"name": "Name",
"description": "Description",
"searchKey": "Search",
"desktop_style": "dDesktop",
"flat_style": "Flat",
"cmsName": "CMS",
"processName": "Process",
"portalName": "Portal",
"serviceName": "Service",
"process": {
"unnamed": "Unnamed",
"unknow": "Unknow",
"processConfig": "Process Config",
"formConfig": "Form Config",
"createCategory": "Create Category",
"searchCategory": "Search Category",
"noCategoryNotice": "There is no process category, you can click here to create a process category.",
"noProcessNoticeNode": "There is no process, you can click here to create a process",
"activity": "Activity",
"route": "Route",
"property": "Property",
"showJson": "View JSON",
"unrealized": "Unrealized",
"tools": "Tools",
"repetitions": "Duplicate property name",
"repetitionsValue": "Duplicate content item",
"repetitionsEvent": "Duplicate event name",
"repetitionsId": "Duplicate element identifiers",
"repetitionsOrUnvalid": "Duplicate or invalid property name",
"notNullId": "Element identifier cannot be null",
"editCategory": "Edit Category",
"createProcess": "Create Process",
"deleteCategory": "Delete Category",
"deleteProcess": "Delete Process",
"editProcess": "Edit Process",
"createForm": "Create Form",
"deleteForm": "Delete Form",
"editForm": "Edit Form",
"menu": {
"newRoute": "Create Route",
"newActivity": "Create Activity",
"newActivityType": {
"manual": "Manual Activity",
"condition": "Condition Activity",
"auto": "Auto Activity",
"split": "Split Activity",
"merge": "Marge Activity",
"embed": "Embed Activity",
"invoke": "Invoke Activity",
"begin": "Begin Activity",
"end": "End Activity"
"copyActivity": "Copy Activity",
"deleteActivity": "Delete Activity",
"deleteRoute": "Delete Route",
"saveProcess": "Save Process",
"saveProcessNew": "Save as new process",
"checkProcess": "Check Process",
"exportProcess": "Export Process",
"printProcess": "Print Process",
"showGrid": "Show Grid",
"hideGrid": "Hide Grid"
"notice": {
"save_success": "Process saved successfully!",
"deleteForm_success": "Form deleted!",
"deleteProcess_success": "Process deleted!",
"one_begin": "There can only be one start activity per process!",
"deleteRoute": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected route?",
"deleteRouteTitle": "Delete route confirmation",
"deleteActivityTitle": "Delete activity confirmation",
"deleteActivity": "Deleting the activity will also delete all routes associated with this activity, Are you sure you want to delete the selected activity?",
"deleteDecisionTitle": "Delete decision confirmation",
"deleteDecision": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected decision?",
"deleteScriptTitle": "Delete script confirmation",
"deleteScript": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected script?",
"deleteElementTitle": "Delete form element confirmation",
"deleteElement": "Are you sure to delete the current element and its child elements?",
"deleteEventTitle": "Delete event confirmation",
"deleteEvent": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected event?",
"deleteActionTitle": "Delete operation confirmation",
"deleteAction": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected operation?",
"deleteRowTitle": "Delete table row confirmation",
"deleteRow": "Deletes the current row is the row is deleted all the content in the cells, Are you sure to delete the currently selected row?",
"deleteColTitle": "Delete Table Columns confirmation",
"deleteCol": "Deletes the current column is the column is deleted all the content in the cells, Are you sure to delete the currently selected column?",
"deleteProcessTitle": "Delete process confirmation",
"deleteProcess": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected process?",
"deleteFormTitle": "Delete form confirmation",
"deleteForm": "You sure you want to delete the selected form?",
"deleteTreeNodeTitle": "Delete node confirmation",
"deleteTreeNode": "Are You sure you want to delete the selected node?",
"inputScriptName": "Please enter the name of the script!",
"inputCategoryName": "Please enter the category name of the script!"
"button": {
"ok": "Ok",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"reset": "Reset"
"formAction": {
"insertRow": "Insert Row",
"insertCol": "Insert Column",
"deleteRow": "Delete Row",
"deleteCol": "Delete Column",
"mergerCell": "Merge Cells",
"splitCell": "Split Cells",
"move": "Move",
"copy": "Copy",
"delete": "Delete",
"add": "Add",
"script": "Script",
"clickScript": "Click Event Script",
"defaultNode": "Default Node"
"desktop": {
"homepage": "Homepage",
"taskCenter": "TaskCenter",
"info": "Information",
"calendar": "Calendar",
"profile": "Profile",
"loadding": "System is loadding, please wait......",
"lowBrowser": " Your browser version is too low! ~ IE8 and the following versions are not supported!",
"upgradeBrowser": "Please upgrade your browser:",
"menuAction": "Menu",
"configAction": "Configure your workstations",
"userMenu": "User Options",
"userChat": "Online Communication",
"styleAction": "Switch Themes",
"showDesktop": "Show Desktop",
"showMessage": "Message",
"logout": "Logout",
"safeLogout": "Safe Logout",
"safeLogoutTitle": "Safe Logout Confirmation",
"safeLogoutMessage": "Safe logout will log out of your login status on all devices, including mobile terminals and other browsers. Are you sure you are sure to log out safely?",
"userConfig": "Settings",
"application": "Component",
"widget": "Widget",
"process": "Process",
"nosign": "Edit You Signature",
"searchUser": "Search:Username",
"say": "Say",
"clearMessage": "Clear Message",
"returnZoom": "100% recovery",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"close": "Close",
"closeAll": "Close All",
"closeOther": "Close Others",
"openInBrowser": "Open in browser",
"lnkAppTitle": "Often Used",
"deleteLnk": "Delete Link",
"addLnk": "Add Link",
"changeViewTitle": "Toggle style confirmation",
"changeView": "Are you sure you want to switch the style?
If you select \"OK\", the page will refresh directly, and unsaved data may be lost.",
"refreshMenu": "Restore the default menu order",
"defaultMenuTitle": "Confirmation",
"defaultMenuInfor": "Are you sure you want to restore the ordering and grouping of the menu to the default state?",
"deleteLink": "Delete Link",
"messsage": {
"appliction": "Application",
"application": "App",
"process": "Process",
"infor": "Info",
"query": "Data",
"taskMessage": "Task Reminders",
"receiveTask": "You get a Task, The title is: ",
"activity": "Activity",
"readMessage": "Read Reminders",
"receiveRead": "You get a Read, The title is: ",
"reviewMessage": "Review Reminders",
"receiveReview": "You get a Review, The title is: ",
"fileEditorMessage": "Received File",
"receiveFileEditor": "A file sent to you: ",
"fileShareMessage": "Shared File",
"receiveFileShare": "shared to you a file: ",
"meetingInviteMessage": "Meeting Invitation",
"meetingInvite": "{person} invite you to attend the meeting in {date}: Topics is: \"{subject}\",location: {addr}",
"meetingCancelMessage": "Meeting.Canceled",
"meetingCancel": "{person} cancelled the meeting on {date} in {addr}: \"{subject}\"",
"meetingAcceptMessage": "Meeting invitation has been accepted",
"meetingAccept": "{person} has accepted your meeting invitation, will attend the meeting in {addr} on {date}: \"{subject}\"",
"meetingRejectMessage": "Meeting invitation has been rejected",
"meetingReject": "{person} has declined your meeting invitation。Time: {date}; Subject: \"{subject}\"",
"meetingDeleteInviteMessage": "Meeting invitation has been cancelled",
"meetingDeleteInvite": "{person} cancelled your meeting invitation, meeting information: time {date}, title \"{subject}\", location {addr}",
"attendanceAppealInviteMessage": "There is an attendance claim that needs your approval",
"attendanceAppealInvite": "{subject}",
"attendanceAppealAcceptMessage": "Attendance application passed",
"attendanceAppealAccept": "{subject}",
"attendanceAppealRejectMessage": "Attendance appeal failed",
"attendanceAppealReject": "{subject}",
"canlendarAlarmMessage": "Schedule",
"canlendarAlarm": "{title}",
"teamwork": {
"executor": "Assignee",
"creatorPerson": "Creator"
"publishDocument": "Publish document: ",
"customMessageTitle": "Message: ",
"customMessage": "You received a message: ",
"emoji": "Emoji",
"processWork": "Work",
"cmsDoc": "Information",
"bbsReplyCreateMessage": "Forum reply reminder",
"bbsReplyCreate": "{title}"
"styleMenu": {
"default": "default",
"color": "color",
"black": "black",
"lotus": "lotus",
"crane": "crane",
"peony": "peony",
"car": "car",
"dock": "dock",
"panda": "panda",
"star": "star"
"styleFlatMenu": {
"blue": "blue",
"red": "red",
"orange": "orange",
"green": "green",
"cyan": "cyan",
"purple": "purple",
"gray": "gray",
"darkgreen": "darkgreen",
"tan": "tan",
"navy": "navy"
"notice": {
"unload": "If you close or refresh the current page, the unsaved content will be lost, please confirm your operation",
"changePassword": "Your password has expired, please change it in time",
"errorConnectCenter1": "Unable to connect to the Center Server, please make sure one of the following addresses is accessible: ",
"errorConnectCenter2": "If none of the above addresses can be accessed, please check your network or contact the administrator!"
"login": {
"title": "User Login",
"loginButton": "Login",
"mobileDownload": "Phone scanning the QR code to install",
"inputUsernamePassword": "Enter you user name and password...",
"loginWait": "Login, please wait...",
"loginError": "User name or password entered is incorrect, please re-enter...",
"camera_logining": "Logging in, please face the camera ...",
"camera_logining_1": "Please keep smile ...",
"camera_logining_2": "Please Look Up ...",
"camera_logining_3": "Verification Successful ...",
"camera_logining2": "Please move a different perspective, or transform expression ...",
"camera_loginSuccess": "{name} Hello, is to sign you in ...",
"camera_loginError": "Unable to verify your identity, please log in through other means ...",
"camera_loginError2": "Login failed, please log in through other means ...",
"camera_loginError_camera": "Unable to open the camera, probably already in use ..."
"action": {
"uploadTitle": "Uploading",
"uploadComplete": "Upload Complete",
"sendReady": "Encoding the data, prepared for transmission ...",
"sendStart": "Begin Transfer",
"sendError": "File Transfer Error",
"sendAbort": "File transfer was canceled",
"speed": "Speed",
"time": "Elapsed Time",
"hour": "Hour",
"minute": "Minute",
"second": "Second",
"cancelUploadTitle": "Cancel upload confirmation",
"cancelUpload": "Are you sure you want to cancel uploading file \"{name}\" ?"
"person": {
"personEmployee": "Empno",
"personMobile": "Mobile Number",
"personMail": "Mail",
"personDuty": "Duty",
"personQQ": "QQ",
"personWeixin": "Weixin",
"duty": "Duty"
"collect": {
"collectNotConnected": "Failed to connect O2 cloud",
"collectNotConnectedText": "Failed to connect O2 cloud, Please check the server network!"
"message": {
"appliction": "Application",
"application": "App",
"process": "Process",
"infor": "Info",
"query": "Data",
"taskMessage": "Task Reminders",
"receiveTask": "You get a Task, The title is: ",
"activity": "Activity",
"readMessage": "Read Reminders",
"receiveRead": "You get a Read, The title is: ",
"reviewMessage": "Review Reminders",
"receiveReview": "You get a Review, The title is: ",
"fileEditorMessage": "Received File",
"receiveFileEditor": "A file sent to you: ",
"fileShareMessage": "Shared File",
"receiveFileShare": "shared to you a file: ",
"meetingInviteMessage": "Meeting Invitation",
"meetingInvite": "{person} invite you to attend the meeting in {date}: Topics is: \"{subject}\",location: {addr}",
"meetingCancelMessage": "Meeting.Canceled",
"meetingCancel": "{person} cancelled the meeting on {date} in {addr}: \"{subject}\"",
"meetingAcceptMessage": "Meeting invitation has been accepted",
"meetingAccept": "{person} has accepted your meeting invitation, will attend the meeting in {addr} on {date}: \"{subject}\"",
"meetingRejectMessage": "Meeting invitation has been rejected",
"meetingReject": "{person} has declined your meeting invitation。Time: {date}; Subject: \"{subject}\"",
"meetingDeleteInviteMessage": "Meeting invitation has been cancelled",
"meetingDeleteInvite": "{person} cancelled your meeting invitation, meeting information: time {date}, title \"{subject}\", location {addr}",
"attendanceAppealInviteMessage": "There is an attendance claim that needs your approval",
"attendanceAppealInvite": "{subject}",
"attendanceAppealAcceptMessage": "Attendance application passed",
"attendanceAppealAccept": "{subject}",
"attendanceAppealRejectMessage": "Attendance appeal failed",
"attendanceAppealReject": "{subject}",
"canlendarAlarmMessage": "Schedule",
"canlendarAlarm": "{title}",
"teamwork": {
"executor": "Assignee",
"creatorPerson": "Creator"
"publishDocument": "Publish document: ",
"customMessageTitle": "Message: ",
"customMessage": "You received a message: ",
"emoji": "Emoji",
"processWork": "Work",
"cmsDoc": "Information",
"bbsReplyCreateMessage": "Forum reply reminder",
"bbsReplyCreate": "{title}"
"userLanguage": "Language settings"
"widget": {
"upload": "Upload",
"uploadTitle": "Upload File",
"uploadInfor": "Please select a file to upload",
"delete": "Delete",
"replace": "Replace",
"select": "Select",
"download": "Download",
"share": "Share",
"send": "Ssend",
"downloadAll": "Download All",
"downloadBatch": "Download Batch",
"createFolder": "Create Folder",
"rename": "Rename",
"property": "Property",
"refuseUpload": "File upload is prohibited",
"refuseUploadHTML": "