MWF.xApplication = MWF.xApplication || {}; MWF.xApplication.Template = MWF.xApplication.Template || {}; MWF.xApplication.Template.LP={ "title": "Template", "delete": "Delete", "deleteDocumentTitle": "Delete Confirmation", "deleteDocument": "Are you sure you want to delete this information?", "deleteDocumentOK": "Delete successfully", "createSuccess": "Created successfully", "updateSuccess": "Update successful", "inputName": "Please enter a name", "dateFormatMonth": "%Y-%m", "dateFormatOnlyMonth": "%m", "dateFormatDay": "%Y-%m-%d", "dateFormatMonthDayLocal": "%m-%d", "dateFormat": "db", "month": "month", "today": "Today", "day": "day", "cancel": "Cancel", "ok": "OK", "name": "Name", "create_cancel_title": "Cancel New Confirmation", "create_cancel": "Are you sure you want to cancel the new creation?", "index": {}, "explorer": { "returnText": "Return to home page", "pageJumperText": "Enter the page number and press enter to jump", "prePage": "Previous Page", "nextPage": "Next Page" }, "MDomItem": { "emptyTip": "{text} cannot be empty", "emailTip": "Please enter an email in the correct format", "urlTip": "Please enter a valid URL", "phoneNumberTip": "Please enter the correct phone number", "dateTip": "Please enter a valid date", "dateISOTip": "Please enter a valid date.", "numberTip": "Please enter a valid number", "digitsTip": "Only integers can be entered", "maxlengthTip": "The length cannot exceed {n}", "minlengthTip": "The length cannot be less than {n}", "rangelengthTip": "The length cannot be between {n0} and {n1}", "rangeTip": "Please enter a value between {n0} and {n1}", "minTip": "Please enter a minimum value of {n}", "maxTip": "Please enter a value up to {n}", "extensionTip": "Please upload an attachment in {text} format", "defaultTip": "Please enter the correct {text}", "selectTip": "Please select {text} first", "defaultOption": "Please choose", "setPicture": "Set Picture", "uploadPictureNotice": "Please upload a picture first", "selectCoundPicture": "Select Cloud File Picture" }, "MGrid": { "sequence": "Sequence Number", "add": "Add", "delete": "Delete", "addMaxLimitText": "You can only add up to {count} items" }, "MPopupForm": { "close": "Close", "max": "Maximize", "restore": "Restore" }, "excelUtils": { "promptTitle": "Input prompt", "prompt": "Please select a value from the dropdown list", "errorTitle": "Input error", "error": "The value you entered is not in the list" } } MWF.xApplication.Template["lp."+o2.language] = MWF.xApplication.Template.LP