// // TodoTaskDetailViewController.swift // O2Platform // // Created by 刘振兴 on 16/7/31. // Copyright © 2016年 zoneland. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import WebKit import Alamofire import AlamofireImage import AlamofireObjectMapper import ObjectMapper import CocoaLumberjack import Photos //import QuickLook //import IQKeyboardManagerSwift struct TodoTaskJS { static let DATA_TASK = "JSON.encode(layout.app.appForm.businessData.task);" static let DATA_READ = "JSON.encode(layout.app.appForm.businessData.read);" static let DATA_OPINION = "JSON.encode(layout.app.appForm.getOpinion());" static let DATA_CONTROL = "JSON.encode(layout.app.appForm.businessData.control);" static let DATA_WORK = "JSON.encode(layout.app.appForm.businessData.work);" static let DATA_BUSINESS = "JSON.encode(layout.app.appForm.getData());" static let CHECK_FORM = "layout.app.appForm.formValidation(null, null)" static let CLOSE_WORK = "layout.app.appForm.finishOnMobile()" } class TodoTaskDetailViewController: BaseWebViewUIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var progress: UIProgressView! @IBOutlet weak var webViewContainer: UIView! private lazy var viewModel: WorkViewModel = { return WorkViewModel() }() //是否是已办 open var isWorkCompeleted: Bool = false open var workId: String? var toolbarView: UIToolbar! var taskProcess = TaskProcess() let group = DispatchGroup() /// backFlag = 1来自MainTask,backFlag = 2来自TodoTask 3是show dis var backFlag: Int = 0 var loadUrl: String? var isJSExecuted: Bool = true var hasToolbar: Bool = false //任务模式 var todoTask: TodoTask? { didSet { var url: String? if let workCompletedId = todoTask?.workCompleted, workCompletedId != "" { url = AppDelegate.o2Collect.genrateURLWithWebContextKey(DesktopContext.DesktopContextKey, query: DesktopContext.todoedDestopQuery, parameter: ["##workCompletedId##": workCompletedId as AnyObject]) self.isWorkCompeleted = true self.workId = workCompletedId } else if let workId = todoTask?.work, workId != "" { url = AppDelegate.o2Collect.genrateURLWithWebContextKey(DesktopContext.DesktopContextKey, query: DesktopContext.todoDesktopQuery, parameter: ["##workid##": workId as AnyObject]) self.isWorkCompeleted = false self.workId = workId } self.loadUrl = url } } var todoData: TodoTaskData? { didSet { var url: String? if let workCompletedId = todoData?.workCompleted, workCompletedId != "" { url = AppDelegate.o2Collect.genrateURLWithWebContextKey(DesktopContext.DesktopContextKey, query: DesktopContext.todoedDestopQuery, parameter: ["##workCompletedId##": workCompletedId as AnyObject]) self.isWorkCompeleted = true self.workId = workCompletedId } else if let workId = todoData?.work, workId != "" { url = AppDelegate.o2Collect.genrateURLWithWebContextKey(DesktopContext.DesktopContextKey, query: DesktopContext.todoDesktopQuery, parameter: ["##workid##": workId as AnyObject]) self.isWorkCompeleted = false self.workId = workId } self.loadUrl = url } } //草稿模式 var draft: ProcessDraftBean? { didSet { if let json = draft?.toJSONString() { self.loadUrl = AppDelegate.o2Collect.genrateURLWithWebContextKey(DesktopContext.DesktopContextKey, query: DesktopContext.todoDraftQuery, parameter: ["##draft##": json as AnyObject]) } } } var myTask: [String: AnyObject]? var myRead: [String: AnyObject]? var myControl: [String: AnyObject]? var myNewControls: [WorkNewActionItem] = [] var moreActionMenus: O2WorkMoreActionSheet? = nil // 上传附件使用的两个参数 private var uploadSite: String = "" private var uploadParam: String = "" // 替换附件的时候需要用的附件id private var replaceAttachmentId = "" private var isReplaceAttachment = false //是替换还是上传 override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(showKey), name: UIResponder.keyboardDidShowNotification, object: nil) // 返回按钮重新定义 self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = true self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(image: UIImage(named: "icon_fanhui"), style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(closeForBackBtn)) // closeForBackBtn self.navigationItem.leftItemsSupplementBackButton = true // // 文档查看器 // self.qlController.dataSource = qlController // self.qlController.delegate = qlController //toolbar self.toolbarView = UIToolbar(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: self.view.height - 44, width: self.view.width, height: 44)) if let todo = todoTask { if let title = todo.title, !title.trim().isEmpty { self.title = title }else if let pname = todo.processName { self.title = pname } }else if let tododata = todoData { if let title = tododata.title, !title.trim().isEmpty { self.title = title }else if let pname = tododata.processName { self.title = pname } } //添加工作页面特殊的js处理 addScriptMessageHandler(key: "closeWork", handler: self) addScriptMessageHandler(key: "appFormLoaded", handler: self) addScriptMessageHandler(key: "uploadAttachment", handler: self) addScriptMessageHandler(key: "uploadAttachmentForDatagrid", handler: self) addScriptMessageHandler(key: "downloadAttachment", handler: self) addScriptMessageHandler(key: "replaceAttachment", handler: self) addScriptMessageHandler(key: "replaceAttachmentForDatagrid", handler: self) addScriptMessageHandler(key: "openDocument", handler: self) self.theWebView() //水印 // let waterView = WaterMarkView.addWaterMarkView(waterMarkText: "你的姓名") // self.view.addSubview(waterView) // self.view.layer.masksToBounds = true // 裁剪 因为水印是一个很大的view } @objc private func showKey() { // if let contr = self.webView.inputAccessoryViewController, let views = contr.view.subviews { // for v in views { // DDLogDebug("view : \(v.description)") // let toolbar = findToolbar(myview: v) // if toolbar != nil && toolbar!.isKind(of: UIToolbar.self){ // DDLogDebug("找到uitoolbar") // let bar = toolbar as! UIToolbar // for item in bar.items ?? [] { // DDLogDebug("设置颜色。。。。。") // item.tintColor = base_color // } // } // } // } else { // DDLogDebug("没有找到 inputAccessoryViewController") // } for window in UIApplication.shared.windows { DDLogDebug("window:\(window.description)") if window.isKind(of: UIWindow.self) { DDLogDebug("enter.........") for v in window.subviews { DDLogDebug("view : \(v.description)") if v.description.hasPrefix(" UIView? { for v in myview.subviews { DDLogDebug("找了:\(v.description)") if let ac = v.inputAccessoryViewController { DDLogDebug("input accessory view.........\(ac.view.description)") if ac.view.isKind(of: UIToolbar.self) { return ac.view } else { return findToolbar(myview: ac.view) } } else if let c = v.inputViewController { DDLogDebug("input view.........\(c.view.description)") if c.view.isKind(of: UIToolbar.self) { return c.view } else { return findToolbar(myview: c.view) } } else { if v.isKind(of: UIToolbar.self) { return v } else { return findToolbar(myview: v) } } } return nil } override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillAppear(animated) // IQKeyboardManager.shared.enable = false //监控进度 webView.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "estimatedProgress", options: .new, context: nil) if #available(iOS 13.0, *) { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.navigationController?.navigationBar.setNeedsLayout() } } } override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillDisappear(animated) webView.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: "estimatedProgress") // IQKeyboardManager.shared.enable = true } override func theWebView() { super.theWebView() self.webViewContainer.addSubview(self.webView) self.webView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false let top = NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.webView!, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.top, relatedBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation.equal, toItem: self.webViewContainer, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.top, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) let bottom = NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.webView!, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.bottom, relatedBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation.equal, toItem: self.webViewContainer, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.bottom, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) let trailing = NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.webView!, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.trailing, relatedBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation.equal, toItem: self.webViewContainer, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.trailing, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) let leading = NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.webView!, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.leading, relatedBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation.equal, toItem: self.webViewContainer, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.leading, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) self.webViewContainer.addConstraints([top, bottom, trailing, leading]) webView.navigationDelegate = self webView.uiDelegate = self DDLogDebug("url:\(String(describing: loadUrl))") if let url = loadUrl { if let urlR = URL(string: url) { let req = URLRequest(url: urlR) webView.load(req) }else { webView.loadHTMLString("


", baseURL: nil) } } else { webView.loadHTMLString("


", baseURL: nil) } webView.allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures = true } override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey: Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) { if keyPath == "estimatedProgress" { progress.isHidden = webView.estimatedProgress == 1 progress.setProgress(Float(webView.estimatedProgress), animated: true) } } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. } override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { if segue.identifier == "showTodoProcessSegue" { let destVC = segue.destination as! TodoTaskProcessViewController //传递到下一步 destVC.backFlag = backFlag destVC.taskProcess = self.taskProcess } } /** 提交后返回此处,在此执行是返回首页还是待办处理页 - parameter segue: */ @IBAction func processBackMe(_ segue: UIStoryboardSegue) { goBack() } //MARK: - private func @objc func closeForBackBtn() { DDLogDebug("点击关闭按钮了。。。。。。。。。") //调用 js的 关闭当前工作的 函数 js会做新建检查工作 self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(TodoTaskJS.CLOSE_WORK, completionHandler: { (data, err) in DDLogDebug("执行关闭js了。。 data:\(String(describing: data)) err:\(String(describing: err))") guard err == nil else { self.goBack() return } }) } private var goBackDoing = false @objc func goBack() { if (goBackDoing) { DDLogInfo("多次执行/////////goBack()") return } goBackDoing = true DDLogDebug("backFlag = \(backFlag)") switch backFlag { case 1: self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "backMainTask", sender: nil) break case 2: self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "backToTodoTask", sender: nil) break //5是处理内容管理创建过来的流程 因为有一个创建页面 所以需要跳两层回去 case 4, 5: if let index = self.navigationController?.viewControllers.firstIndex(of: self) { DDLogDebug("返回两层。。。。。") if let secVC = self.navigationController?.viewControllers.get(at: index - 2) { self.navigationController?.popToViewController(secVC, animated: true) } else { DDLogError("返回两层 错误 没有获取到VC。。。。。") self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true) } } else { DDLogError("返回两层 错误 当前index。。。。。") self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true) } break default: // 3,4都用隐藏 除非删除 删除结束有特殊处理了。 self.navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true) break } } @objc func itemBtnDocDeleteAction() { DDLogDebug("btnDeleteDoc Click") showDefaultConfirm(title: "提示", message: "确认要删除这个文档吗,删除后无法恢复?", okHandler: { (action) in self.showLoading(title: "删除中...") self.viewModel.deleteWork(workId: self.workId!).then { (result) in self.showSuccess(title: "删除成功") DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime.now() + 0.3, execute: { // 删除之后没有这个工作了,所以直接返回列表 防止返回到已办的TodoedTaskViewController if self.backFlag == 4 { self.backFlag = 2 } self.goBack() }) }.catch { (err) in DDLogError(err.localizedDescription) self.showError(title: "删除失败") } }) } @objc func itemBtnDocSaveAction() { DDLogDebug("btnSaveDoc Click") self.showLoading(title: "保存中...") self.setupData() group.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) { if self.isJSExecuted { self.viewModel.saveWorkData(workId: self.taskProcess.workId!, data: self.taskProcess.businessDataDict!).then { (result) in self.showSuccess(title: "保存成功") }.catch { (err) in DDLogError(err.localizedDescription) self.showError(title: "保存失败") } } else { self.showError(title: "保存失败") } } } //提供给TodoTaskProcessViewController使用的 提交之前也要验证一次表单,根据传入的路由和意见来判断表单 @objc func checkFormBeforeProcessSubmit(routeName: String, opinion: String, callback: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) { let js = "layout.appForm.formValidation('\(routeName)', '\(opinion)')" DDLogDebug("执行验证:\(js)") webView.evaluateJavaScript(js) { (data, err) in if let str = data { if str is Bool { callback((str as! Bool)) } else { let isVaild = str as? String if isVaild == "true" { callback(true) } else { callback(false) } } } else { DDLogError("没有返回值。。。。。。。。。") callback(false) } } } @objc func itemBtnNextProcessAction() { DDLogDebug("btnNext Process") //校验表单 webView.evaluateJavaScript(TodoTaskJS.CHECK_FORM) { (data, err) in if let str = data { let isVaild = str as! Bool if isVaild == true { self.setupData() self.group.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main, execute: { self.performSegue(withIdentifier: "showTodoProcessSegue", sender: nil) }) } else { DDLogError("表单验证失败。。。。。。。。。。。。") self.showError(title: "表单验证失败,请正确填写表单内容") } } else { DDLogError("没有返回值。。。。。。。。。") self.showError(title: "表单验证失败,请正确填写表单内容") } } } @objc func itemBtnReadDocAction() { DDLogDebug("readButtonAction") // let url = AppDelegate.o2Collect.generateURLWithAppContextKey(ReadContext.readContextKey, query: ReadContext.readProcessing, parameter: ["##id##": (todoTask?.id)! as AnyObject]) // self.showLoading(title: "提交中...") // AF.request(url!, method: .post, parameters: myRead, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: nil).responseJSON { response in // switch response.result { // case .success(let val): // DDLogDebug(JSON(val).description) // let json = JSON(val) // if json["type"] == "success" { // self.showSuccess(title: "提交成功") // DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime.now() + 0.3, execute: { // self.goBack() // }) // } else { // DDLogError(json["message"].description) // self.showError(title: "提交失败") // } // case .failure(let err): // DDLogError(err.localizedDescription) // self.showError(title: "提交失败") // } // } } @objc func itemBtnRetractDocAction() { DDLogDebug("撤回开始。。。") // let url = AppDelegate.o2Collect.generateURLWithAppContextKey(TaskedContext.taskedContextKey, query: TaskedContext.taskedRetractQuery, parameter: ["##work##": (self.workId)! as AnyObject]) // self.showLoading(title: "提交中...") // AF.request(url!, method: .put, parameters: nil, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: nil).responseJSON { response in // switch response.result { // case .success(let val): // DDLogDebug(JSON(val).description) // let json = JSON(val) // if json["type"] == "success" { // self.showSuccess(title: "提交成功") // DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime.now() + 0.3, execute: { // self.goBack() // }) // } else { // DDLogError(json["message"].description) // self.showError(title: "提交失败") // } // case .failure(let err): // DDLogError(err.localizedDescription) // self.showError(title: "提交失败") // } // } } // 网页加载完成后,获取表单数据 判断是什么表单 待办 待阅 已办 已阅 private func loadDataFromWork() { // 加载read 对象 如果是待阅工作 设置已阅时需要用到 group.enter() DispatchQueue.main.async(group: group, execute: DispatchWorkItem(block: { DDLogDebug("执行 \(TodoTaskJS.DATA_READ)") self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(TodoTaskJS.DATA_READ, completionHandler: { (data, err) in if err == nil && data != nil { let json = JSON.init(parseJSON: data as! String) self.myRead = json.dictionaryObject! as [String: AnyObject] } else { DDLogError(String(describing: err)) } self.group.leave() }) })) // 加载control 是否能撤回 group.enter() DispatchQueue.main.async(group: group, execute: DispatchWorkItem(block: { DDLogDebug("执行 \(TodoTaskJS.DATA_CONTROL)") self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(TodoTaskJS.DATA_CONTROL, completionHandler: { (data, err) in if err == nil && data != nil { let json = JSON.init(parseJSON: (data as! String)) DDLogDebug("control: \(data as! String)") self.myControl = json.dictionaryObject! as [String: AnyObject] } else { DDLogError(String(describing: err)) } self.group.leave() }) })) group.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) { self.setupToolbarItems() } } //20190522 新版底部操作栏 private func setupToolbarItemsNew() { var items: [UIBarButtonItem] = [] let spaceItem = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .flexibleSpace, target: self, action: nil) if self.myNewControls.count > 0 { let action = self.myNewControls[0] let firstButton = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30)) firstButton.setTitle(action.text, for: .normal) firstButton.setTitleColor(base_color, for: .normal) firstButton.addTapGesture { (tap) in self.clickNewActionButton(action: action) } let firstButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: firstButton) items.append(spaceItem) items.append(firstButtonItem) items.append(spaceItem) } if self.myNewControls.count > 1 { let action = self.myNewControls[1] let secondButton = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30)) secondButton.setTitle(action.text, for: .normal) secondButton.setTitleColor(base_color, for: .normal) secondButton.addTapGesture { (tap) in self.clickNewActionButton(action: action) } let secondButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: secondButton) items.append(spaceItem) items.append(secondButtonItem) items.append(spaceItem) } // 更多按钮 if self.myNewControls.count > 2 { let moreButton = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30)) moreButton.setImage(UIImage(named: "icon_more_s"), for: .normal) moreButton.addTapGesture { (tap) in self.moreActionMenus?.show() } let moreButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: moreButton) items.append(moreButtonItem) self.moreActionMenus = O2WorkMoreActionSheet(moreControls: self.myNewControls) { item in self.clickNewActionButton(action: item) } } if items.count > 0 { self.layoutBottomBar(items: items) } } //新版操作按钮点击动作 private func clickNewActionButton(action: WorkNewActionItem) { DDLogDebug("click .....\(action.text)") let actionScript = action.actionScript if actionScript != "" { let jsExc = "layout.app.appForm._runCustomAction(\(actionScript))" DDLogDebug(jsExc) DispatchQueue.main.async { self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(jsExc) { (data, err) in DDLogDebug("actionScript excute finish!!!!") } } } else { let control = action.control switch control { case "allowDelete": self.itemBtnDocDeleteAction() break case "allowSave": self.itemBtnDocSaveAction() break case "allowProcessing": self.itemBtnNextProcessAction() break case "allowReadProcessing": self.itemBtnReadDocAction() break case "allowRetract": self.itemBtnRetractDocAction() break default: let jsExc = "layout.app.appForm[\"\(action.action)\"]()" DDLogDebug(jsExc) DispatchQueue.main.async { self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(jsExc) { (data, err) in DDLogDebug("actionScript excute finish!!!!") } } } } } private func setupToolbarItems() { DDLogDebug("setupToolbarItems 处理底部按钮, 根据control") if self.myNewControls.count > 0 { //新版操作按钮 self.setupToolbarItemsNew() } else { var items: [UIBarButtonItem] = [] if self.myControl != nil { let spaceItem = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .flexibleSpace, target: self, action: nil) if let allowDelete = self.myControl!["allowDelete"] as? Bool { if allowDelete { //删除工作 DDLogDebug("删除工作。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。安装按钮") let deleteBtn = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30)) deleteBtn.setTitle("删除", for: .normal) deleteBtn.setTitleColor(base_color, for: .normal) deleteBtn.addTapGesture { (tap) in self.itemBtnDocDeleteAction() } let deleteItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: deleteBtn) items.append(spaceItem) items.append(deleteItem) items.append(spaceItem) } } if let allowSave = self.myControl!["allowSave"] as? Bool { if allowSave { // 保存工作 DDLogDebug("保存工作。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。安装按钮") let saveBtn = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30)) saveBtn.setTitle("保存", for: .normal) saveBtn.setTitleColor(base_color, for: .normal) saveBtn.addTapGesture { (tap) in self.itemBtnDocSaveAction() } let saveItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: saveBtn) items.append(spaceItem) items.append(saveItem) items.append(spaceItem) } } if let allowProcessing = self.myControl!["allowProcessing"] as? Bool { if allowProcessing { // 待办工作 DDLogDebug("待办工作。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。安装按钮") let processingBtn = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30)) processingBtn.setTitle("继续流转", for: .normal) processingBtn.setTitleColor(base_color, for: .normal) processingBtn.addTapGesture { (tap) in self.itemBtnNextProcessAction() } let processingItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: processingBtn) items.append(spaceItem) items.append(processingItem) items.append(spaceItem) } } if let allowReadProcessing = self.myControl!["allowReadProcessing"] as? Bool { if allowReadProcessing { // 待阅 工作 DDLogDebug("待阅工作。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。安装按钮") let readBtn = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30)) readBtn.setTitle("已阅", for: .normal) readBtn.setTitleColor(base_color, for: .normal) readBtn.addTapGesture { (tap) in self.itemBtnReadDocAction() } let readItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: readBtn) items.append(spaceItem) items.append(readItem) items.append(spaceItem) } } if let allowRetract = self.myControl!["allowRetract"] as? Bool { if allowRetract { // 撤回 DDLogDebug("可以撤回。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。安装按钮") let retractBtn = UIButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30)) retractBtn.setTitle("撤回", for: .normal) retractBtn.setTitleColor(base_color, for: .normal) retractBtn.addTapGesture { (tap) in self.itemBtnRetractDocAction() } let retractItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: retractBtn) items.append(spaceItem) items.append(retractItem) items.append(spaceItem) } } self.layoutBottomBar(items: items) NSLog("\(self.view.subviews)"); } else { DDLogError("没有control 数据异常 按钮无法计算。。。。") } } } private func layoutBottomBar(items: [UIBarButtonItem]) { if items.count > 0 { self.toolbarView.items = items self.hasToolbar = true self.view.addSubview(self.toolbarView) self.toolbarView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false let heightC = NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.toolbarView!, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.height, relatedBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation.equal, toItem: nil, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.notAnAttribute, multiplier: 0.0, constant: 44) self.toolbarView.addConstraint(heightC) let bottom = NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.toolbarView!, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.bottom, relatedBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation.equal, toItem: self.view, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.bottom, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) let trailing = NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.toolbarView!, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.trailing, relatedBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation.equal, toItem: self.view, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.trailing, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) let leading = NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.toolbarView!, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.leading, relatedBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation.equal, toItem: self.view, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.leading, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) self.view.addConstraints([bottom, leading, trailing]) self.view.constraints.forEach { (constraint) in if constraint.identifier == "webViewBottomConstraint" { self.view.removeConstraint(constraint) } } let webcTop = NSLayoutConstraint(item: self.webViewContainer!, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.bottom, relatedBy: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation.equal, toItem: self.toolbarView, attribute: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute.top, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) self.view.addConstraint(webcTop) self.view.layoutIfNeeded() } } /** * 读取从页面载入的业务及流程数据,建立数据模型 */ func setupData() { group.enter() DispatchQueue.main.async(group: group, execute: DispatchWorkItem(block: { DDLogInfo("opinion queue .....") self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(TodoTaskJS.DATA_OPINION, completionHandler: { (data, err) in if err == nil && data != nil { let opinion = data as! String DDLogInfo("opinion: \(opinion)") if opinion == "\"\"" { self.taskProcess.opinion = "" } else { let json = JSON.init(parseJSON: opinion) let oJson = json.dictionaryObject as [String: AnyObject]? let op = oJson?["opinion"] as? String self.taskProcess.opinion = op } } else { DDLogError(String(describing: err)) } self.group.leave() }) })) group.enter() DispatchQueue.main.async(group: group, execute: DispatchWorkItem(block: { DDLogDebug("taskQueue 1") self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(TodoTaskJS.DATA_TASK) { (data, err) in if err == nil && data != nil { DDLogDebug("taskQueue complete") let json = JSON.init(parseJSON: data as! String) self.taskProcess.taskDict = json.dictionaryObject! as [String: AnyObject] self.taskProcess.taskId = self.taskProcess.taskDict!["id"] as? String self.taskProcess.decisonList = self.taskProcess.taskDict!["routeNameList"] as? [String] } else { DDLogError(String(describing: err)) self.isJSExecuted = false } self.group.leave() } })) group.enter() DispatchQueue.main.async(group: group, execute: DispatchWorkItem(block: { DDLogDebug("workQueue 1") self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(TodoTaskJS.DATA_WORK) { (data, err) in if err == nil && data != nil { DDLogDebug("workQueue complete") let json = JSON.init(parseJSON: data as! String) self.taskProcess.workDict = json.dictionaryObject! as [String: AnyObject] self.taskProcess.workId = self.taskProcess.workDict!["id"] as? String } else { DDLogError(String(describing: err)) self.isJSExecuted = false } self.group.leave() } })) group.enter() DispatchQueue.main.async(group: group, execute: DispatchWorkItem(block: { DDLogDebug("businessQueue 1") self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(TodoTaskJS.DATA_BUSINESS) { (data, err) in if err == nil && data != nil { DDLogDebug("businessQueue complete") let json = JSON.init(parseJSON: data as! String) self.taskProcess.businessDataDict = json.dictionaryObject! as [String: AnyObject] //do { //}catch{ //DDLogError("set routeNameList Error") //} } else { DDLogError(String(describing: err)) self.isJSExecuted = false } self.group.leave() } })) } // ios系统文件选择器 private func chooseFileWithDocumentPicker() { let documentTypes = ["public.content", "public.text", "public.source-code", "public.image", "public.audiovisual-content", "com.adobe.pdf", "com.apple.keynote.key", "com.microsoft.word.doc", "com.microsoft.excel.xls", "com.microsoft.powerpoint.ppt"] let picker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(documentTypes: documentTypes, in: .open) picker.delegate = self self.present(picker, animated: true, completion: nil) } // 相册选择图片 private func chooseImageWithBSImagePicker() { self.choosePhotoWithImagePicker { (fileName, imageData) in if self.isReplaceAttachment { self.replaceAttachmentToO2OA(data: imageData, fileName: fileName) } else { self.uploadAttachmentToO2OA(data: imageData, fileName: fileName) } } } // 上传文件到o2oa服务器 private func uploadAttachmentToO2OA(data: Data, fileName: String) { DDLogInfo("开始上传附件,site: \(self.uploadSite) param:\(self.uploadParam)") DispatchQueue.main.async { self.showLoading(title: "上传中...") } self.viewModel.uploadAttachment(workId: self.workId!, site: self.uploadSite, fileName: fileName, fileData: data).then { (idData) in DispatchQueue.main.async { if self.uploadParam != "" { DDLogDebug("执行了 layout.appForm.uploadedAttachmentDatagrid") let callJS = "layout.appForm.uploadedAttachmentDatagrid(\"\(self.uploadSite)\", \"\(idData.id ?? "")\", \"\(self.uploadParam)\")" self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(callJS, completionHandler: { (result, err) in }) } else { DDLogDebug("执行了 layout.appForm.uploadedAttachment") let callJS = "layout.appForm.uploadedAttachment(\"\(self.uploadSite)\", \"\(idData.id ?? "")\")" self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(callJS, completionHandler: { (result, err) in }) } self.showSuccess(title: "上传成功") self.uploadSite = "" self.uploadParam = "" } }.catch { (err) in DDLogError(err.localizedDescription) self.showError(title: "上传失败") self.uploadSite = "" self.uploadParam = "" } } // 替换附件的时候 上传附件到服务器 private func replaceAttachmentToO2OA(data: Data, fileName: String) { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.showLoading(title: "上传中...") } self.viewModel.replaceAttachment(id: self.replaceAttachmentId, workId: self.workId!, site: self.uploadSite, fileName: fileName, fileData: data).then { (idData) in DispatchQueue.main.async { if self.uploadParam == "" { let callJS = "layout.appForm.replacedAttachment(\"\(self.uploadSite)\", \"\(self.replaceAttachmentId)\")" self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(callJS, completionHandler: { (result, err) in }) } else { let callJS = "layout.appForm.replacedAttachmentDatagrid(\"\(self.uploadSite)\", \"\(self.replaceAttachmentId)\", \"\(self.uploadParam)\")" self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(callJS, completionHandler: { (result, err) in }) } self.showSuccess(title: "替换成功") self.uploadSite = "" self.uploadParam = "" self.replaceAttachmentId = "" } }.catch { (err) in DispatchQueue.main.async { DDLogError(err.localizedDescription) self.showError(title: "替换失败") self.uploadSite = "" self.uploadParam = "" self.replaceAttachmentId = "" } } } } //MARK: - extension extension TodoTaskDetailViewController: WKNavigationDelegate, WKUIDelegate { func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didStartProvisionalNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!) { DDLogDebug("didStartProvisionalNavigation") } func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didCommit navigation: WKNavigation!) { DDLogDebug("didCommit") } func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) { DDLogDebug("didFinish") } func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFail navigation: WKNavigation!, withError error: Error) { DDLogDebug("didFail") DDLogError(error.localizedDescription) self.showError(title: "工作加载异常!") } func webViewDidClose(_ webView: WKWebView) { DDLogInfo("h5执行了window.close()") self.goBack() } } // MARK: - ios系统文件选择器delegate extension TodoTaskDetailViewController: UIDocumentPickerDelegate { func documentPicker(_ controller: UIDocumentPickerViewController, didPickDocumentsAt urls: [URL]) { if urls.count > 0 { let file = urls[0] //单选 if file.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() { //访问权限 let fileName = file.lastPathComponent if let data = try? Data(contentsOf: file) { if self.isReplaceAttachment { self.replaceAttachmentToO2OA(data: data, fileName: fileName) } else { self.uploadAttachmentToO2OA(data: data, fileName: fileName) } } else { self.showError(title: "读取文件失败") } } else { self.showError(title: "没有获取文件的权限") } } } } // MARK: - 拍照delegate extension TodoTaskDetailViewController: UIImagePickerControllerDelegate & UINavigationControllerDelegate { func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [UIImagePickerController.InfoKey: Any]) { if let image = info[.editedImage] as? UIImage { let fileName = "\(UUID().uuidString).png" let newData = image.pngData()! if self.isReplaceAttachment { self.replaceAttachmentToO2OA(data: newData, fileName: fileName) } else { self.uploadAttachmentToO2OA(data: newData, fileName: fileName) } } else { DDLogError("没有选择到图片!") } picker.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } } // MARK: - O2WKScriptMessageHandlerImplement extension TodoTaskDetailViewController: O2WKScriptMessageHandlerImplement { func userController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) { let name = message.name switch name { case "closeWork": DDLogError("执行了closeWork。。。。。。。。。。") self.goBack() break case "appFormLoaded": DDLogDebug("appFormLoaded 当前方法已经弃用。。。。") // if let newControls = (message.body as? NSString) { // let str = newControls as String // DDLogDebug("appFormLoaded , controls :\(str)") // if str != "true" { // myNewControls.removeAll() // if let controls = [WorkNewActionItem].deserialize(from: str) { // controls.forEach { (item) in // if item != nil { // myNewControls.append(item!) // } // } // } // } // } // self.loadDataFromWork() break case "uploadAttachment": self.uploadSite = "" self.uploadParam = "" ZonePermissions.requestImagePickerAuthorization(callback: { (zoneStatus) in if zoneStatus == ZoneAuthorizationStatus.zAuthorizationStatusAuthorized { // let site = (message.body as! NSDictionary)["site"] if let body = (message.body as? NSDictionary), let site = body["site"] as? String { self.uploadAttachment(site) }else { self.showError(title: "参数传入错误,无法上传!") } } else { //显示 self.gotoApplicationSettings(alertMessage: "需要照片允许访问权限,是否跳转到手机设置页面开启相机权限?") } }) break case "uploadAttachmentForDatagrid": DDLogDebug("进入了 uploadAttachmentForDatagrid") ZonePermissions.requestImagePickerAuthorization(callback: { (zoneStatus) in if zoneStatus == ZoneAuthorizationStatus.zAuthorizationStatusAuthorized { // let site = (message.body as! NSDictionary)["site"] if let body = (message.body as? NSDictionary), let site = body["site"] as? String, let param = body["param"] as? String { self.uploadAttachment(site, param: param) }else { self.showError(title: "参数传入错误,无法上传!") } } else { //显示 self.gotoApplicationSettings(alertMessage: "需要照片允许访问权限,是否跳转到手机设置页面开启相机权限?") } }) break case "downloadAttachment": // let attachmentId = (message.body as! NSDictionary)["id"] if let body = (message.body as? NSDictionary), let attachmentId = body["id"] as? String { self.downloadAttachment(attachmentId) }else { self.showError(title: "参数传入错误,无法预览!") } break case "replaceAttachment": // let attachmentId = (message.body as! NSDictionary)["id"] as! String // let site = (message.body as! NSDictionary)["site"] as? String if let body = (message.body as? NSDictionary), let attachmentId = body["id"] as? String, let site = body["site"] as? String { self.replaceAttachment(attachmentId, site) }else { self.showError(title: "参数传入错误,无法替换!") } break case "replaceAttachmentForDatagrid": if let body = (message.body as? NSDictionary), let attachmentId = body["id"] as? String, let site = body["site"] as? String, let param = body["param"] as? String { self.replaceAttachment(attachmentId, site, param: param) }else { self.showError(title: "参数传入错误,无法替换!") } break case "openDocument": let url = (message.body as! NSString) self.downloadDocumentAndPreview(String(url)) break default: DDLogError("未知方法名:\(name)!") break } } //上传附件 private func uploadAttachment(_ site: String, param: String = "") { DDLogDebug("uploadAttachment site: \(site) param: \(param)") self.uploadSite = site self.uploadParam = param let arr = [ UIAlertAction(title: "文件", style: .default, handler: { (action) in self.isReplaceAttachment = false self.chooseFileWithDocumentPicker() }), UIAlertAction(title: "照片", style: .default, handler: { (action) in self.isReplaceAttachment = false self.chooseImageWithBSImagePicker() }), UIAlertAction(title: "拍照", style: .default, handler: { (action) in self.isReplaceAttachment = false self.takePhoto(delegate: self) }), ] self.showSheetAction(title: L10n.alert, message: "请选择入口", actions: arr) // // // self.choosePhotoWithImagePicker { (fileName, imageData) in // DispatchQueue.main.async { // self.showLoading(title: "上传中...") // } // self.viewModel.uploadAttachment(workId: self.workId!, site: site, fileName: fileName, fileData: imageData).then { (idData) in // DispatchQueue.main.async { // //ProgressHUD.showSuccess("上传成功") // if param != "" { // DDLogDebug("执行了 layout.appForm.uploadedAttachmentDatagrid") // let callJS = "layout.appForm.uploadedAttachmentDatagrid(\"\(site)\", \"\(idData.id ?? "")\", \"\(param)\")" // self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(callJS, completionHandler: { (result, err) in // // }) // } else { // DDLogDebug("执行了 layout.appForm.uploadedAttachment") // let callJS = "layout.appForm.uploadedAttachment(\"\(site)\", \"\(idData.id ?? "")\")" // self.webView.evaluateJavaScript(callJS, completionHandler: { (result, err) in // // }) // } // // self.showSuccess(title: "上传成功") // } // }.catch { (err) in // DDLogError(err.localizedDescription) // self.showError(title: "上传失败") // } // } } /// 替换附件 private func replaceAttachment(_ attachmentId: String, _ site: String, param: String = "") { DDLogInfo("replaceAttachment attachmentId: \(attachmentId) site: \(site) param: \(param)") self.replaceAttachmentId = attachmentId self.uploadSite = site self.uploadParam = param let arr = [ UIAlertAction(title: "文件", style: .default, handler: { (action) in self.isReplaceAttachment = true self.chooseFileWithDocumentPicker() }), UIAlertAction(title: "照片", style: .default, handler: { (action) in self.isReplaceAttachment = true self.chooseImageWithBSImagePicker() }), UIAlertAction(title: "拍照", style: .default, handler: { (action) in self.isReplaceAttachment = true self.takePhoto(delegate: self) }), ] self.showSheetAction(title: L10n.alert, message: "请选择入口", actions: arr) } //下载预览附件 private func downloadAttachment(_ attachmentId: String) { if isWorkCompeleted { self.showLoading() self.viewModel.getWorkcompletedAttachment(workcompleted: self.workId!, id: attachmentId).then { path in self.hideLoading() self.previewDoc(path: path) }.catch { (err) in DDLogError(err.localizedDescription) DispatchQueue.main.async { self.showError(title: "预览文件出错") } } } else { self.showLoading() self.viewModel.getWorkAttachment(workId: self.workId!, id: attachmentId).then { path in self.hideLoading() self.previewDoc(path: path) }.catch { (err) in DDLogError(err.localizedDescription) DispatchQueue.main.async { self.showError(title: "预览文件出错") } } } } /** * 下载公文 并阅览 **/ private func downloadDocumentAndPreview(_ url: String) { DDLogDebug("文档预览地址:\(url)") self.showLoading() // 文件地址 let localFileDestination: DownloadRequest.Destination = { _, response in let documentsURL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .cachesDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)[0] let fileURL = documentsURL.appendingPathComponent(response.suggestedFilename!) // 有重名文件就删除重建 return (fileURL, [.removePreviousFile, .createIntermediateDirectories]) } AF.download(url, to: localFileDestination).response(completionHandler: { (response) in if response.error == nil, let fileurl = response.fileURL?.path { DDLogDebug("文件地址:\(fileurl)") let newUrl = self.dealDocFileSaveAsDocx(fileUrl: response.fileURL!) DDLogDebug("处理过的文件地址:\(newUrl.path)") //打开文件 self.hideLoading() self.previewDoc(path: newUrl.path) } else { let msg = response.error?.localizedDescription ?? "" DDLogError("下载文件出错,\(msg)") DispatchQueue.main.async { self.showError(title: "预览文件出错") } } }) } // // // private func previewAttachment(_ url: String) { // self.previewDoc(path: <#T##String#>) // let currentURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: url) // if QLPreviewController.canPreview(currentURL) { // qlController.currentFileURLS.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true) // qlController.currentFileURLS.append(currentURL) // qlController.reloadData() // if #available(iOS 10, *) { // let navVC = ZLNormalNavViewController(rootViewController: qlController) // qlController.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "关闭", style: .plain, target: qlController, action: #selector(qlController.qlCloseWindow)) // self.presentVC(navVC) // } else { // self.pushVC(qlController) // } // // // } else { // self.showError(title: "此文件无法预览,请在PC端查看") // } // // } //处理特殊情况 docx的文件有可能是doc 需要判断下文件信息头 private func dealDocFileSaveAsDocx(fileUrl: URL) -> URL { if fileUrl.pathExtension == "docx" { if let data = try? Data(contentsOf: fileUrl) { let mimeType = Swime.mimeType(data: data) if mimeType?.type == .msi { let newURL = fileUrl.appendingPathExtension("doc") do { DDLogDebug("copy 了一个 文件。。。。。。") try FileManager.default.copyItem(at: fileUrl, to: newURL) return newURL } catch { DDLogError(error.localizedDescription) } } } } return fileUrl } }