MWF.xApplication = MWF.xApplication || {}; MWF.xApplication.cms = MWF.xApplication.cms || {}; MWF.xApplication.cms.Document = MWF.xApplication.cms.Document || {}; MWF.xApplication.cms.Document.LP={ "title": "Document", "selectRoute": "Select Decision", "inputOpinion": "Fill in Opinion", "comfirm": "Confirm", "close": "Close", "cancel": "Cancel", "ok": "Submit", "inputText": "Please fill in the process comments here", "mustSelectRoute": "Please select the decision first", "searchKey": "Please enter a keyword", "task": "To-Do Center", "done": "Done Center", "draft": "Draft Box", "myfile": "My File", "reset": "Reset the processor", "phone": "Mobile", "mail": "Mailbox", "documentGettedError": "You do not have permission to view the document or it has been deleted.", "controllerGettedError": "Administrator GettedError", "formGettedError": "Form GettedError", "attachmentGettedError": "Attachment GettedError", "formNotSetted": "FormNotSetted", "attachmentArea": "Attachment Area", "selectAttachment": "Select Attachment", "hotPicture": "Hot Picture", "cancelHotPicture": "Cancel hotspot", "setHotPicture": "Set HotPicture", "regularPublish": "Regular Publish", "publishTime": "Publish Time", "publish": "Publish", "inputPublishTime": "Publish time cannot be empty", "inputPublishTime2": "Publish time cannot be earlier than current time", "setHotLinkSuccess": "Set hotspot picture successfully", "cancelHotLinkSuccess": "Cancel hotspot picture success", "selectDocPicture": "Select Document Picture", "selectFilePicture": "Select Cloud File Picture", "hotLinkDescription": "Note: The selected picture will be used as the top picture of the mobile APP on this platform, and the best aspect ratio of the picture is 1:2", "unselectHotPic": "Please select a picture first", "cancelHotPicComfirmTitle": "Cancel Hotspot", "cancelHotPicComfirmContent": "Are you sure to cancel the hot spot of this document?" } MWF.xApplication.cms.Document["lp."+o2.language] = MWF.xApplication.cms.Document.LP