MWF.xApplication = MWF.xApplication || {};
MWF.xApplication.Calendar = MWF.xApplication.Calendar || {};
"title": "Calendar",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"event": "Event",
"subject": "Title",
"applyPerson": "Applicant",
"myCalendar": "My Calendar",
"year": "year",
"month": "Month",
"day": "Day",
"list": "Schedule",
"today": "Today",
"tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
"afterTomorrow": "The Day After Tomorrow",
"yesterday": "Yesterday",
"beforeYesterday": "The day before yesterday",
"nextMonth": "Next Month",
"floor": "Floor",
"enable": "Available",
"disable": "Disable",
"modifyConfirm": "Confirm to modify",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"save": "Save",
"begin": "Begin",
"beginTime": "Begin",
"end": "End",
"endTime": "End",
"time": "Time",
"remind": "Remind",
"repeat": "Repeat",
"notRepeat": "Not Repeat",
"repeatUntilAvailable": "End",
"repeatUntilAvailableTextArr": [
"End Date"
"eventTime": "Schedule Time",
"endDate": "End Date",
"remindWhenBegin": "Remind When Begin",
"no": "No",
"editMore": "More edits",
"calendarName": "Calendar Name",
"createCalendar": "New Calendar",
"createNewCalendar": "New Calendar",
"seeMore": "See More",
"calendarMarket": "Calendar Square",
"description": "Remarks",
"type": "Type",
"canlendarTypeArr": [
"Personal Calendar",
"Organization Calendar"
"unitCalendar": "Organization Calendar",
"myFollowCalendar": "Followed Calendar",
"unit": "Owning Organization",
"unit2": "Organization,",
"belongTo": "Belonging",
"unitEmptyNotice": "Owning organization cannot be empty",
"isOpened": "Is it open",
"followed": "Followed",
"clickToCancelFollow": "Click to cancel following",
"cancelFollowSuccess": "Unfollow success",
"follow": "Follow",
"followSuccess": "Follow Success",
"saveOptionDialogTitle": "Modify repeat schedule",
"selectModifyCalendarTypeNotice": "Please select the type of schedule you want to modify",
"calendarModifyTypeArr": [
"Only modify the current schedule",
"Modify the current schedule and this repeating schedule afterwards",
"Modify all this repeating schedule"
"deleteOptionDialogTitle": "Delete duplicate schedule",
"selectDeleteCalendarTypeNotice": "Please select the type of calendar you want to delete",
"calendarDeleteTypeArr": [
"Only modify the current schedule",
"Modify the current schedule and this repeating schedule afterwards",
"Modify all this repeating schedule"
"countEvents": "Item Schedule",
"noEventWeek": "No event within a week",
"am": "a.m.",
"pm": "p.m.",
"eventNotice": "reminder",
"delete": "Delete",
"cancel_confirm_title": "Confirm Delete Schedule",
"cancel_confirm": "Cannot be restored after deletion. Are you sure you want to delete '{name}' schedule?",
"cancelEvent": "Delete",
"addEvent": "New Schedule",
"editEvent": "Edit Schedule",
"readEvent": "View Schedule",
"color": "Color",
"repeatFrequencyArr": [
"Monthly (on the day)",
"Yearly (on the day)"
"repeatFrequencyArr2": [
"Do not repeat",
"Every day",
"Monthly (on the day)",
"Yearly (on the day)"
"repeatInfor": "Repeat every {frequency}",
"remindIntervalArr": [
"Do not remind",
"At the beginning",
"5 minutes early",
"10 minutes early",
"15 minutes early",
"30 minutes early",
"1 hour early",
"2 hours early"
"allDay": "All Day",
"trueFalseArr": [
"font": "Font",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"setting": "Settings",
"phone": "Mobile",
"mail": "Mailbox",
"eventSubject": "Title",
"eventDescription": "Description",
"eventAttachment": "Attachment",
"eventDetail": "Details",
"content": "Content",
"none": "none",
"address": "Location",
"locationName": "Location",
"name": "Name",
"eventTopInfor": "Hello {userName}!
Today you have {count} event:",
"noEventTopInfor": "Hello {userName}! You have no event for today.",
"createSuccess": "Created successfully!",
"updateSuccess": "Save successfully!",
"config_saveSuccess": "Configuration saved successfully!",
"deleteCalendar": "Delete",
"deleteCalendarTitle": "Delete Confirmation",
"deleteCalendarContent": "Cannot be restored after deletion. Are you sure you want to delete '{name}'?",
"deleteSuccess": "Delete successfully",
"editCalendar": "Edit Calendar",
"onlyViewCurrent": "Only view current",
"viewCalendar": "Calendar Details",
"noPublicCalendar": "There is no public calendar in the system!",
"create": "New",
"cancel_createEvent_title": "Delete Schedule Confirmation",
"cancel_createEvent": "The schedule is about to be deleted. The data you filled in will be lost. Are you sure you want to cancel the current schedule?",
"event_input_error": "Please fill in the following correctly:
"event_input_subject_error": "The agenda title cannot be empty!",
"event_input_time_error": "The end time of the schedule cannot be earlier than the start time!",
"event_saveSuccess": "The schedule was saved successfully!",
"deleteAttachmentTitle": "Delete attachment confirmation",
"deleteAttachment": "Are you sure you want to delete the attachment you selected?",
"dateFormatMonth": "%Y-%m",
"dateFormatMonthDay": "%m-%d",
"dateFormatMonthDay2": "%m-%e",
"dateFormatMonthOnly": "%m",
"dateFormatDay": "%Y-%m-%d",
"dateFormatDayOnly": "%d",
"dateFormatAll": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
"dateFormat": "db",
"person": "person",
"personal": "Personal",
"persist": "persist",
"date": "Day",
"hour": "Hour",
"minute": "minute",
"second": "second",
"to": "to",
"all": "All",
"remindInAdvance": "Remind {text} in advance",
"isAvaliable": "enable",
"manager": "Manager",
"viewerRange": "Visible Range",
"publisherRange": "Create a new range",
"noTask": "No Schedule Today",
"noEvent": "No event on the day",
"noAddress": "Address not filled in",
"noEventCurMonth": "There is no schedule for the month",
"weeklyViewTitle": "{month}, week {week}",
"week": "Week",
"weeks": {
"Sun": "Sun",
"Mon": "Mon",
"Tues": "Tues",
"Wed": "Wed",
"Thur": "Thur",
"Fri": "Fri",
"Sat": "Sat",
"arr": [
"rruleArr": [
"weeksShort": {
"Sun": "Sun",
"Mon": "Mon",
"Tues": "Tues",
"Wed": "Wed",
"Thur": "Thur",
"Fri": "Fri",
"Sat": "Sat",
"arr": [
"rruleArr": [
"config": {
"navi": "Navigation",
"autoHide": "AutoHide",
"default": "Default View",
"applyProcess": "Schedule Process",
"legend": "Icon",
"eventStatus": "Event Status",
"wait": "Appointed",
"progress": "Progress",
"completed": "Completed",
"invite": "Invitation",
"weekBegin": "Starting day of the week",
"viewSetting": "Enable View",
"viewCustomName": "View display name",
"mobileCreateEnable": "Whether the mobile terminal can create a new schedule",
"mobileCreateEnableOptions": [
"nextActivity": "Next Activity:",
"nextUser": "Processor:",
"deal": "Deal",
"processStarted": "File has been started",
"processStartedMessage": "You started a new job:",
"add": "Add",
"more": "More",
"schedule": {
"noEvent": "You have no agenda for the day",
"current": "Currently you have",
"someEvent": "Item agenda!"
MWF.xApplication.Calendar["lp."+o2.language] = MWF.xApplication.Calendar.LP