en.js 9.4 KB

  1. MWF.xApplication.query.Query.LP = {
  2. "title": "Data Application",
  3. "searchKey": "Please enter a keyword",
  4. "all": "All",
  5. "filter": "Filter",
  6. "ok": "OK",
  7. "cancel": "Cancel",
  8. "clear": "Clear",
  9. "exportExcel": "Export Excel",
  10. "noDescription": "Undefined description",
  11. "view": "View",
  12. "stat": "Statistics",
  13. "statement": "Query",
  14. "importer": "Importing",
  15. "customSearch": "Advanced Search",
  16. "searchKeywork": "Enter keyword search view",
  17. "yes": "Yes",
  18. "no": "No",
  19. "and": "and",
  20. "or": "Or",
  21. "chart": {
  22. "bar": "Histogram",
  23. "pie": "Pie Chart",
  24. "line": "Line chart",
  25. "rowToColumn": "Row Column Conversion"
  26. },
  27. "textFilter": {
  28. "equals": "Equals",
  29. "notEquals": "Not Equals",
  30. "like": "match",
  31. "notLike": "Not match"
  32. },
  33. "numberFilter": {
  34. "equals": "Equals",
  35. "notEquals": "Not Equals",
  36. "greaterThan": "Greater Than",
  37. "greaterThanOrEqualTo": "Greater Than Equal To",
  38. "lessThan": "Less than",
  39. "lessThanOrEqualTo": "Less than or equal to"
  40. },
  41. "dateFilter": {
  42. "greaterThan": "Greater Than",
  43. "lessThan": "Less than"
  44. },
  45. "booleanFilter": {
  46. "equals": "Equals",
  47. "notEquals": "Not Equals"
  48. },
  49. "filterErrorTitle": "Please select search field",
  50. "filterErrorComparison": "Please select a comparison character",
  51. "filterErrorValue": "Please enter a comparison value",
  52. "workTitle": "Title",
  53. "activity": "activity",
  54. "status": "Status",
  55. "action": "Action",
  56. "person": "Drafter",
  57. "expire":"Timeout",
  58. "noExpire":"No",
  59. "expired":"Timeout",
  60. "notExpired":"Not Expired",
  61. "completedTime": "Completed Time",
  62. "process": "Process",
  63. "taskPeople": "Processor",
  64. "processCompleted": "File transfer completed",
  65. "start": "Start",
  66. "processing": "processing",
  67. "hanging": "Hanging",
  68. "phone": "Mobile",
  69. "mail": "Mailbox",
  70. "open": "Open",
  71. "delete": "Delete",
  72. "edit": "Edit",
  73. "task": "Task",
  74. "done": "Done",
  75. "read": "Read",
  76. "readed": "Readed",
  77. "reset": "Transfer",
  78. "resetTo": "Administrator transfer",
  79. "flow": "flow",
  80. "flag": "Flag has been read",
  81. "reroute": "Scheduling",
  82. "flowManager": "Try to flow (if there is no to-do, and the flow is not flowed)",
  83. "noTask": "This task is not to be done",
  84. "noDone": "This job has not been done",
  85. "noRead": "This job is not yet to be read",
  86. "noReaded": "This job has not been read",
  87. "noView": "No view to display",
  88. "noStat": "No statistics to display",
  89. "deleteWorkTitle": "Delete Work Confirmation",
  90. "deleteWork": "Are you sure you want to delete the work \"{title}\"?",
  91. "flowWorkTitle": "Confirmation of Flow Work",
  92. "flowWork": "Are you sure you want to transfer work \"{title}\"?",
  93. "deleteAllWork": "Do you want to delete the work associated with this job? <br/><br/><input type='radio' value='all' name='deleteWork_check'/>delete the current work and all associated work ;" +
  94. "<br/><input type='radio' value='single' name='deleteWork_check'/>delete only the current work<br><div id='deleteWork_checkInfor'></div>",
  95. "deleteAllWorkCheck": "Please choose whether to delete all associated work!",
  96. "deleteTaskTitle": "Delete Task Title",
  97. "deleteTask": "Are you sure you want to delete the task of \"{people}\"",
  98. "deleteDoneTitle": "Delete TaskComplete Title",
  99. "deleteDone": "Are you sure you want to delete \"{people}\"?",
  100. "deleteReadTitle": "Delete Read Confirmation",
  101. "deleteRead": "Are you sure you want to delete the pending read of \"{people}\"?",
  102. "deleteReadedTitle": "Delete Readed Confirmation",
  103. "deleteReaded": "Are you sure you want to delete the readed of \"{people}\"?",
  104. "flagReadTitle": "flagReadTitle",
  105. "flagRead": "Are you sure you want to mark \"{people}\" as read?",
  106. "deleteSerialTitle": "Delete Number Confirmation",
  107. "deleteSerial": "Are you sure you want to delete the serial number of \"{key}\"",
  108. "processList": "Process",
  109. "activityNameList": "Activity",
  110. "creatorCompanyList": "Create Company",
  111. "creatorDepartmentList": "Create Department",
  112. "creatorUnitList": "Create Organization",
  113. "startTimeMonthList": "Create Time",
  114. "completedTimeMonthList": "Completed Time",
  115. "workStatusList": "Process Status",
  116. "key": "Keyword",
  117. "toCompleted": "View completed work examples",
  118. "toWork": "View working examples in circulation",
  119. "serialNumber": "Serial Number",
  120. "category": "Category",
  121. "amount": "Total",
  122. "selecteAll": "Select All",
  123. "selecteAllCol": "Select all columns",
  124. "selecteAllRow": "Select all rows",
  125. "firstPage": "First Page",
  126. "lastPage": "Last Page",
  127. "viewExport": {
  128. "exportRange": "Export Range",
  129. "to": "To",
  130. "item": "item",
  131. "description": "Note: There are {count} items of data that meet the conditions.",
  132. "inputIntegerNotice": "Please enter a positive integer for both the opening and closing entries",
  133. "startLargetThanEndNotice": "The start entry cannot be greater than the end entry"
  134. },
  135. "deleteConfirmContent": "It cannot be restored after deletion. Are you sure you want to delete this document?",
  136. "deleteConfirmTitle": "Delete Confirmation",
  137. "deleteSuccessNotice": "Delete successfully",
  138. "importSuccess": "Import successful!",
  139. "validationInfor": "Verification Information",
  140. "importFail": "Import failed",
  141. "importValidationColumnText": "Column {n}:",
  142. "importValidationColumnTextExcel": "Column {n}:",
  143. "notValidNumber": "Not a number",
  144. "notValidDate": "Not a date format",
  145. "notValidBoolean": "Not a boolean",
  146. "notValidJson": "Not a json format",
  147. "fullstop": ".",
  148. "notExistInSystem": "Does not exist in the system",
  149. "uploadedFilesCannotHaveSpaces": "Uploaded files cannot contain spaces",
  150. "canNotBeEmpty": "Can not be empty",
  151. "cmsTitleLengthInfor": "Title length cannot exceed 70 characters",
  152. "cmsSummaryLengthInfor": "Summary length cannot exceed 70 characters",
  153. "caculateFieldValidationText": "Calculated field error:",
  154. "noDrafter": "The identity of the drafter is not set or the drafter does not exist in the system",
  155. "drafterIsNotIdentity": "The drafter is not an identity",
  156. "noPublishTime": "Publish time is not set",
  157. "publishTimeFormatError": "Publish time format is incorrect",
  158. "noStartTime": "The start time is not set",
  159. "startTimeFormatError": "The start time format is incorrect",
  160. "noEndTime": "The end time is not set",
  161. "endTimeFormatError": "The end time format is incorrect",
  162. "noForm": "The form is not set",
  163. "importDataResult":"Attendance data import result",
  164. "importDataResultSuccess": "Data has been successfully imported. {count} of them are shown below:",
  165. "importDataResultFail": "The data did not pass the verification, there are {errorCount} pieces of wrong data. Please modify and re-import. The following shows {count} of them:",
  166. // "importDataResultThList": [
  167. // "line number", "employee number", "employee name", "date", "morning clocking time", "morning clocking time", "afternoon clocking time", "afternoon clocking time"," Check result","description"
  168. // ],
  169. "true": "Correct",
  170. "false": "Error",
  171. "checkDataTitle": "Data Import",
  172. "checkDataContent": "Checking data...",
  173. "importDataTitle": "Importing data",
  174. "importDataContent": "Start to import data, {count} items in total",
  175. "readyToImportData": "Preparing to import data",
  176. "readyToImportData1": "Preparing to import data...",
  177. "importSpeed": "items/sec",
  178. "importingDataContent": "Importing data: {speed}/sec, {total} total, remaining {remaining}",
  179. "importingDataErrorContent": ",{errorCount} errors",
  180. "hour":"hour",
  181. "mintue": "mintue",
  182. "second": "second",
  183. "importSuccessTitle": "Import successful",
  184. "importSuccessContent": "Import a total of {total} pieces of data Speed: {speed} pieces/sec Time-consuming: {timeStr}",
  185. "importPartSuccessTitle": "Partially imported successfully",
  186. "importPartSuccessContent": "A total of {total} pieces of data were imported. Errors: {errorCount} pieces. Speed: {speed} pieces/sec. Time-consuming: {timeStr}",
  187. "importWaitingTitle": "To be imported",
  188. "importWaitingContent": "Someone else is importing or the last import has not been completed, please be patient...",
  189. "importFailTitle": "Import Failed",
  190. "importFailContent": "{errorInfo} has {total} data in total, but the import has not been performed. Time-consuming: {timeStr} please modify and re-import",
  191. "importerName": "Import model name",
  192. "importTime": "Import Time",
  193. "importCount": "Number of data items",
  194. "close": "Close",
  195. "failCount": "The number of errors",
  196. "importRecord": "Import Record",
  197. "sequence": "Sequence Number",
  198. "importData": "Import Data",
  199. "importRecordDetail": "Import Details",
  200. "downloadTemplate": "Download Template",
  201. "exportErrorDataToExcel": "Export Error Data",
  202. "errorInfor": "error message",
  203. "reExecuteImport": "Re-execute import",
  204. "importPerson": "Import Person",
  205. "showFiveColumn": "(Click to show the first 5 columns)",
  206. "showAll": "(Click to show all)",
  207. "deleteDocument": "It cannot be restored after deletion. Are you sure you want to delete the import record?",
  208. "deleteDocumentTitle": "Delete Import Record Confirmation",
  209. "deleteDocumentOK": "The import record was successfully deleted"
  210. };