Localizable.strings 6.8 KB

  1. "Alert" = "提示";
  2. "All File" = "全部文件";
  3. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  4. "Alt" = "提示";
  5. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  6. "BG Color" = "BG Color";
  7. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  8. "Cancel" = "取消";
  9. "Choose" = "选择";
  10. "Choose Move Position" = "选择移动位置";
  11. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  12. "Clear Photo" = "清除照片";
  13. "Cloud File My Share Files" = "我分享的文件";
  14. "Cloud File Share To Me" = "分享给我的";
  15. "Cloud File Type Document" = "文档";
  16. "Cloud File Type Image" = "图片";
  17. "Cloud File Type Music" = "音乐";
  18. "Cloud File Type Other" = "其它";
  19. "Cloud File Type Video" = "视频";
  20. "Cloud Files" = "云盘";
  21. "Create Folder Error Message" = "创建文件夹失败!";
  22. "Delete" = "删除";
  23. "Delete Items Confirm Message" = "确定要删除这些数据吗?";
  24. "Delete My Share File Confirm Message" = "确定要取消这些分享的数据吗?";
  25. /*
  26. Localizable.strings
  27. O2Platform
  28. Created by FancyLou on 2019/4/18.
  29. Copyright © 2019 zoneland. All rights reserved.
  30. */
  31. "Done" = "完成";
  32. "Edit" = "编辑";
  33. "App" = "应用";
  34. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  35. "Title" = "标题";
  36. "Empty name Error Message" = "名称不能为空!";
  37. /* Error description */
  38. "Failed to convert value from data at path %@" = "Failed to convert value from data at path %@";
  39. /* Error description */
  40. "Failed to convert value from data at URL %@" = "Failed to convert value from data at URL %@";
  41. /* Error description */
  42. "Format %@ not found" = "Format %@ not found";
  43. /* Identify failed */
  44. "Identify failed" = "Identify failed";
  45. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  46. "Image scale, 0.5 by default" = "Image scale, 0.5 by default";
  47. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  48. "Insert" = "Insert";
  49. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  50. "Insert Image" = "Insert Image";
  51. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  52. "Insert Image From Device" = "Insert Image From Device";
  53. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  54. "Insert Link" = "Insert Link";
  55. "Move" = "移动";
  56. "New" = "新建";
  57. "New Folder" = "新建文件夹";
  58. /* Error description */
  59. "Object not found for key %@" = "Object not found for key %@";
  60. /* OK */
  61. "OK" = "確定";
  62. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  63. "Pick Image" = "Pick Image";
  64. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  65. "Pick New Image" = "Pick New Image";
  66. "Rename" = "重命名";
  67. /* Error description */
  68. "Request expected %ld bytes and received %ld bytes" = "Request expected %ld bytes and received %ld bytes";
  69. "Share" = "分享";
  70. "Share Delete" = "取消分享";
  71. "Shield Share" = "屏蔽共享";
  72. "Shield Share File Confirm Message" = "确定要屏蔽这些分享给你的数据吗?";
  73. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  74. "Text Color" = "Text Color";
  75. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  76. "Update" = "更新";
  77. "Upload File" = "上传文件";
  78. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  79. "URL (required)" = "URL (required)";
  80. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  81. "取消" = "取消";
  82. /* No comment provided by engineer. */
  83. "Applications update success" = "更新成功";
  84. "Applications Url request error" = "URL请求出错";
  85. "Applications Url is empty" = "没有获取到URL";
  86. "Applications Main App" = "主页应用";
  87. "Applications Native App" = "原生应用";
  88. "Applications Portal App" = "门户应用";
  89. "Error with info" = "错误! %@";
  90. /* Main */
  91. "Main Bar IM" = "消息";
  92. "Main Bar Contacts" = "通讯录";
  93. "Main Bar App" = "应用";
  94. "Main Bar Settings" = "设置";
  95. /* Login */
  96. "Login Jailbroken alert message" = "当前运行环境已经越狱,本应用将不提供服务!";
  97. "Login Server config info error" = "服务器配置信息异常!";
  98. "Login Server config info is empty" = "没有配置服务器信息!";
  99. "Login Unknown error" = "未知错误!";
  100. "Login Rebind" = "重新绑定";
  101. "Login Confirm rebind message" = "加载出错,是否重新绑定?错误:%@";
  102. "Login Mobile phone validate" = "手机验证";
  103. "Login Please enter mobile phone" = "请输入手机号码!";
  104. "Login Please enter validation code" = "请输入验证码!";
  105. "Login binding" = "绑定中...";
  106. "Login Can not get server list" = "没有获取到服务器列表,请确认服务器是否已经注册!";
  107. "Login Error with info" = "错误! %@";
  108. "Login Guide page" = "引导页";
  109. "Login Next step" = "下一步";
  110. "Login Select service node" = "选择服务节点";
  111. "Login Do not screenshot" = "为了保护用户名密码安全,请不要截图!";
  112. "Login Face recognition login" = "人脸识别登录";
  113. "Login Fingerprint identification login" = "指纹识别登录";
  114. "Login Rebind to the new service node" = "重新绑定到新的服务节点,原节点信息将被清空,确认吗?";
  115. "Login Password login" = "密码登录";
  116. "Login Verification code login" = "验证码登录";
  117. "Login Select the following login method" = "请选择下列登录方式";
  118. "Login Mobile phone number or password is empty" = "手机号码或密码不能为空!";
  119. "Login Login fail error" = "登录失败,%@";
  120. "Login Send code fail" = "验证码发送失败!";
  121. "Login Verify login now" = "立即验证登录";
  122. "Login Login" = "登录";
  123. "Login Login with user name" = "用户名登录";
  124. "Login Bio auth locked" = "多次错误,已被锁定,请到手机解锁界面输入密码!";
  125. "Login Verification failed" = "验证失败!";
  126. "Login do not support bio" = "手机系统未开启或不支持识别功能";
  127. "Login Login fail use other method" = "服务器验证登录失败,请尝试使用其它方式登录";
  128. "Login Get verification code" = "发送验证码";
  129. "Login Recapture" = "后重新发送";
  130. "Login Current Bind Server" = "当前绑定: ";
  131. /* contactc */
  132. "Contacts Search placeholder" = "请输入姓名、工号或拼音搜索...";
  133. "Contacts Top contacts" = "常用联系人";
  134. "Contacts My department" = "我的部门";
  135. "Contacts Org structure" = "组织架构";
  136. "Contacts Enterprise information" = "企业信息";
  137. "Contacts Person name" = "姓名";
  138. "Contacts Employee number" = "员工号";
  139. "Contacts Unique code" = "唯一编码";
  140. "Contacts Contact number" = "联系电话";
  141. "Contacts Email" = "电子邮件";
  142. "Contacts Dept" = "部门";
  143. "Contacts officePhone" = "办公电话";
  144. "Contacts superior" = "汇报对象";
  145. "Contacts board date" = "入职时间";
  146. "Contacts desc" = "描述";
  147. "Contacts Person Attributes" = "个人属性";
  148. "Contacts Initiate chat" = "发起聊天";
  149. "Contacts Unable to create chat" = "无法创建聊天!";
  150. "Contacts Send emails" = "发邮件";
  151. "Contacts Send emails Error" = "发邮件失败";
  152. "Copy" = "复制";
  153. "Copy succeeded" = "复制成功";
  154. "SMS" = "发短信";
  155. "SMS Fail" = "发短信失败!";
  156. "CALL" = "打电话";
  157. "CALL Fail" = "打电话失败!";
  158. /* Search */
  159. "Search" = "搜索";
  160. "Search No Result" = "未搜到相关结果";
  161. "Search Delete all search history" = "删除全部历史记录";
  162. "Search Placeholder" = "请输入搜索关键字";
  163. "Search Cms category" = "栏目: ";
  164. "Search Process Name" = "流程: ";