MWF.xApplication = MWF.xApplication || {}; MWF.xApplication.query = MWF.xApplication.query || {}; MWF.xApplication.query.StatementDesigner = MWF.xApplication.query.StatementDesigner || {}; MWF.xApplication.query.StatementDesigner.LP={ "title": "Query Design", "newView": "New View", "property": "Property", "item": "Item", "type": "Type", "value": "Value", "view": "View", "unnamed": "Untitled column", "unCategory": "Uncategorized", "id": "Id", "name": "Name", "alias": "Alias", "description": "Description", "saveViewNotice": "Please save the view first!", "application": "Data Application", "newViewName": "New View Name", "copy": "Copy", "ok": "OK", "cancel": "Cancel", "action": { "move": "Move", "delete": "Delete", "add": "Add" }, "notice": { "save_success": "The view was saved successfully!", "saveAs_success": "The view is saved as successfully. You can open a new view in the view settings!", "deleteFilterTitle": "Delete FilterTitle Confirmation", "deleteFilter": "Are you sure you want to delete the filter criteria?", "deleteColumnTitle": "Delete column confirmation", "deleteColumn": "Are you sure you want to delete the current column?", "changeTypeTitle": "Change Data Type Confirmation", "changeTypeDeleteChildren": "Changing the data type will delete all child data. Are you sure you want to execute it?", "changeType": "Changing the data type will change the value of the data. Are you sure you want to execute it?", "inputTypeError": "The data type you entered is wrong, please re-enter", "sameKey": "The item name you entered already exists in the object, please re-enter", "emptyKey": "Project name cannot be empty, please re-enter", "numberKey": "The item name cannot be a number, please re-enter", "inputName": "Please enter the view name", "noModifyName": "Cannot modify the name or alias", "deleteEventTitle": "Delete Event Confirmation", "deleteEvent": "Are you sure you want to delete the current event?", "selectProcess": "Please select an application or process", "selectCMS": "Please select content management column or category", "selectDateRange": "The period type is a range, please select the start date and end date" }, "actionbar": { "readhide": "Set whether to display when reading", "edithide": "Set whether to display when editing", "hideCondition": "Set hiding conditions", "title": "Title", "img": "Icon", "action": "Action", "condition": "Display Condition", "editScript": "Operation Script Editing", "editCondition": "Hide condition editing (return true to hide operation)", "up": "Move up", "property": "Property", "addCustomTool": "Add custom operation", "delete": "Delete", "setProperties": "Set operation properties", "restoreDefaultTool": "Restore deleted system operations", "selectDefaultTool": "Select System Operation" }, "actionBar": { "exportExcel": "Export Excel" }, "mastInputPath": "Please enter the data path", "mastInputTitle": "Please enter a title", "filter": { "and": "and", "or": "Or", "equals": "Equals", "notEquals": "Not Equals", "greaterThan": "Greater Than", "greaterThanOrEqualTo": "Greater Than Equal To", "lessThan": "less than", "lessThanOrEqualTo": "Less than or equal to", "like": "match", "notLike": "Does not match", "range": "range", "logic": "Logic", "path": "Path", "compare": "Compare", "value": "Value", "columnValue": "Column Value", "contain": "Contain", "from": "from", "in": "contain", "script": "Script", "input": "Input" }, "delete_filterItem_title": "Confirm Delete Filter Condition", "delete_filterItem": "Are you sure you want to delete the current filter?", "propertyTemplate": { "base": "Basic", "event": "Event", "html": "HTML", "json": "JSON", "action": "Action", "select": "Select", "alias": "Alias", "id": "Id", "name": "Name", "description": "Description", "appearance": "Appearance Type", "style": "Style", "attribute": "Attribute", "systemAction": "System Action", "show": "Show", "hide": "Hide", "columnTitle": "Column Title", "columnName": "Column Name", "defaultValue": "Default Value", "openDocument": "Open Document", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "openDocumentScript": "Open Document Script", "data": "Data", "selectData": "Select Data", "selectTitle": "(Please select)", "title": "title", "startTime": "Create Time", "startTimeMonth": "Create Month", "completedTime": "Completed Time", "completedTimeMonth": "Complete Month", "creatorPerson": "Drafter", "creatorIdentity": "Author's Identity", "creatorUnit": "Draft Organization", "creatorUnitLevelName": "Draft Organization Level", "application": "application ID", "applicationName": "application name", "applicationAlias": "application alias", "process": "Process ID", "processName": "process name", "processAlias": "process alias", "serial": "Number", "activityType": "Activity Type", "activityName": "activity name", "activityArrivedTime": "Activity ArrivedTime", "workId": "work ID", "workCompletedId": "Completed work ID", "job": "JOB's ID(job)", "completed": "Is it completed (completed)", "publishTime": "Publish Time", "creatorUnitName": "Drafting Organization", "creatorTopUnitName": "Draft Top Unit", "appId": "Column ID", "appName": "Column Name", "categoryId": "category ID", "categoryName": "Category Name", "categoryAlias": "Category Alias", "documentId": "Document ID", "dataPath": "Data Path", "order": "Order", "none": "None", "asc": "ascending order", "desc": "Descending Order", "orderToNumber": "Convert to numeric sort", "category": "category", "hidden": "Hidden", "org": "Organization Object", "htmlValue": "HTML Value", "showScript": "Show Script", "titleStyles": "Title Cell Styles", "titleProperties": "Title Cell Properties", "contentStyles": "Content cell styles", "contentProperties": "Content cell properties", "buttonStyles": "Button Styles", "round": "rounded corners", "rect": "square angle", "showNumberPaging": "Show NumberPaging", "numberShowCount": "Number of Digital Shows", "showBeforeAfter": "Show Before and After", "page": "页:", "hasFirstLastPage": "Display the last page of the first page", "hasPreNextPage": "Display the previous page and the next page", "hasPageJumper": "Show Jumping Page", "firstPageText": "First Page Text", "lastPageText": "Last Page Text", "prevPageText": "PrevPage Text", "nextPageText": "Next Page Text", "hideView": "Hidden", "orderNumber": "Order Number", "viewStyles": "View Styles", "expandView": "Expand Category", "showSequence": "Show Sequence Number", "maxRow": "Maximum number of rows", "pageSize": "Number of rows per page", "pageMaxCountNotice": "Note: The maximum number of lines per page is 2000", "actionbarHidden": "Hide actionbar", "pagingbarHidden": " Hide page bar", "searchbarHidden": " Hide searchbar", "radio": "Single Selection", "checkbox": "Multiple Selection", "selectBoxShow": "When to show select Box", "always": "Always", "mouseover": "Mouse over", "allowSelectAll": "Allow select all", "firstTdHidden": "No category and selection to hide the first column", "noDataText": "No data to display", "cacheAccess": "Enable cache", "cacheAccessNotice": "Note: Enabling the cache will invalidate the permissions in the scope!", "executable": "executable", "availableIdentityList": "Executive Identity", "availableUnitList": "Executive Organization", "defaultSelectedScript": "default selected line script", "selectedAbleScript": "Allow select row script", "range": "Range", "timeRange": "Time Period", "timeRangeNotice": "Note: It is recommended to set the time range to improve efficiency!", "rangeType": "Period Type", "all": "All", "year": "year", "season": "Quarter", "monthly": "Month", "week": "week", "date": "date", "beginDate": "Start Date", "endDate": "End Date", "currentYear": "Current Year", "currentSeason": "Current Season", "firstSeason": "First Season", "secondSeason": "Second Season", "thirdSeason": "third season", "fourthSeason": "Fourth Season", "currentMonth": "Current Month", "month": "月", "monthNumber": "month", "currentWeek": "Current Week", "weekNumber": "(i)", "dateNumber": "(i)", "today": "Today", "adjust": "Offset", "processPlatform": "ProcessPlatform Data", "cmsPlatform": "CMS Data", "authority": "Authority", "check": "with permission", "ignore": "ignore", "processStatus": "Circulation Status", "work": "Circulation in", "workCompleted": "Completed", "selectApplicationNotice": "Take the union of application and process", "selectApplication": "Select Application", "selectProcess": "Select Process", "dataType": "Data Type", "dataTypeValue": [ "Information Type", "Data Type" ], "showDraft": "Show Draft", "selectColumnNotice": "Take the union of column and category", "selectColumn": "Select Column", "selectCategory": "Select Category", "selectOrgNotice": "Take the union of organization, personnel, and identity", "selectUnit": "Draft Organization", "selectPerson": "Drafter", "selectIdentity": "Draft Identity", "filter": "Filter", "path": "Path", "textValue": "Text", "numberValue": "Number", "dateTimeValue": "DateTime", "dateValue": "Date", "timeValue": "Time", "booleanValue": "Boolean", "equals": "equals", "notEquals": "Not Equals", "greaterThan": "Greater Than", "greaterThanOrEqualTo": "Greater than or equal to", "lessThan": "less than", "lessThanOrEqualTo": "less than or equal to", "like": "match", "notLike": "Does not match", "inRange": "Range", "in": "Contains", "filterRestrict": "As the default filter condition", "customFilterRestrict": "As a custom filter Condition", "logic": "Logic", "or": "Or", "and": "and", "comparison": "Compare", "value": "value", "multiValueNotice": "Multi-values are separated by commas (,)", "now": "Current Time", "currentPerson": "currentPerson", "currentIdentity": "Current Identity", "currentPersonDirectUnit": "The current person's direct organization", "currentPersonAllUnit": "All organizations where the current person belongs", "currentPersonGroupList": "The current person's group", "currentPersonRoleList": "Roles owned by the current person", "to": "to", "input": "input", "selectable": "Optional", "selectOptionScriptNotice": "return [\"option text|option value\"]", "selectOptionScript": "Option Script", "defaultFilterCondition": "Default Filter Condition", "customFilterCondition": "Custom filter Condition", "byScript": "byScript", "language": "Language", "languageInfo": "Return a JSON object containing language information; use \"o2.language\" get current language", "desciption": "Paging Information", "position": "position", "top": "Forward", "bottom": "rear", "format": "format", "script": "script", "forceClearCustomViewStyle": "Clear custom styles", "export": "export", "exportNotice": "Export up to 2000 items at once", "exportWidth": "width", "exportEnable": "Allow export", "isTime": "Time type", "isNumber": "Number type", "viewEnable": "Enable View", "total": "total", "notNeeded": "No need", "totalValue": "numerical value", "totalCount": "quantity", "headText": "Table header text", "headStyle": "Table header style", "columnTitleStyle": "Column header style", "columnContentStyle": "Column Content Style" }, "viewStyle": { "default": "Default", "redSimple": "Red Simple", "blueSimple": "Blue Simple", "official": "Official", "deepBlue": "Deep Blue", "blueFlat": "Blue and white flat", "greenFlat": "Green Flat", "lightBlue": "Light blue style" }, "formToolbar": { "save": "Save", "saveAs": "save as", "autoSave": "Auto Save", "preview": "preview", "help": "help" }, "newStatement": "New Statement", "statement": "Statement", "run": "Run", "runTest": "Test Statement", "statementType": "Statement Type", "statementTable": "Data Table", "selectTable": "Select Data Table", "save_success": "The query configuration was saved successfully!", "inputStatementName": "Please enter the query configuration name", "inputStatementData": "Please edit the statement", "saveStatementNotice": "Please save!", "cannotDisabledViewNotice": "View not enabled", "noViewNotice": "The view has not been created, please create the view!", "previewNotSelectStatementNotice": "Only when the statement type is ‘Select’ can it be previewed", "field": "Field", "fileldSelectNote": "-Insert a field after select-", "statementFormat": "How to create a statement:", "statementJpql": "JPQL", "statementScript": "JPQL Script", "nativeSql": "SQL", "nativeSqlScript": "SQL Script", "queryParameter": "Query Parameter", "filterList": "Filter conditions", "pageNo": "page no", "perPage": "count", "size": "strip", "statementCategory": "Access Object Type", "scriptTitle": "Create JPQL by script", "sqlScriptTitle": "Create SQL by script", "countMethod": "Count Statement", "jpqlType": "JPQL Type", "jpqlFromResult": "Query start entry", "jpqlMaxResult": "Maximum return result", "jpqlSelectTitle": "JPQL Statement", "inputWhere": "You can enter the Where clause in the edit box below", "jpqlRunSuccess": "JPQL executed successfully", "newLineSuccess": "Insert data successfully", "newLineJsonError": "Insert data error, data format is wrong", "queryStatement": "Query Statement", "countStatement": "Count Statement", "currentPerson": "currentPerson", "currentIdentity": "Current Identity", "currentPersonDirectUnit": "The current person's direct organization", "currentPersonAllUnit": "All organizations where the current person belongs", "currentPersonGroupList": "The current person's group", "currentPersonRoleList": "Roles owned by the current person", "defaultCondition": "Automatic assignment condition:", "ignore": "Ignore", "auto": "Auto", "assign": "Assign", "mastInputParameter": "Please enter a parameter", "pathExecption": "The path is written as \"table alias. Field name\", the format is incorrect", "modifyViewFilterNote": "The statement format has changed, please modify the filter conditions", "systemTable": "System Table", "customTable": "self-built table", "taskInstance": "To do (Task)", "taskCompletedInstance": "TaskCompleted (TaskCompleted)", "readInstance": "Reading (Read)", "readedInstance": "Read (ReadCompleted)", "workInstance": "Process instance (Work)", "workCompletedInstance": "Completed process instance (WorkCompleted)", "reviewInstance": "Readable (Review)", "documentInstance": "Content Management Document (Document)", "taskInstanceSql": "To do (PP_C_TASK)", "taskCompletedInstanceSql": "TaskCompleted (PP_C_TASKCOMPLETED)", "readInstanceSql": "Reading (PP_C_READ)", "readedInstanceSql": "Read (PP_C_READCOMPLETED)", "workInstanceSql": "Process instance (PP_C_WORK)", "workCompletedInstanceSql": "Completed process instance (PP_C_WORKCOMPLETED)", "reviewInstanceSql": "Readable (PP_C_REVIEW)", "documentInstanceSql": "Content Management Document (CMS_DOCUMENT)", "autoAddColumns": "Generate columns from the data table ", "cmsReviewInstance": "Readable (Review)", "DocumentViewRecord": "Content Management Reading Record (DocumentViewRecord)", "documentViewRecord": "Content Management Reading Record (DocumentViewRecord)", "documentCommentInfo": "Content Management Comment Record (DocumentCommentInfo)", "cmsReviewInstanceSql": "Content Management Readable (PP-C-REView)", "documentViewRecordSql": "Content Management Reading Record (PP-C-REView)", "documentCommentInfoSql": "Content Management Comment Record (PP-C-REView)" } MWF.xApplication.query.StatementDesigner["lp."+o2.language] = MWF.xApplication.query.StatementDesigner.LP