有个疑问,使用node.getParent()或者node.parent会离奇导致出现非选中节点被渲染成选中节点,因此使用isAncestorOf,而没有使用自行回溯的方式 if (nodes.length > 1) { var targetLevel; nodes.sort(function(a, b) { return a.getLevel() - b.getLevel(); }); targetLevel = nodes[0].getLevel(); if (targetLevel !== nodes[nodes.length-1].getLevel()) { var plevel, pnode, idx = 0, l = nodes.length, pidx = l-1; pnode = nodes[pidx]; while (pnode.getLevel() !== targetLevel) { idx = 0; while (idx < l && nodes[idx].getLevel() === targetLevel) { if (nodes[idx].isAncestorOf(pnode)) { nodes.splice(pidx, 1); break; } idx++; } pidx--; pnode = nodes[pidx]; } }; }; var str = encode(nodes); clipBoardEvent.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', str); } e.preventDefault(); break; } } } }, beforeCut : function (e) { if (document.activeElement == this.receiver.element) { if (this.minder.getStatus() !== 'normal') { e.preventDefault(); return; }; var clipBoardEvent = e; var state = this.fsm.state(); switch (this.state) { case 'input': { break; } case 'normal': { var nodes = this.minder.getSelectedNodes(); if (nodes.length) { clipBoardEvent.clipboardData.setData('text/plain', encode(nodes)); this.minder.execCommand('removenode'); } e.preventDefault(); break; } } } }, beforePaste : function(e) { if (document.activeElement == this.receiver.element) { if (this.minder.getStatus() !== 'normal') { e.preventDefault(); return; }; var clipBoardEvent = e; var state = this.fsm.state(); var textData = clipBoardEvent.clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); switch (state) { case 'input': { // input状态下如果格式为application/km则不进行paste操作 if (!this.MimeType.isPureText(textData)) { e.preventDefault(); return; }; break; } case 'normal': { /* * 针对normal状态下通过对选中节点粘贴导入子节点文本进行单独处理 */ var sNodes = this.minder.getSelectedNodes(); if (this.MimeType.whichMimeType(textData) === 'application/km') { var nodes = this.decode(this.MimeType.getPureText(textData)); var _node; sNodes.forEach(function(node) { // 由于粘贴逻辑中为了排除子节点重新排序导致逆序,因此复制的时候倒过来 for (var i = nodes.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { _node = this.minder.createNode(null, node); this.minder.importNode(_node, nodes[i]); this._selectedNodes.push(_node); node.appendChild(_node); } });, true); this._selectedNodes = []; this.minder.refresh(); }else if (clipBoardEvent.clipboardData && clipBoardEvent.clipboardData.items[0].type.indexOf('image') > -1) { //var imageFile = clipBoardEvent.clipboardData.items[0].getAsFile(); //var serverService = angular.element(document.body).injector().get('server'); // //return serverService.uploadImage(imageFile).then(function (json) { // var resp =; // if (resp.errno === 0) { // this.minder.execCommand('image',; // } //}); } else { sNodes.forEach(function(node) { this.minder.Text2Children(node, textData); }); } e.preventDefault(); break; } } } } }) MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.Input = new Class({ initialize : function( editor ){ this.editor = editor; this.fsm = editor.fsm; this.minder = editor.minder; //var hotbox = this.hotbox; this.receiver = editor.receiver; this.receiverElement = this.receiver.element; this.isGecko = window.kity.Browser.gecko; this.debug = this.editor.debug; this.setupReciverElement(); this.setupFsm(); //this.setupHotbox(); }, setupFsm: function () { // when jumped to input mode, enter this.fsm.when('* -> input', this.enterInputMode.bind(this)); // when exited, commit or exit depends on the exit reason this.fsm.when('input -> *', function(exit, enter, reason) { switch (reason) { case 'input-cancel': return this.exitInputMode(); case 'input-commit': default: return this.commitInputResult(); } }.bind(this)); // lost focus to commit this.receiver.onblur(function (e) { if (this.fsm.state() == 'input') { this.fsm.jump('normal', 'input-commit'); } }.bind(this)); this.minder.on('beforemousedown', function () { if (this.fsm.state() == 'input') { this.fsm.jump('normal', 'input-commit'); } }.bind(this)); this.minder.on('dblclick', function() { if (this.minder.getSelectedNode() && this.minder._status !== 'readonly') { this.editText(); } }.bind(this)); }, // let the receiver follow the current selected node position setupReciverElement: function () { if (this.debug.flaged) { this.receiverElement.classList.add('debug'); } this.receiverElement.onmousedown = function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }; this.minder.on('layoutallfinish viewchange viewchanged selectionchange', function(e) { // viewchange event is too frequenced, lazy it if (e.type == 'viewchange' && this.fsm.state() != 'input') return; this.updatePosition(); }.bind(this)); this.updatePosition(); }, // edit entrance in hotbox setupHotbox: function () { hotbox.state('main').button({ position: 'center', label: '编辑', key: 'F2', enable: function() { return minder.queryCommandState('text') != -1; }, action: editText }); }, /** * 增加对字体的鉴别,以保证用户在编辑状态ctrl/cmd + b/i所触发的加粗斜体与显示一致 * @editor Naixor * @Date 2015-12-2 */ // edit for the selected node editText: function() { var node = this.minder.getSelectedNode(); if (!node) { return; } var textContainer = this.receiverElement; this.receiverElement.innerText = ""; if (node.getData('font-weight') === 'bold') { var b = document.createElement('b'); textContainer.appendChild(b); textContainer = b; } if (node.getData('font-style') === 'italic') { var i = document.createElement('i'); textContainer.appendChild(i); textContainer = i; } textContainer.innerText = this.minder.queryCommandValue('text') || ""; if (this.isGecko) { this.receiver.fixFFCaretDisappeared(); } this.fsm.jump('input', 'input-request'); this.receiver.selectAll(); }, /** * 增加对字体的鉴别,以保证用户在编辑状态ctrl/cmd + b/i所触发的加粗斜体与显示一致 * @editor Naixor * @Date 2015-12-2 */ enterInputMode: function() { var node = this.minder.getSelectedNode(); var receiverElement = this.receiverElement; if (node) { var fontSize = node.getData('font-size') || node.getStyle('font-size'); = fontSize + 'px'; = 0; = receiverElement.clientWidth + 'px'; = node.getData('font-weight') || ''; = node.getData('font-style') || ''; receiverElement.classList.add('input'); receiverElement.focus(); } }, /** * 按照文本提交操作处理 * @Desc: 从其他节点复制文字到另一个节点时部分浏览器(chrome)会自动包裹一个span标签,这样试用一下逻辑出来的就不是text节点二是span节点因此导致undefined的情况发生 * @Warning: 下方代码使用[].slice.call来将HTMLDomCollection处理成为Array,ie8及以下会有问题 * @Editor: Naixor * @Date: 2015.9.16 */ commitInputText: function(textNodes) { var text = ''; var TAB_CHAR = '\t', ENTER_CHAR = '\n', STR_CHECK = /\S/, SPACE_CHAR = '\u0020', // 针对FF,SG,BD,LB,IE等浏览器下SPACE的charCode存在为32和160的情况做处理 SPACE_CHAR_REGEXP = new RegExp('(\u0020|' + String.fromCharCode(160) + ')'), BR = document.createElement('br'); var isBold = false, isItalic = false; for (var str, _divChildNodes, space_l, space_num, tab_num, i = 0, l = textNodes.length; i < l; i++) { str = textNodes[i]; switch ( { // 正常情况处理 case '[object HTMLBRElement]': { text += ENTER_CHAR; break; } case '[object Text]': { // SG下会莫名其妙的加上 影响后续判断,干掉! /** * FF下的wholeText会导致如下问题: * |123| -> 在一个节点中输入一段字符,此时TextNode为[#Text 123] * 提交并重新编辑,在后面追加几个字符 * |123abc| -> 此时123为一个TextNode为[#Text 123, #Text abc],但是对这两个任意取值wholeText均为全部内容123abc * 上述BUG仅存在在FF中,故将wholeText更改为textContent */ str = str.textContent.replace(" ", " "); if (!STR_CHECK.test(str)) { space_l = str.length; while (space_l--) { if (SPACE_CHAR_REGEXP.test(str[space_l])) { text += SPACE_CHAR; } else if (str[space_l] === TAB_CHAR) { text += TAB_CHAR; } } } else { text += str; } break; } // ctrl + b/i 会给字体加上/标签来实现黑体和斜体 case '[object HTMLElement]': { switch (str.nodeName) { case "B": { isBold = true; break; } case "I": { isItalic = true; break; } default: {} } [].splice.apply(textNodes, [i, 1].concat([]; l = textNodes.length; i--; break; } // 被增加span标签的情况会被处理成正常情况并会推交给上面处理 case '[object HTMLSpanElement]': { [].splice.apply(textNodes, [i, 1].concat([]; l = textNodes.length; i--; break; } // 若标签为image标签,则判断是否为合法url,是将其加载进来 case '[object HTMLImageElement]': { if (str.src) { if (/http(|s):\/\//.test(str.src)) { minder.execCommand("Image", str.src, str.alt); } else { // data:image协议情况 } }; break; } // 被增加div标签的情况会被处理成正常情况并会推交给上面处理 case '[object HTMLDivElement]': { _divChildNodes = []; for (var di = 0, l = str.childNodes.length; di < l; di++) { _divChildNodes.push(str.childNodes[di]); } _divChildNodes.push(BR); [].splice.apply(textNodes, [i, 1].concat(_divChildNodes)); l = textNodes.length; i--; break; } default: { if (str && str.childNodes.length) { _divChildNodes = []; for (var di = 0, l = str.childNodes.length; di < l; di++) { _divChildNodes.push(str.childNodes[di]); } _divChildNodes.push(BR); [].splice.apply(textNodes, [i, 1].concat(_divChildNodes)); l = textNodes.length; i--; } else { if (str && str.textContent !== undefined) { text += str.textContent; } else { text += ""; } } // // 其他带有样式的节点被粘贴进来,则直接取textContent,若取不出来则置空 } } }; text = text.replace(/^\n*|\n*$/g, ''); text = text.replace(new RegExp('(\n|\r|\n\r)(\u0020|' + String.fromCharCode(160) + '){4}', 'g'), '$1\t'); this.minder.getSelectedNode().setText(text); if (isBold) { this.minder.queryCommandState('bold') || this.minder.execCommand('bold'); } else { this.minder.queryCommandState('bold') && this.minder.execCommand('bold'); } if (isItalic) { this.minder.queryCommandState('italic') || this.minder.execCommand('italic'); } else { this.minder.queryCommandState('italic') && this.minder.execCommand('italic'); } this.exitInputMode(); return text; }, /** * 判断节点的文本信息是否是 * @Desc: 从其他节点复制文字到另一个节点时部分浏览器(chrome)会自动包裹一个span标签,这样使用以下逻辑出来的就不是text节点二是span节点因此导致undefined的情况发生 * @Notice: 此处逻辑应该拆分到 kityminder-core/core/data中去,单独增加一个对某个节点importJson的事件 * @Editor: Naixor * @Date: 2015.9.16 */ commitInputNode: function (node, text) { try { this. minder.decodeData('text', text).then(function(json) { function importText(node, json, minder) { var data =; node.setText(data.text || ''); var childrenTreeData = json.children || []; for (var i = 0; i < childrenTreeData.length; i++) { var childNode = minder.createNode(null, node); importText(childNode, childrenTreeData[i], minder); } return node; } importText(node, json, this.minder);"contentchange"); this.minder.getRoot().renderTree(); this.minder.layout(300); }.bind(this)); } catch (e) {"contentchange"); this.minder.getRoot().renderTree(); // 无法被转换成脑图节点则不处理 if (e.toString() !== 'Error: Invalid local format') { throw e; } } }, commitInputResult: function() { /** * @Desc: 进行如下处理: * 根据用户的输入判断是否生成新的节点 * fix #83 * @Editor: Naixor * @Date: 2015.9.16 */ var textNodes = []; /** * @Desc: 增加setTimeout的原因:ie下receiverElement.innerHTML=""会导致后 * 面commitInputText中使用textContent报错,不要问我什么原因! * @Editor: Naixor * @Date: 2015.12.14 */ setTimeout(function () { // 解决过大内容导致SVG窜位问题 this.receiverElement.innerHTML = ""; }.bind(this), 0); var node = this.minder.getSelectedNode(); textNodes = this.commitInputText(textNodes); this.commitInputNode(node, textNodes); if (node.type == 'root') { var rootText = this.minder.getRoot().getText();'initChangeRoot', {text: rootText}); } }, exitInputMode: function () { this.receiverElement.classList.remove('input'); this.receiver.selectAll(); }, updatePosition: function() { var focusNode = this.minder.getSelectedNode(); if (!focusNode) return; if (!this.timer) { this.timer = setTimeout(function() { var box = focusNode.getRenderBox('TextRenderer'); = Math.round(box.x) + 'px'; = (this.debug.flaged ? Math.round(box.bottom + 30) : Math.round(box.y)) + 'px'; //receiverElement.focus(); this.timer = 0; }.bind(this)); } } }) // 用于拖拽节点时屏蔽键盘事件 MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.Drag = new Class({ initialize : function( editor ){ this.editor = editor; this.fsm = editor.fsm; this.minder = editor.minder; //var hotbox = this.hotbox; this.receiver = editor.receiver; this.receiverElement = this.receiver.element; this.setupFsm(); var downX, downY; var MOUSE_HAS_DOWN = 0; var MOUSE_HAS_UP = 1; var BOUND_CHECK = 20; var flag = MOUSE_HAS_UP; var maxX, maxY, osx, osy, containerY; var freeHorizen = this.freeHorizen = false; var freeVirtical = this.freeVirtical = false; this.frame = null; this.minder.on('mousedown', function(e) { flag = MOUSE_HAS_DOWN; var rect = this.minder.getPaper().container.getBoundingClientRect(); downX = e.originEvent.clientX; downY = e.originEvent.clientY; containerY =; maxX = rect.width; maxY = rect.height; }.bind(this)); this.minder.on('mousemove', function(e) { if ( this.fsm.state() === 'drag' && flag == MOUSE_HAS_DOWN && this.minder.getSelectedNode() && (Math.abs(downX - e.originEvent.clientX) > BOUND_CHECK || Math.abs(downY - e.originEvent.clientY) > BOUND_CHECK)) { osx = e.originEvent.clientX; osy = e.originEvent.clientY - containerY; if (osx < BOUND_CHECK) { this.move('right', BOUND_CHECK - osx); } else if (osx > maxX - BOUND_CHECK) { this.move('left', BOUND_CHECK + osx - maxX); } else { freeHorizen = true; } if (osy < BOUND_CHECK) { this.move('bottom', osy); } else if (osy > maxY - BOUND_CHECK) { this.move('top', BOUND_CHECK + osy - maxY); } else { freeVirtical = true; } if (freeHorizen && freeVirtical) { this.move(false); } } if (this.fsm.state() !== 'drag' && flag === MOUSE_HAS_DOWN && this.minder.getSelectedNode() && (Math.abs(downX - e.originEvent.clientX) > BOUND_CHECK || Math.abs(downY - e.originEvent.clientY) > BOUND_CHECK)) { if (this.fsm.state() === 'hotbox') { //; } return this.fsm.jump('drag', 'user-drag'); } }.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('mouseup', function () { flag = MOUSE_HAS_UP; if (this.fsm.state() === 'drag') { this.move(false); return this.fsm.jump('normal', 'drag-finish'); } }.bind(this), false); }, setupFsm: function(){ // when jumped to drag mode, enter this.fsm.when('* -> drag', function() { // now is drag mode }); this.fsm.when('drag -> *', function(exit, enter, reason) { if (reason == 'drag-finish') { // now exit drag mode } }); }, move: function(direction, speed) { if (!direction) { this.freeHorizen = this.freeVirtical = false; this.frame && kity.releaseFrame(this.frame); this.frame = null; return; } if (!this.frame) { this.frame = kity.requestFrame((function (direction, speed, minder) { return function (frame) { switch (direction) { case 'left': minder._viewDragger.move({x: -speed, y: 0}, 0); break; case 'top': minder._viewDragger.move({x: 0, y: -speed}, 0); break; case 'right': minder._viewDragger.move({x: speed, y: 0}, 0); break; case 'bottom': minder._viewDragger.move({x: 0, y: speed}, 0); break; default: return; }; }; })(direction, speed, this.minder)); } } }) MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.FSM = new Class({ initialize: function( defaultState ){ this.currentState = defaultState; this.BEFORE_ARROW = ' - '; this.AFTER_ARROW = ' -> '; this.handlers = []; this.debug = new MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.Debug('fsm'); }, /** * 状态跳转 * * 会通知所有的状态跳转监视器 * * @param {string} newState 新状态名称 * @param {any} reason 跳转的原因,可以作为参数传递给跳转监视器 */ jump: function(newState, reason) { if (!reason) throw new Error('Please tell fsm the reason to jump'); var oldState = this.currentState; var notify = [oldState, newState].concat([], 1)); var i, handler; // 跳转前 for (i = 0; i < this.handlers.length; i++) { handler = this.handlers[i]; if (this.handlerConditionMatch(handler.condition, 'before', oldState, newState)) { if (handler.apply(null, notify)) return; } } this.currentState = newState; this.debug.log('[{0}] {1} -> {2}', reason, oldState, newState); // 跳转后 for (i = 0; i < this.handlers.length; i++) { handler = this.handlers[i]; if (this.handlerConditionMatch(handler.condition, 'after', oldState, newState)) { handler.apply(null, notify); } } return this.currentState; }, /** * 返回当前状态 * @return {string} */ state : function() { return this.currentState; }, /** * 添加状态跳转监视器 * * @param {string} condition * 监视的时机 * "* => *" (默认) * * @param {Function} handler * 监视函数,当状态跳转的时候,会接收三个参数 * * from - 跳转前的状态 * * to - 跳转后的状态 * * reason - 跳转的原因 */ when : function(condition, handler) { if (arguments.length == 1) { handler = condition; condition = '* -> *'; } var when, resolved, exit, enter; resolved = condition.split(this.BEFORE_ARROW); if (resolved.length == 2) { when = 'before'; } else { resolved = condition.split(this.AFTER_ARROW); if (resolved.length == 2) { when = 'after'; } } if (!when) throw new Error('Illegal fsm condition: ' + condition); exit = resolved[0]; enter = resolved[1]; handler.condition = { when: when, exit: exit, enter: enter }; this.handlers.push(handler); }, handlerConditionMatch: function (condition, when, exit, enter) { if (condition.when != when) return false; if (condition.enter != '*' && condition.enter != enter) return false; if (condition.exit != '*' && condition.exit != exit) return; return true; } }) //根据按键控制状态机的跳转 MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.Jumping = function() { /** * @Desc: 下方使用receiver.enable()和receiver.disable()通过 * 修改div contenteditable属性的hack来解决开启热核后依然无法屏蔽浏览器输入的bug; * 特别: win下FF对于此种情况必须要先blur在focus才能解决,但是由于这样做会导致用户 * 输入法状态丢失,因此对FF暂不做处理 * @Editor: Naixor * @Date: 2015.09.14 */ var fsm = this.fsm; var minder = this.minder; var receiver = this.receiver; var container = this.container; var receiverElement = receiver.element; var hotbox = this.hotbox; // Nice: function isIntendToInput(e) { if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.altKey) return false; // a-zA-Z if (e.keyCode >= 65 && e.keyCode <= 90) return true; // 0-9 以及其上面的符号 if (e.keyCode >= 48 && e.keyCode <= 57) return true; // 小键盘区域 (除回车外) if (e.keyCode != 108 && e.keyCode >= 96 && e.keyCode <= 111) return true; // 小键盘区域 (除回车外) // @yinheli from pull request if (e.keyCode != 108 && e.keyCode >= 96 && e.keyCode <= 111) return true; // 输入法 if (e.keyCode == 229 || e.keyCode === 0) return true; return false; } // normal -> * receiver.listen('normal', function(e) { // 为了防止处理进入edit模式而丢失处理的首字母,此时receiver必须为enable receiver.enable(); // normal -> hotbox if ('Space')) { e.preventDefault(); // safari下Space触发hotbox,然而这时Space已在receiver上留下作案痕迹,因此抹掉 if (kity.Browser.safari) { receiverElement.innerHTML = ''; } return fsm.jump('hotbox', 'space-trigger'); } /** * check * @editor Naixor * @Date 2015-12-2 */ switch (e.type) { case 'keydown': { if (minder.getSelectedNode()) { if (isIntendToInput(e)) { return fsm.jump('input', 'user-input'); }; } else { receiverElement.innerHTML = ''; } // normal -> normal shortcut fsm.jump('normal', 'shortcut-handle', e); break; } case 'keyup': { break; } default: {} } }); // hotbox -> normal receiver.listen('hotbox', function(e) { receiver.disable(); e.preventDefault(); var handleResult = hotbox.dispatch(e); if (hotbox.state() == Hotbox.STATE_IDLE && fsm.state() == 'hotbox') { return fsm.jump('normal', 'hotbox-idle'); } }); // input => normal receiver.listen('input', function(e) { receiver.enable(); if (e.type == 'keydown') { if ('Enter')) { e.preventDefault(); return fsm.jump('normal', 'input-commit'); } if ('Esc')) { e.preventDefault(); return fsm.jump('normal', 'input-cancel'); } if ('Tab') ||'Shift + Tab')) { e.preventDefault(); } } else if (e.type == 'keyup' &&'Esc')) { e.preventDefault(); return fsm.jump('normal', 'input-cancel'); } }); ////////////////////////////////////////////// /// 右键呼出热盒 /// 判断的标准是:按下的位置和结束的位置一致 ////////////////////////////////////////////// var downX, downY; var MOUSE_RB = 2; // 右键 container.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { if (e.button == MOUSE_RB) { e.preventDefault(); } if (fsm.state() == 'hotbox') {; fsm.jump('normal', 'blur'); } else if (fsm.state() == 'normal' && e.button == MOUSE_RB) { downX = e.clientX; downY = e.clientY; } }, false); container.addEventListener('mousewheel', function(e) { if (fsm.state() == 'hotbox') {; fsm.jump('normal', 'mousemove-blur'); } }, false); container.addEventListener('contextmenu', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); container.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e) { if (fsm.state() != 'normal') { return; } if (e.button != MOUSE_RB || e.clientX != downX || e.clientY != downY) { return; } if (!minder.getSelectedNode()) { return; } fsm.jump('hotbox', 'content-menu'); }, false); // 阻止热盒事件冒泡,在热盒正确执行前导致热盒关闭 hotbox.$element.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); } //键盘事件接收/分发器 MWF.xApplication.MinderEditor.Receiver = new Class({ initialize: function( editor ){ this.editor = editor; this.minder = editor.minder; this.fsm = editor.fsm; // 接收事件的 div var element = this.element = document.createElement('div'); element.contentEditable = true; /** * @Desc: 增加tabindex属性使得element的contenteditable不管是trur还是false都能有focus和blur事件 * @Editor: Naixor * @Date: 2015.09.14 */ element.setAttribute("tabindex", -1); element.classList.add('receiver'); element.onkeydown = element.onkeypress = element.onkeyup = this.dispatchKeyEvent.bind(this); this.editor.contentNode.appendChild(element); this.selectAll(); this.minder.on('beforemousedown', this.selectAll.bind(this)); this.minder.on('receiverfocus', this.selectAll.bind(this)); this.minder.on('readonly', function() { // 屏蔽minder的事件接受,删除receiver和hotbox this.minder.disable(); this.element.parentElement.removeChild(this.element); //this.editor.hotbox.$container.removeChild(editor.hotbox.$element); }.bind(this)); // 侦听器,接收到的事件会派发给所有侦听器 this.listeners = []; }, selectAll: function() { // 保证有被选中的 if (!this.element.innerHTML) this.element.innerHTML = ' '; var range = document.createRange(); var selection = window.getSelection(); range.selectNodeContents(this.element); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); this.element.focus(); }, /** * @Desc: 增加enable和disable方法用于解决热核态的输入法屏蔽问题 * @Editor: Naixor * @Date: 2015.09.14 */ enable: function() { this.element.setAttribute("contenteditable", true); }, disable: function() { this.element.setAttribute("contenteditable", false); }, /** * @Desc: hack FF下div contenteditable的光标丢失BUG * @Editor: Naixor * @Date: 2015.10.15 */ fixFFCaretDisappeared: function() { this.element.removeAttribute("contenteditable"); this.element.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true"); this.element.blur(); this.element.focus(); }, /** * 以此事件代替通过mouse事件来判断receiver丢失焦点的事件 * @editor Naixor * @Date 2015-12-2 */ onblur: function (handler) { this.element.onblur = handler; }, // 侦听指定状态下的事件,如果不传 state,侦听所有状态 listen : function(state, listener) { if (arguments.length == 1) { listener = state; state = '*'; } listener.notifyState = state; listeners.push(listener); }, dispatchKeyEvent: function (e) { = function(keyExpression) { var subs = keyExpression.split('|'); for (var i = 0; i < subs.length; i++) { if (, subs[i])) return true; } return false; }; var listener, jumpState; for (var i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; i++) { listener = listeners[i]; // 忽略不在侦听状态的侦听器 if (listener.notifyState != '*' && listener.notifyState != fsm.state()) { continue; } /** * * 对于所有的侦听器,只允许一种处理方式:跳转状态。 * 如果侦听器确定要跳转,则返回要跳转的状态。 * 每个事件只允许一个侦听器进行状态跳转 * 跳转动作由侦听器自行完成(因为可能需要在跳转时传递 reason),返回跳转结果即可。 * 比如: * * ```js * receiver.listen('normal', function(e) { * if (isSomeReasonForJumpState(e)) { * return fsm.jump('newstate', e); * } * }); * ``` */ if (, e)) { return; } } } })