MWF.xApplication = MWF.xApplication || {}; MWF.xApplication.cms = MWF.xApplication.cms || {}; MWF.xApplication.cms.ColumnManager = MWF.xApplication.cms.ColumnManager || {}; MWF.xApplication.cms.ColumnManager.LP={ "title": "Content Management Column Settings", "categoryTitle": "Category Management", "description": "Description", "deleteItems": "Delete selected items", "copy": "Copy", "copyto": "Copy to...", "copyInfor": "Select multiple elements, press Ctrl+C to copy the elements, press Ctrl+V to paste the copied elements into the current application", "copyed": "The selected element has been copied", "copyConfirmTitle": "Copy element confirmation", "copyConfirmInfor": "The target area already contains the same elements:", "copySource": "Original file:", "copyTarget": "Copy file:", "copyConfirm_overwrite": "Replace", "copyConfirm_new": "New", "copyConfirm_skip": "Skip", "copyConfirm_cancel": "Cancel", "copynew": "New", "setting": "Settings", "ok": "OK", "edit": "Edit", "save": "Save", "cancel": "Cancel", "phone": "Mobile", "mail": "Mail", "deleteElementTitle": "Delete Design Confirmation", "deleteElement": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected design element?", "setControllerSuccess": "Set Controller Success", "noAdministratorAccess": "You do not have the administrative authority for this column", "createSelectTemplate": "New: Select Template", "templateCategory": "Template Category:", "all": "All", "formType": { "empty": "Empty form", "publishEdit": "Publish Edit Form", "publishRead": "Publish Reading Form", "publishEditGreen": "Publish Edit form (Green)", "publishReadGreen": "Publish Read Form (Green)", "dataInput": "Data Input Form" }, "category": { "create": "New category", "search": "Search Category", "searchText": "Please enter a keyword", "noCategoryNoticeText": "This AppInfo Doesn't has category, you can click here to create a new category", "loaded": "Category loaded", "deleteCategoryTitle": "Delete Category Confirmation", "deleteCategoryConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the current category?", "deleteFailAsHasDocument": "Failed to delete category '{title}', please delete the document under this category first.", "idLabel": "Category Label", "nameLabel": "Category Name", "aliasLabel": "Category Alias", "sendNotify": "Send Message", "sendNotifyInfo": "The specific message policy is configured in the form", "blankToAllNotify": "Notify all when the release range is empty", "descriptionLabel": "Category description", "sortLabel": "Queue Number", "columnLabel": "AppInfo", "iconLabel": "Category Icon", "formLabel": "Corresponding form", "formLabelEdit": "Edit Status Form", "formLabelRead": "Reading status form", "viewLabel": "Use List", "defaultViewLabel": "Default List", "cancel": "Cancel", "ok": "OK", "inputName": "Please enter the category name", "create_cancel_title": "Cancel New Category Confirmation", "create_cancel": "Are you sure you want to cancel the new category?", "noDescription": "There is no description for this category", "delete": "Delete category", "edit": "Edit category", "createCategorySuccess": "Category created successfully", "updateCategorySuccess": "Category modified succeeded", "defaultView": "Default", "insertCateogryBefore": "Insert Category", "insertCateogryAfter": "Add Category", "deleteCategory": "Delete Category", "moveCategory": "Adjust the sort order", "saveCategory": "Save Category", "editCategory": "Edit Category", "cancelEdit": "Cancel", "categoryProperty": "Category Property", "baseProperty": "Basic Property", "useProcess": "Use Process", "setProcessAppSucess": "Set Process App Sucess", "setProcessSucess": "Set Process Sucess", "selectProcess": "Select Process", "selectProcessApp": "Select Process App", "setCategoryManager": "Set Category Manager", "none": "None", "noProcess": "There is no process in the system that you can manage", "documentType": "Document Type", "excelImportView": "Data Import and Export View", "useProcessForm": "Use Process Form", "useProcessFormNote": "Note: If using a process form, then use the process form to open the published document, otherwise use the form set by category to open.", "setSucess": "Set successfully" }, "form": { "create": "New Form", "search": "Search Form", "searchText": "Please enter a keyword", "selectCategoryForm": "Select category form", "noFormNoticeText": "There is no form in this column, you can click here to create a new form", "loaded": "The form is loaded", "deleteFormTitle": "Delete Form Confirmation", "deleteForm": "Deleting a form will also delete the associated list of this form. Are you sure you want to delete the current form?", "deleteFormTemplateTitle": "Confirm to delete form template", "deleteFormTemplate": "Are you sure you want to delete the current template?" }, "view": { "create": "New List", "search": "Search List", "searchText": "Please enter a keyword", "selectRelativeForm": "Select Relative Form", "noViewNoticeText": "This design element has been deprecated, please use the view or query configuration to present the data.", "noViewNoCreateNoticeText": "There is no list for this AppInfo now", "loaded": "The list is loaded", "deleteFormTitle": "Confirm Delete List", "deleteForm": "Are you sure you want to delete the current list?", "selectRelativeFormNoticeText": "Please select the related form of the view to be pasted" }, "dictionary": { "create": "Create a new data dictionary", "search": "Search Data Dictionary", "searchText": "Please enter a keyword", "noDictionaryNoticeText": "There is no data dictionary for this AppInfo, you can click here to create a new data dictionary", "noDictionaryNoCreateNoticeText": "There is no data dictionary for this AppInfo now", "loaded": "Data dictionary loaded", "deleteFormTitle": "Confirm Delete Data Dictionary", "deleteForm": "Are you sure you want to delete the current data dictionary?" }, "script": { "create": "New Script", "search": "Search script", "searchText": "Please enter a keyword", "noScriptNoticeText": "There is no script for this column, you can click here to create a new script", "loaded": "Script loaded", "deleteFormTitle": "Delete Script Confirmation", "deleteForm": "Are you sure you want to delete the current script?" }, "application": { "inputApplicationName": "Please enter the AppInfo name", "saveSuccess": "Save successfully", "id": "AppInfo ID", "property": "Basic Properties", "name": "AppInfo Name", "alias": "AppInfo alias", "description": "AppInfo Description", "sort": "AppInfo Sorting", "documentType": "Document Type", "showAllDocumentViews": "AppInfo Views", "icon": "AppInfo Icon", "sign": "AppInfo alias", "controllerList": "Manager", "appType": "AppInfo Type", "ignoreTitle": "Ignore Title", "latest": "Check Draft", "delayView": "Delayed View", "saveDraftOnClose": "Auto Save", "defaultEditForm": "Default Edit Form", "defaultReadForm": "Default Read Form", "editformNote": "Note: The default edit form when creating a category", "readformNote": "Note: The default reading form when creating a category, if not selected, it will be the same as the editing form", "viewerSetting": { "title": "Visible Range", "set": "Set visible range", "setSuccess": "Set visible range successfully" }, "publisherSetting": { "title": "Publisher", "set": "Set Publisher", "setSuccess": "Successfully set publisher" }, "managerSetting": { "title": "Manager", "set": "Set Manager", "setSuccess": "Set manager success" } }, "queryView": { "create": "New Data View", "search": "Search Data View", "searchText": "Please enter a keyword", "selectRelativeForm": "Select View Related Form", "noViewNoticeText": "There is no data view for this column, you can click here to create a data view", "noViewNoCreateNoticeText": "There is no data view for this AppInfo now", "loaded": "Data view loaded", "deleteFormTitle": "Delete Data View Confirmation", "deleteForm": "Are you sure you want to delete the current data view?" }, "file": { "create": "Create a new attachment", "search": "Search for attachments", "searchText": "Please enter a keyword", "description": "Attachment Information", "noScriptNoticeText": "This app has no attachments yet, you can click here to create a new attachment", "loaded": "Attachment is loaded", "deleteFormTitle": "Confirm Delete Attachment", "deleteForm": "Are you sure you want to delete the current attachment?", "saveSuccess": "The attachment has been saved!", "saveConfirm": "Save Confirmation", "saveConfirmText": "The attachment has been modified, do you want to save the modified content?", "uploadSuccess": "Attachment has been uploaded", "loadFiles": "Batch upload attachments" }, "enable": "enable", "disable": "disable", "name": "Name", "alias": "Alias", "attachment": "Attachment", "upload": "Upload attachments", "selectDataView": "Select View", "selectDataViewTitle": "Select from an existing view", "selectList": "Select List", "selectListTitle": "Select from an existing list", "categoryDisplay": "Category Display", "setCategoryListSuccess": "Set the category list successfully", "setDefaultViewSuccess": "Set the default view successfully", "cancelCategoryListSuccess": "Cancel the category list successfully", "setImpExpViewSuccess": "Set the category import and export view successfully", "setCategoryAliasSuccess": "Set category alias successfully", "setDocumentTypeSuccess": "Set the document type successfully", "setSendNotifySuccess": "Set Send Messsage successfully", "setBlankToAllNotifySuccess": "Whether the message is sent successfully when the release range is empty", "setEditFormSuccess": "Set Edit Form Success", "setReadFormSuccess": "Set Read Form Success", "setProjectionSuccess": "Set data mapping success", "inputCategoryNotice": "Please enter the category name", "noCategoryNotice": "Please create or select a category first", "saveCategoryNotice": "Please save the category first", "dragToDesktopNotice": "Can be dragged to the desktop", "asEditForm": "Set as Edit Form", "asReadForm": "Set as Reading Form", "delete": "Delete", "notAddListOrView": "Not added list or data view", "systemList": "System List", "selectCategoryNotice": "Please select a category first", "conflictedListNotice": "The list {text} already exists, so won’t add it again!", "selectView": "Select View", "conflictedViewNotice": "The view {text} already exists, so won’t add it again!", "list": "List", "view1": "View", "setAsDefaultList": "Set As Default List", "adjustOrder": "Adjust Order", "cancelEdit": "Cancel Edit", "enableProcess": "Enable the approval process", "disableProcess": "Disable the approval process", "documentTypeSelectValue": [ "信息", "数据" ], "documentTypeSelectText": [ "Information", "Data" ], "sendNotifySelectText": [ "yes", "no" ], "sendNotifySelectValue": [ "true", "false" ], "blankToAllNotifySelectText": [ "yes", "no" ], "blankToAllNotifySelectValue": [ "true", "false" ], "infor": "Information", "data": "Data", "type": "Type", "listName": "List Name", "relativeForm": "Related Form", "dataView": "View", "viewName": "View Name", "column": "AppInfo", "categorySetting": "Category Configuration", "formSetting": "Form Configuration", "dataSetting": "Data Configuration", "scriptSetting": "Script Editing", "listSetting": "List Configuration", "queryViewSetting": "dataView Configuration", "attachmentSetting": "Attachment Setting", "resourceFile": "Resource File", "findDesign": "Search Code", "new": "New", "appProperty": "App Property", "changeIcon": "Change Icon", "ignoreTitleSelectText": [ "Do not fill in the title of the new interface", "The title of the new interface needs to be filled in" ], "checkDraftSelectText": [ "New interface check draft", "New interface does not check draft" ], "showAllDocumentSelectText": [ "Show all document views", "Hide all document views" ], "showDelayDocumentSelectText": [ "Show timed release document view", "Hide timed release document view" ], "saveDraftOnClose": [ "Save the document when closing the draft", "Do not save the document when closing the draft" ], "selectRelateFormNotice": "Please select the related form of the view to be pasted", "projectionTitle": "Mapping business data", "projectionActionNode_add": "Add mapping entry", "projectionActionNode_modify": "Modify the mapping entry", "projectionDataName": "Name", "projectionPath": "Path", "projectionType": "Type", "projectionColumnName": "Column name", "projectionInputError": "Please enter the data name and data path", "projectionTypeCountError": "{type} type data mapping entries, up to {count} allowed.", "projectionSameNameError": "Same data name already exists", "projectionDeleteItemTitle": "Delete mapping confirmation", "projectionDeleteItem": "Are you sure you want to delete the data mapping entry named \"{name}\" and path \"{path}\"?", "projectionRunActionNode": "Run data mapping immediately", "projectionRunTitle": "Execute confirmation immediately", "projectionRunText": "Execute mapping confirmation", "projectionRunSuccess": "Data mapping has been executed", "projectionRunError": "No need to perform data mapping", "mapping": "Mapping", "mappingData": "Mapping Data", "dataName": "Name", "dataPath": "Path", "dataType": "Type" } MWF.xApplication.cms.ColumnManager["lp."+o2.language] = MWF.xApplication.cms.ColumnManager.LP