/* --- description: mBox is a powerful library, helping you to easily create tooltips, modal windows, notice messages and more. authors: Stephan Wagner license: MIT-style requires: - core/1.4.5: '*' - more/Element.Measure provides: [mBox] documentation: http://htmltweaks.com/mBox/Documentation ... */ var mBox = new Class({ Implements: [Options,Events], options: { id: '', // id of the mBox wrapper (defaults to mBox_1, mBox_2, mBox_3...) theme: '', // themes can be defined by css, e.g. in assets/themes/mBoxMyTheme.css addClass: { // add additional classes to wrapper, container, title and/or footer wrapper: '', container: '', content: '', title: '', footer: '' }, setStyles: { // set additional styles to wrapper, container, title and/or footer wrapper: {}, container: {}, content: {}, title: {}, footer: {} }, target: $(window), // element reference or element-id where the mBox will be opened (use 'mouse' to show mBox on mouse-position) attach: null, // element reference or element-id or element-classes of the elements which will open / close the mBox event: 'click', // the event which will trigger the mBox to show (can be: 'click' || 'mouseover' (= 'mouseenter')) preventDefault: false, // prevents the default action when clicking on attached item (e.g. prevents to follow a link when clicking on a link) //inject: null, // TODO element to inject the wrapper to (open and close will be disabled) width: 'auto', // width of the content area height: 'auto', // height of the content area zIndex: 8000, // z-index of wrapper content: null, // element reference or element-id or element classes to inject into the content, use a string to set a string as content setContent: 'data-setContent', // if the attached element has the attribute data-setContent it's value will be set as new content on open load: null, // set to ajax to load the content from url url: '', // the url to load the content from if load is set to ajax or iframe reload: false, // reloads the content each time the mBox is opened title: null, // adds a title (element reference, element-id or string) footer: null, // adds a footer (element reference, element-id or string) draggable: false, // mBox can be dragged when clicking on title position: { x: 'center', // horizontal position (use array to define outside or inside positions e.g. ['right', 'inside'] or ['left', 'center']) y: 'center' // vertical position (use array to define outside or inside positions e.g. ['top', 'inside'] or ['bottom', 'center']) }, // the position-attributes default to 'left' and 'top', to change them to 'right' or 'bottom', define a third value in the array e.g. ['left', 'inside', 'right'] fixed: null, // set to false to force mBox to be absolute or true to force mBox to be fixed offset: { // offsets to be added to position x: 0, y: 0 }, pointer: false, // set to true to show a pointer (at least one position value needs to be 'outside') // set to 'right', 'left', 'top', 'bottom' to adjust the pointers position // if you want to add an offset to the pointer, provide an array, e.g. ['left', 10] fade: { // set to false or 0 if you want to open/close the tooltip instantly (fade: false will open and close tooltip instantly) open: true, close: true }, fadeDuration: { // default fade duration when opening or closing (set fadeDuration: 250 to use it for open and close) open: 200, close: 300 }, fadeWhenOpen: false, // set to true if you want to fade the mBox on open even if it's already open overlay: false, // adds a overlay just underneath the mBox to prevent clicks on body overlayStyles: { // set the color and the opacity of the overlay color: 'black', opacity: 0.75 }, overlayFadeDuration: 100, // default fade duration for the overlay transition: { // adds a transition when mBox is opened or closed, following shortcuts are availible: // transition: ['flyin', 'flyout', 'flyinout', 'flyoutin', 'bounce', 'bouncefly'] open: null, // you can also define your own transitions by using mootools transitions: close: null // transition: {open: {transition: 'bounce:in', property: 'top', duration: 400, difference_start: 50, difference_end: 0} }, closeOnEsc: true, // close mBox when pressing esc closeOnClick: false, // close mBox when clicking anywhere closeOnBoxClick: false, // close mBox when clicking on the mBox closeOnWrapperClick: false, // close mBox when clicking on the Wrapper of the mBox (wont close when clicking on children of mBox like title, content etc.) closeOnBodyClick: true, // close mBox when clicking anywhere except the mBox itself closeOnMouseleave: false, // close mBox when the mouse leaves the mBox area or the attached area closeInTitle: false, // adds a close button in the title area // TODO won't work in tooltip title yet //closeInContainer: false, // TODO add a close button to the container //closeInWindow: false, // TODO add a close button to the window delayOpen: 0, // delay opening the mBox in ms delayClose: 0, // delay closing the mBox in ms delayOpenOnce: true, // set to true if you want the delay to be ignored when the mBox didnt finish closing yet constructOnInit: true, // true will construct the mBox once its finished initializing openOnInit: false // true will construct (if it hasbn't been) and open the mBox once its finished initializing // Events: // onInit: function() {}, // onOpen: function() {}, // onOpenComplete: function() {}, // onClose: function() {}, // onCloseComplete: function() {} // onBoxReady: function() {} // onAjaxComplete: function() {} }, // initialize initialize: function(options) { // set global vars this.block = false; // set this.block to true so the mBox wont be opened until set to false again this.ignoreDelay = false; // set this.ignoreDelay to true if you want to ignore the delays until set to false again this.ignoreDelayOnce = false; // set this.ignoreDelayOnce to true if you want to ignore the delay only for one closing / opening // set the options this.setOptions(options); // fix options addClass, setStyles, fade, fadeDuration this.fixOptions(); this.getPosition(); // save current target in this.target this.target = this.getTarget(); // set fixed to true or false depending on target if (this.options.fixed == null) { this.options.fixed = [$(window), $(document), $(document.body)].contains(this.target); } // no pointer if target == 'mouse' if (this.target == 'mouse') { this.options.pointer = false; } // targets will be saved in this.targets this.targets = []; // get mBox id this.id = (this.options.id || 'mBox' + (++mBox.currentId)); // add listeners to elements this.addListeners(); // construct the mBox if(this.options.constructOnInit) { this.construct(); } // fire onInit events this.fireEvent('init').fireEvent('systemInit'); // open mBox on init if(this.options.openOnInit) { this.open(); } // add this instance to global collector mBox.instances.push(this); }, // re-initialize mBox (e.g. after an ajax call) reInit: function() { // add listeners to new elements this.addListeners(); }, // fix options fixOptions: function() { if(typeof this.options.addClass == 'string') { this.options.addClass = { wrapper: this.options.addClass }; } if(typeof this.options.setStyles == 'object' && !this.options.setStyles.wrapper && !this.options.setStyles.container && !this.options.setStyles.content && !this.options.setStyles.title && !this.options.setStyles.footer) { this.options.setStyles = { wrapper: this.options.setStyles }; } this.options.fade = { open: this.options.fade.open || (this.options.fade == true), close: this.options.fade.close || (this.options.fade == true) }; this.options.fadeDuration = { open: this.options.fadeDuration.open || this.options.fadeDuration, close: this.options.fadeDuration.close || this.options.fadeDuration }; }, // contruct the mBox construct: function() { if(this.wrapper) { return null; } // create wrapper this.wrapper = new Element('div', { id: this.id, 'class': 'mBox ' + (this.defaultTheme || 'Core') + (this.options.theme ? '-' + this.options.theme : '') + ' ' + (this.options.addClass.wrapper || ''), styles: { zIndex: this.options.zIndex, position: (this.options.fixed == false || Browser.ie6 || Browser.ie7) ? 'absolute' : 'fixed', display: 'none', opacity: 0.00001, top: -12000, left: -12000, zoom: 1 } //}).setStyles(this.options.setStyles.wrapper || {}).inject(document.body, 'bottom'); }).setStyles(this.options.setStyles.wrapper || {}); var target = $(target) || target || this.target || $(this.options.target) || this.options.target || $(this.options.attach); if (target && typeOf(target)==="element"){ this.wrapper.inject(target, "after"); }else{ this.wrapper.inject(document.body, 'bottom'); } // add mouse events to wrapper if(this.options.closeOnMouseleave) { this.wrapper.addEvents({ mouseenter: function(ev) { this.open(); }.bind(this), mouseleave: function(ev) { this.close(); }.bind(this) }); } // create container (contains content, title, footer) this.container = new Element('div', { 'class': 'mBoxContainer' + ' ' + (this.options.addClass.container || '') }).setStyles(this.options.setStyles.container || {}).inject(this.wrapper); // create content this.content = new Element('div', { 'class': 'mBoxContent' + ' ' + (this.options.addClass.content || ''), styles: { width: this.options.width, height: this.options.height } }).setStyles(this.options.setStyles.content || {}).inject(this.container); // load content into mBox this.load(this.options.content, this.options.title, this.options.footer, true); // TODO whats the true for? // fire boxReady events this.fireEvent('systemBoxReady').fireEvent('boxReady'); }, // add event listerners to elements addListeners: function(el) { // get elements to add events to, if none given use this.options.attach el = el || this.options.attach; elements = Array.convert($(el)).combine(Array.convert($$('.' + el))).combine(Array.convert($$(el))).clean(); if(!elements || elements.length == 0) return this; // add elements to this.targets this.targets.combine(elements); // create click or mouseenter/mouseleave events switch(this.options.event) { case 'mouseenter': case 'mouseover': var events = { mouseenter: function(ev) { this.target = this.getTargetFromEvent(ev); this.source = this.getTargetElementFromEvent(ev); this.open(); }.bind(this), mouseleave: function(ev) { this.close(); }.bind(this) }; break; default: var events = { click: function(ev) { if(this.options.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } if(this.isOpen) { this.close(); } else { this.target = this.getTargetFromEvent(ev); this.source = this.getTargetElementFromEvent(ev); this.open(); } }.bind(this) }; } // add events if not already added $$(elements).each(function(el) { if(!el.retrieve('mBoxElementEventsAdded' + this.id)) { el.addEvents(events).store('mBoxElementEventsAdded' + this.id, true); } }.bind(this)); }, // load content with ajax into mBox loadAjax: function(sendObj) { if(!this.ajaxRequest) { this.ajaxRequest = new Request.HTML({ link: 'cancel', update: this.content, onRequest: function() { this.setContent(''); this.wrapper.addClass('mBoxLoading'); }.bind(this), onComplete: function() { this.wrapper.removeClass('mBoxLoading'); if(this.options.width == 'auto' || this.options.height == 'auto') { this.setPosition(); } this.fireEvent('ajaxComplete'); }.bind(this) }).send(); } this.ajaxRequest.send(sendObj); this.ajaxLoaded = true; }, // open / show the mBox open: function(options) { if(!this.wrapper) { // construct the mBox this.construct(); } if(typeof options != 'object') options = {}; clearTimeout(this.timer); if(!this.isOpen && !this.block) { var complete = function() { this.ignoreDelayOnce = false; this.fireEvent('systemOpenComplete').fireEvent('openComplete'); }.bind(this); var open = function(complete) { this.isOpen = true; // load content from ajax if(this.options.load == 'ajax' && this.options.url && (!this.ajaxLoaded || this.options.reload)) { this.loadAjax({url: this.options.url}); } // set target this.target = this.getTarget(options.target || null); // set new content if (this.options.setContent && this.source && this.source.getAttribute(this.options.setContent)) { if ($(this.source.getAttribute(this.options.setContent))) { this.content.getChildren().setStyle('display', 'none'); $(this.source.getAttribute(this.options.setContent)).setStyle('display', ''); } else { var attribute_array = this.source.getAttribute(this.options.setContent).split('|'), content = attribute_array[0] || null, title = attribute_array[1] || null, footer = attribute_array[2] || null; this.load(content, title, footer); } } if (this.wrapper) this.wrapper.inject(document.body, 'bottom'); // set new position this.setPosition(null, options.position || null, options.offset || null); // fire open events this.fireEvent('systemOpen').fireEvent('open'); // fade mBox if(this.fx) { this.fx.cancel(); } this.wrapper.setStyles({ display: '' }); if(this.options.fadeWhenOpen) { this.wrapper.setStyle('opacity', 0); } this.fx = new Fx.Tween(this.wrapper, { property: 'opacity', duration: this.options.fadeDuration.open, link: 'cancel', onComplete: complete })[(options.instant || !this.options.fade.open) ? 'set' : 'start'](1); // call complete function when showing instantly if(options.instant || !this.options.fade.open) { complete(); } // start additional transition var transition = this.getTransition(); if(transition.open) { var fx = new Fx.Tween(this.wrapper, { property: transition.open.property || 'top', duration: transition.open.duration || this.options.fadeDuration.open, transition: transition.open.transition || null, onStart: transition.open.onStart || null, onComplete: transition.open.onComplete || null }); fx.start((transition.open.start || (this.wrapper.getStyle(transition.open.property || 'top').toInt() + (transition.open.difference_start || 0))), (transition.open.end || (this.wrapper.getStyle(transition.open.property || 'top').toInt() + (transition.open.difference_end || 0)))); } // attach events to document and window this.attachEvents(); // add overlay if(this.options.overlay) { this.addOverlay((options.instant || !this.options.fade.open)); } // set delay open once to true, set to false again when closing is finished if(this.options.delayOpenOnce) { this.delayOpenOnce = true; } }.bind(this); // delay open or close instantly if(this.options.delayOpen > 0 && !this.ignoreDelay && !this.ignoreDelayOnce && !this.delayOpenOnce) { this.timer = open.delay(this.options.delayOpen, this, complete); } else { open(complete); } } return this; }, // close / hide the mBox close: function(options) { if(typeof options != 'object') options = {}; clearTimeout(this.timer); if(this.isOpen && !this.block) { var complete = function() { this.delayOpenOnce = false; this.ignoreDelayOnce = false; this.wrapper.setStyle('display', 'none'); this.fireEvent('systemCloseComplete').fireEvent('closeComplete'); if (this.wrapper){ var target = this.target || $(this.options.target) || this.options.target || $(this.options.attach); if (target && typeOf(target)==="element"){ this.wrapper.inject(target); } } }.bind(this); var close = function(complete) { this.isOpen = false; // fire close events this.fireEvent('systemClose').fireEvent('close'); // detach document and window events this.detachEvents(); // remove overlay if(this.options.overlay) { this.removeOverlay((options.instant || !this.options.fade.close)); } // fade mBox if(this.fx) { this.fx.cancel(); } this.fx = new Fx.Tween(this.wrapper, { property: 'opacity', duration: this.options.fadeDuration.close, link: 'cancel', onComplete: complete })[(options.instant || !this.options.fade.close) ? 'set' : 'start'](0); // call complete function when hiding instantly if(options.instant || !this.options.fade.close) { complete(); } // start additionel transition var transition = this.getTransition(); if(transition.close) { var fx = new Fx.Tween(this.wrapper, { property: transition.close.property || 'top', duration: transition.close.duration || this.options.fadeDuration.close, transition: transition.close.transition || null, onStart: transition.open.onStart || null, onComplete: transition.open.onComplete || null }); fx.start((transition.close.start || (this.wrapper.getStyle(transition.close.property || 'top').toInt() + (transition.close.difference_start || 0))), (transition.close.end || (this.wrapper.getStyle(transition.close.property || 'top').toInt() + (transition.close.difference_end || 0)))); } }.bind(this); // delay close or close instantly if(this.options.delayClose > 0 && !this.ignoreDelay && !this.ignoreDelayOnce) { this.timer = close.delay(this.options.delayClose, this, complete); } else { close(complete); } } return this; }, // adds a overlay just beneath the mBox to prevent clicks on body addOverlay: function(instant) { if(!this.overlay) { this.overlay = new Element('div', { styles: { position: 'fixed', top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', zIndex: (this.wrapper.getStyle('zIndex') - 1), background: this.options.overlayStyles.color || 'white', opacity: 0.001, display: 'none' }}).set('tween', { duration: this.options.overlayFadeDuration, link: 'cancel' }).inject($(document.body), 'bottom'); } this.overlay.setStyle('display', 'block')[instant ? 'set' : 'tween']('opacity', (this.options.overlayStyles.opacity || 0.001)); return this; }, // remove the overlay removeOverlay: function(instant) { if(this.overlay) { this.overlay[instant ? 'set' : 'tween']('opacity', 0).get('tween').chain(function() { this.overlay.setStyle('display', 'none'); }.bind(this)); } return this; }, // get the current or given target getTarget: function(target) { var target = $(target) || target || this.target || $(this.options.target) || this.options.target || $(this.options.attach); return target == 'mouse' ? 'mouse' : this.fixOperaPositioning($(target)); }, // get the target element from event target getTargetFromEvent: function(ev) { if(this.options.target) return this.fixOperaPositioning($(this.options.target)); return this.getTargetElementFromEvent(ev); }, // get the attached element from event getTargetElementFromEvent: function(ev) { if(ev && ev.target) { if(this.targets.contains(ev.target)) return this.fixOperaPositioning(ev.target); var parent_element = ev.target.getParent(); while(parent_element != null) { if(this.targets.contains(parent_element)) { return this.fixOperaPositioning(parent_element); } parent_element = parent_element.getParent(); } } return null; }, // TEMP: This function fixes temporarily the mootools 1.4.5 positioning bug in opera fixOperaPositioning: function(el) { if($(el) && !$(el).retrieve('OperaBugFixed') && el != window) { try { if(!($(el).getStyle('border-top-width').toInt() + $(el).getStyle('border-right-width').toInt() + $(el).getStyle('border-bottom-width').toInt() + $(el).getStyle('border-left-width').toInt())) { $(el).setStyle('border', 0); } } catch(e) {} $(el).store('OperaBugFixed'); } return el; }, // get cached variable position or get a clean position variable getPosition: function(position) { if(!position && this.position) return this.position; position = position || this.options.position; this.position = {}; // TODO shortcuts 'top' 'topRight' 'bottomLeft' etc. // get a clean x-position this.position.x = (typeof position == 'object' && typeof position.x == 'number') ? [position.x.toInt(), null] : ((typeof position != 'object' || !position.x || position.x == 'center' || (typeof position.x == 'object' && position.x[0] == 'center')) ? ['center', null] : (['right', 'left'].contains(position.x) ? [position.x, (this.defaultInOut || 'inside')] : ((typeof position.x == 'object' && ['right', 'left'].contains(position.x[0])) ? [position.x[0], (['inside', 'center', 'outside'].contains(position.x[1]) ? position.x[1] : (this.defaultInOut || 'inside'))] : ['center', null]))); this.position.xAttribute = (this.position.x[3] == 'right' || (this.position.x[1] == 'inside' && this.position.x[0] == 'right')) ? 'right' : 'left'; // get a clean y-position this.position.y = (typeof position == 'object' && typeof position.y == 'number') ? [position.y.toInt(), null] : ((typeof position != 'object' || !position.y || position.y == 'center' || (typeof position.y == 'object' && position.y[0] == 'center')) ? ['center', null] : (['top', 'bottom'].contains(position.y) ? [position.y, (this.defaultInOut || 'inside')] : ((typeof position.y == 'object' && ['top', 'bottom'].contains(position.y[0])) ? [position.y[0], (['inside', 'center', 'outside'].contains(position.y[1]) ? position.y[1] : (this.defaultInOut || 'inside'))] : ['center', null]))); this.position.yAttribute = (this.position.x[3] == 'bottom' || (this.position.y[1] == 'inside' && this.position.y[0] == 'bottom')) ? 'bottom' : 'top'; return this.position; }, // get cached offset variable or get a clean one getOffset: function(offset) { if(!offset && this.offset) return this.offset; offset = offset || this.options.offset; this.offset = {}; this.offset.x = (typeof offset == 'number') ? offset : (!offset.x ? 0 : (offset.x.toInt() >= 0 || offset.x.toInt() < 0) ? offset.x.toInt() : 0); this.offset.y = (typeof offset == 'number') ? offset : (!offset.y ? 0 : (offset.y.toInt() >= 0 || offset.y.toInt() < 0) ? offset.y.toInt() : 0); return this.offset; }, // get cached pointer variable or get a clean one getPointer: function(pointer) { if(!pointer && this.pointer) return this.pointer; pointer = pointer || this.options.pointer; if(!pointer) return false; var position = this.getPosition(); this.pointer = {}; if(position.y[1] == 'outside') { this.pointer.position = (position.y[0] == 'bottom') ? 'top' : 'bottom'; this.pointer.adjustment = (typeof pointer == 'object' && ['center', 'right', 'left'].contains(pointer[0])) ? pointer[0] : (['center', 'right', 'left'].contains(pointer) ? pointer : 'center'); } else if(position.x[1] == 'outside') { this.pointer.position = (position.x[0] == 'left') ? 'right' : 'left'; this.pointer.adjustment = (typeof pointer == 'object' && ['center', 'top', 'bottom'].contains(pointer[0])) ? pointer[0] : (['center', 'top', 'bottom'].contains(pointer) ? pointer : 'center'); } else { return null; } this.pointer.offset = (typeof pointer == 'object' && pointer[1] && typeof(pointer[1].toInt()) == 'number') ? pointer[1].toInt() : 0; // TODO pointer with inside && inside should be possible // TODO minimum offset if the container has a border-radius (this.container.getStyle('border-top-left-radius'); this.pointer.offset = this.pointer.offset < 0 ? this.pointer.offset * (-1) : this.pointer.offset; this.pointer.offset = (this.pointer.adjustment == 'right' || this.pointer.adjustment == 'bottom') ? this.pointer.offset * (-1) : this.pointer.offset; return this.pointer; }, // get cached transition variable or get a clean one getTransition: function() { if(this.transition) return this.transition; if(this.options.transition && ['flyin', 'flyout', 'flyinout', 'flyoutin', 'bounce', 'bouncein', 'bounceout', 'bounceinout', 'bouncefly'].contains(this.options.transition)) { this.transition = {}; this.transition.open = { property: (this.position.yAttribute == 'top' || this.position.yAttribute == 'bottom') ? this.position.yAttribute : this.position.xAttribute, transition: 'quad:out', duration: 300 } this.transition.close = Object.clone(this.transition.open); var distance = (20 * (this.position.yAttribute == 'bottom' || this.position.xAttribute == 'right' ? -1 : 1)); switch(this.options.transition) { case 'flyin': // TODO flyin should only flyin case 'flyout': this.transition.open.difference_start = this.transition.close.difference_end = distance * (this.options.transition == 'flyin' ? (-1) : 1); break; case 'flyinout': case 'flyoutin': distance = (distance * (this.options.transition == 'flyinout' ? 1 : (-1))); this.transition.open.difference_start = distance * (-1); this.transition.close.difference_end = distance; break; case 'bounce': case 'bouncefly': case 'bouncein': case 'bounceout': case 'bounceinout': this.transition.open.transition = 'bounce:out'; this.transition.open.duration = 450; this.transition.open.difference_start = distance * (-1); if(this.options.transition == 'bounceinout' || this.options.transition == 'bounceout' || this.options.transition == 'bouncefly') { this.transition.close.difference_end = distance * (-1); } break; } } else { this.transition = {}; this.transition.open = typeof this.options.transition.open != undefined ? this.options.transition.open : this.options.transition; this.transition.close = typeof this.options.transition.close != undefined ? this.options.transition.close : this.options.transition; } return this.transition; }, // position the mBox setPosition: function(target, position, offset) { // get variables target = this.getTarget(target); position = this.getPosition(position); offset = this.getOffset(offset); pointer = this.getPointer(); // attach to mouse if target == 'mouse' if(target == 'mouse') { posX = ((this.mouseX || 0) + 15 + offset.x); posY = ((this.mouseY || 0) + 15 + offset.y); this.wrapper.setStyles({ 'left': Math.floor(posX), 'top': Math.floor(posY) }); return this; } // get dimensions and coordinates if(!target || [$(window), $(document), $(document.body)].contains(target)) { var windowScroll = this.wrapper.getStyle('position') == 'fixed' ? {x: 0, y: 0} : $(window).getScroll(), targetDimensions = $(window).getSize(); targetDimensions.width = targetDimensions.totalWidth = targetDimensions.x; targetDimensions.height = targetDimensions.totalHeight = targetDimensions.y; var targetCoordinates = { top: windowScroll.y, left: windowScroll.x, right: windowScroll.x + targetDimensions.width, bottom: windowScroll.y + targetDimensions.height }; } else { if(!this.options.fixed != true) { this.wrapper.setStyle('position', 'absolute'); } var targetDimensions = target.getDimensions({computeSize: true}); var targetCoordinates = target.getCoordinates(); if(targetDimensions.totalWidth == 0) { targetDimensions.width = targetDimensions.totalWidth = targetCoordinates.width; targetDimensions.height = targetDimensions.totalHeight = targetCoordinates.height; } } // set position to current position of target var posX = targetCoordinates.left || 0, posY = targetCoordinates.top || 0; var wrapperDimensions = this.wrapper.getDimensions({computeSize: true}); // create pointer if not already created if(pointer && !this.pointerElement) { this.pointerElement = new Element('div', { 'class': 'mBoxPointer ' + 'mBoxPointer' + pointer.position.capitalize(), styles: {position: 'absolute'} }).setStyle(pointer.position, 0).inject(this.wrapper, 'top'); // opera wont calculate the size of the pointer correctly, needs to get fixed properly if(Browser.opera) { var tempContainer = new Element('div', {'class': 'mBox ' + (this.defaultTheme || 'Core') + (this.options.theme ? '-' + this.options.theme : '')}).inject(document.body).grab(this.pointerElement); this.pointerDimensions = this.pointerElement.getDimensions({computeSize: true}); this.pointerElement.inject(this.wrapper, 'top'); tempContainer.destroy(); } else { this.pointerDimensions = this.pointerElement.getDimensions({computeSize: true}); } this.container.setStyle('margin-' + pointer.position, (pointer.position == 'left' || pointer.position == 'right') ? (this.pointerDimensions.width - this.container.getStyle('border-' + pointer.position).toInt()) : (this.pointerDimensions.height - this.container.getStyle('border-' + pointer.position).toInt())); } // adjust wrapper to pointer position if(pointer && this.pointerElement) { // if position x and position y is outside, fix pointer position if(position.x[1] == 'outside' && position.y[1] == 'outside' && pointer.adjustment == 'center') { pointer.adjustment = (position.x[0] == 'left') ? 'right' : 'left'; switch(position.x[0]) { case 'left': posX += wrapperDimensions.totalWidth - (this.pointerDimensions.width / 2); break; case 'right': posX -= (this.pointerDimensions.width / 2); break; } } // calculate pointer margin and extra offset var wrapperOffset = 0, pointerMargin = 0, offsetPointerX = 0, offsetPointerY = 0; switch(pointer.adjustment) { case 'center': pointerMargin = (pointer.position == 'top' || pointer.position == 'bottom') ? ((wrapperDimensions.totalWidth / 2) - (this.pointerDimensions.width / 2)) : ((wrapperDimensions.totalHeight / 2) - (this.pointerDimensions.height / 2)); break; case 'left': case 'right': switch(position.x[1]) { case 'inside': offsetPointerX += ((this.pointerDimensions.width / 2) * -1) + ((position.x[0] == 'right') ? wrapperDimensions.totalWidth : 0); break; default: if(position.x[0] == 'center') { offsetPointerX += (wrapperDimensions.totalWidth / 2) - (this.pointerDimensions.width / 2); } } posX += offsetPointerX - ((pointer.adjustment == 'right') ? (wrapperDimensions.totalWidth - this.pointerDimensions.width) : 0); pointerMargin = (pointer.adjustment == 'right') ? (wrapperDimensions.totalWidth - this.pointerDimensions.width) : 0; break; case 'top': case 'bottom': switch(position.y[1]) { case 'inside': offsetPointerY += ((this.pointerDimensions.height / 2) * -1) + ((position.y[0] == 'bottom') ? wrapperDimensions.totalHeight : 0); break; default: if(position.y[0] == 'center') { offsetPointerY += (wrapperDimensions.totalHeight / 2) - (this.pointerDimensions.height / 2); } } posY += offsetPointerY - ((pointer.adjustment == 'bottom') ? (wrapperDimensions.totalHeight - this.pointerDimensions.height) : 0); pointerMargin = (pointer.adjustment == 'bottom') ? (wrapperDimensions.totalHeight - this.pointerDimensions.height) : 0; break; } switch(pointer.position) { case 'top': case 'bottom': posX += (pointer.offset * (-1)); break; case 'left': case 'right': posY += (pointer.offset * (-1)); break; } this.pointerElement.setStyle((pointer.position == 'top' || pointer.position == 'bottom') ? 'left' : 'top', pointerMargin + pointer.offset); } // get wrapper dimensions including pointer wrapperDimensions = this.wrapper.getDimensions({computeSize: true}); // calculate position switch(position.x[0]) { case 'center': posX += (targetDimensions.totalWidth / 2) - (wrapperDimensions.totalWidth / 2); break; case 'right': posX += targetDimensions.totalWidth - (position.x[1] == 'inside' ? wrapperDimensions.totalWidth : (position.x[1] == 'center' ? (wrapperDimensions.totalWidth / 2) : 0)); break; case 'left': posX -= (position.x[1] == 'outside' ? wrapperDimensions.totalWidth : (position.x[1] == 'center' ? (wrapperDimensions.totalWidth / 2) : 0)); break; default: posX = position.x; } switch(position.y[0]) { case 'center': posY += (targetDimensions.totalHeight / 2) - (wrapperDimensions.totalHeight / 2); break; case 'bottom': posY += targetDimensions.totalHeight - (position.y[1] == 'inside' ? wrapperDimensions.totalHeight : (position.y[1] == 'center' ? (wrapperDimensions.totalHeight / 2) : 0)); break; case 'top': posY -= (position.y[1] == 'outside' ? wrapperDimensions.totalHeight : (position.y[1] == 'center' ? (wrapperDimensions.totalHeight / 2) : 0)); break; default: posX = position.y; } // reset wrapper positions this.wrapper.setStyles({top: null, right: null, bottom: null, left: null}); // calculate 'bottom' or 'right' positions if needed var windowDimensions = $(window).getSize(); if(position.xAttribute == 'right') { posX = windowDimensions.x - (posX + wrapperDimensions.totalWidth); } if(position.yAttribute == 'bottom') { posY = windowDimensions.y - (posY + wrapperDimensions.totalHeight); } // add global offsets and set positions posX = posX || 0; posX += offset.x; posY += offset.y; this.wrapper.setStyle(position.xAttribute, posX.floor()); this.wrapper.setStyle(position.yAttribute, posY.floor()); return this; }, // set up content setContent: function(content, where) { if(content != null) { if($(content) || $$('.' + content).length > 0) { this[where || 'content'].grab($(content) || $$('.' + content)); if($(content)) $(content).setStyle('display', ''); } else if(content != null) { content = content.replace(/(?:)|(?:\/>))/gmi, '') content = content.replace(/<[^>]+/gmi, function(match){ return match.replace(/ on\w+=[\"\'\S][^"]*[\"\'\S]/gmi, '').replace(/javascript/gmi, ''); }); this[where || 'content'].set('html', content); } } return this; }, // set up title setTitle: function(content) { if(content != null && !this.titleContainer) { this.titleContainer = new Element('div', { 'class': 'mBoxTitleContainer' }).inject(this.container, 'top'); this.title = new Element('div', { 'class': 'mBoxTitle ' + (this.options.addClass.title || ''), styles: (this.options.setStyles.title || {}) }).inject(this.titleContainer); this.wrapper.addClass('hasTitle'); if(this.options.draggable && window['Drag'] != null) { new Drag(this.wrapper, { handle: this.titleContainer}); this.titleContainer.addClass('mBoxDraggable'); } if(this.options.closeInTitle) { new Element('div', { 'class': 'mBoxClose', events: { click: function() { this.close(); }.bind(this) } }).grab(new Element('div')).inject(this.titleContainer); } } if(content != null) { this.setContent(content, 'title'); } return this; }, // set up footer setFooter: function(content) { if(content != null && !this.footerContainer) { this.footerContainer = new Element('div', { 'class': 'mBoxFooterContainer' }).inject(this.container, 'bottom'); this.footer = new Element('div', { 'class': 'mBoxFooter ' + (this.options.addClass.footer || ''), styles: (this.options.setStyles.footer || {}) }).inject(this.footerContainer); this.wrapper.addClass('hasFooter'); } if(content != null) { this.setContent(content, 'footer'); } return this; }, // set up content, title and/or footer load: function(content, title, footer) { this.setContent(content); this.setTitle(title); this.setFooter(footer); return this; }, // return the mBox as html getHTML: function(content, title, footer) { this.load(content, title, footer); return '
' + this.wrapper.get('html') + '
'; }, // attach events to document and window attachEvents: function() { // event: close mBox when clicking esc this.escEvent = function(ev) { if(ev.key == 'esc') { this.ignoreDelayOnce = true; this.close(); } }.bind(this); if(this.options.closeOnEsc) { $(window).addEvent('keyup', this.escEvent); } // event: reposition mBox on window resize or scroll this.resizeEvent = function(ev) { this.setPosition(); }.bind(this); $(window).addEvent('resize', this.resizeEvent); if(this.options.fixed && (Browser.ie6 || Browser.ie7)) { $(window).addEvent('scroll', this.resizeEvent); } // event: close mBox when clicking anywhere this.closeOnClickEvent = function(ev) { if(this.isOpen && ($(this.options.attach) != ev.target && !$$('.' + this.options.attach).contains(ev.target))) { this.ignoreDelayOnce = true; this.close(); } }.bind(this); if(this.options.closeOnClick) { $(document).addEvent('mouseup', this.closeOnClickEvent); } // event: close mBox when clicking on wrapper or it's children this.closeOnBoxClickEvent = function(ev) { if(this.isOpen && (this.wrapper == ev.target || this.wrapper.contains(ev.target))) { this.ignoreDelayOnce = true; this.close(); } }.bind(this); if(this.options.closeOnBoxClick) { $(document).addEvent('mouseup', this.closeOnBoxClickEvent); } // event: close mBox when clicking on wrapper directly this.closeOnWrapperClickEvent = function(ev) { if(this.isOpen && this.wrapper == ev.target) { this.ignoreDelayOnce = true; this.close(); } }.bind(this); if(this.options.closeOnWrapperClick) { $(document).addEvent('mouseup', this.closeOnWrapperClickEvent); } // event: close mBox when clicking on body this.closeOnBodyClickEvent = function(ev) { if(this.isOpen && ($(this.options.attach) != ev.target && !$$('.' + this.options.attach).contains(ev.target)) && ev.target != this.wrapper && !this.wrapper.contains(ev.target)) { this.ignoreDelayOnce = true; this.close(); } }.bind(this); if(this.options.closeOnBodyClick) { $(document).addEvent('mouseup', this.closeOnBodyClickEvent); } // event: attach mBox to mouse position this.mouseMoveEvent = function(ev) { this.mouseX = ev.page.x; this.mouseY = ev.page.y; this.setPosition('mouse'); }.bind(this); if(this.target == 'mouse') { $(document).addEvent('mousemove', this.mouseMoveEvent); } }, // remove events from document or window detachEvents: function() { if(this.options.fixed && (Browser.ie6 || Browser.ie7)) { $(window).removeEvent('scroll', this.resizeEvent); } $(window).removeEvent('keyup', this.keyEvent); $(window).removeEvent('resize', this.resizeEvent); $(document).removeEvent('mouseup', this.closeOnClickEvent); $(document).removeEvent('mouseup', this.closeOnBoxClickEvent); $(document).removeEvent('mouseup', this.closeOnWrapperClickEvent); $(document).removeEvent('mouseup', this.closeOnBodyClickEvent); $(document).removeEvent('mousemove', this.mouseMoveEvent); }, // dispose of wrapper and remove it from DOM destroy: function() { mBox.instances.erase(this); this.detachEvents(); this.wrapper.dispose(); delete this.wrapper; } }); // store global mBox instances mBox.instances = []; // use global mBox ids mBox.currentId = 0; // reinit mBoxes (e.g. once an ajax has been called) mBox.reInit = function() { if(mBox.addConfirmEvents) { mBox.addConfirmEvents(); } mBox.instances.each(function(instance) { try { instance.reInit(); } catch(e) {} }); }; /* --- description: With mBox.Notice you can show little notices to your visitors. authors: Stephan Wagner license: MIT-style requires: - mBox - core/1.4.5: '*' - more/Element.Measure provides: [mBox.Notice] documentation: http://htmltweaks.com/mBox/Documentation/Notice ... */ mBox.Notice = new Class({ Extends: mBox, options: { type: 'Default', // the type of the notice (defaults to 'default'), possible types are: 'ok', 'error', 'info', 'notice' position: { // to use the move tween (see below), position.y has to be 'bottom' or 'top' and both positions need to be 'inside' x: ['left', 'inside'], y: ['bottom', 'inside'] }, offset: { x: 30, y: 30 }, fixed: true, move: true, // true will move the notice box from a window edge to its position instead of fading it (when opening) moveDuration: 500, // duration of the move-tween delayClose: 4000, // duration the notice will be visible fade: true, fadeDuration: { open: 250, close: 400 }, target: $(window), zIndex: 1000000, closeOnEsc: false, closeOnBoxClick: true, closeOnBodyClick: false, openOnInit: true }, // initialize parent initialize: function(options) { this.defaultInOut = 'inside'; this.defaultTheme = 'Notice'; // add move events / options when initializing parent options.onSystemBoxReady = function() { this.container.addClass('mBoxNotice' + (this.options.type.capitalize() || 'Default')); if(this.options.move && (this.position.x[1] == 'inside' || this.position.x[0] == 'center') && this.position.y[1] == 'inside' && (this.position.y[0] == 'top' || this.position.y[0] == 'bottom')) { var wrapper_dimensions = this.wrapper.getDimensions({computeSize: true}); this.container.setStyle('position', 'absolute'); this.container.setStyle((this.position.y[0] == 'top' ? 'bottom' : 'top'), 0); this.wrapper.setStyles({ height: 0, width: wrapper_dimensions.totalWidth, overflowY: 'hidden' }); this.options.transition = { open: { transition: 'linear', property: 'height', duration: this.options.moveDuration, start: 0, end: wrapper_dimensions.totalHeight + this.options.offset.y } }; this.options.offset.y = 0; this.options.delayClose += this.options.moveDuration; } }; // close stored notice and save new one in window options.onSystemOpen = function() { if($(window).retrieve('mBoxNotice')) { $(window).retrieve('mBoxNotice').ignoreDelay = true; $(window).retrieve('mBoxNotice').close(); } $(window).store('mBoxNotice', this); }; // close notice automatically options.onSystemOpenComplete = function() { this.close(); }; // destroy notice when close is complete options.onSystemCloseComplete = function() { this.destroy(); }; // init parent this.parent(options); } });