en.js 11 KB

  1. MWF.xApplication.Meeting.LP = {
  2. "title": "Metting Management",
  3. "metting": "Metting",
  4. "subject": "Metting Title",
  5. "applyPerson": "Applicant",
  6. "myMeeting": "My Meeting",
  7. "month": "Month",
  8. "day": "Day",
  9. "room": "Meeting Room",
  10. "list": "Meeting List",
  11. "today": "Today",
  12. "tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
  13. "afterTomorrow": "AfterTomorrow",
  14. "yesterday": "Yesterday",
  15. "beforeYesterday": "The day before yesterday",
  16. "nextMonth": "Next Month",
  17. "floor": "Floor",
  18. "enable": "Enable",
  19. "disable": "Disable",
  20. "cancel": "Cancel",
  21. "close": "Close",
  22. "save": "Save",
  23. "newBuilding": "New Location",
  24. "editBuilding": "Edit Location",
  25. //"inputAddress": "input address",
  26. "meetingApply": "Meeting Apply for {person}",
  27. "myMeetingApply": "My Meeting Apply",
  28. "attend": "Please attend on time",
  29. "beginDate": "Date",
  30. "beginTime": "Start Time",
  31. "endTime": "End Time",
  32. "time": "Time",
  33. "meetingTime": "Time",
  34. "selectRoom": "Room",
  35. "invitePerson": "Invite participants",
  36. "invitePerson1": "Invite Person",
  37. "invitePerson2": "Participants",
  38. "addInvitePerson1": "Add Invite Person",
  39. "addedInvitePerson1": "Invite person has been added",
  40. "deleteInvitePerson": "Invite person has been cancelled",
  41. "deleteInvitePerson1": "Cancel the inviter",
  42. "deleteInvitePerson2": "Cancelled",
  43. "userDeleteInvitePerson": "Your meeting invitation has been cancelled.",
  44. "acceptPerson": "Accepted",
  45. "rejectPerson": "Rejected",
  46. "waitAccept": "Invite you to participate",
  47. "waitConfirm": "Need your approval",
  48. "isAccept": "Please attend the meeting on time",
  49. "timeRangeHour": "{n}Hour",
  50. "timeRangeMinute": "{h}Hour{m}Minute",
  51. "accepted": "The meeting invitation has been accepted",
  52. "rejected": "Meeting invitation has been rejected",
  53. "accept": "Accept meeting invitation",
  54. "reject": "Reject the meeting invitation",
  55. "disagree": "Rejected",
  56. "agree": "Agree",
  57. "countMeetings": "",
  58. "noMeetingWeek": "No meetings within a week",
  59. "newlyMeeting": "{time}: {name}, location: {room}",
  60. "am": "a.m.",
  61. "pm": "p.m.",
  62. "monthSelectTextPrev": "Show the future",
  63. "monthSelectTextAfter": "Month Meeting",
  64. "meetingNotice": "Meeting Notice",
  65. "noComingMeeting": "You have no invitations in the next {month} months",
  66. "roomViewHelp": "You can select the time and duration to inquire about free meeting rooms.<br/>Unavailable meeting rooms will be grayed out, and conflicting meetings will be marked in red.",
  67. "delete": "Delete",
  68. "reject_confirm_title": "Reject the meeting confirmation",
  69. "reject_confirm": "Are you sure you refuse to participate in the '{name}' meeting?",
  70. "cancel_confirm_title": "Cancel Meeting Confirmation",
  71. "cancel_confirm": "You have chosen to cancel the '{name}' meeting. This meeting request will be deleted. Are you sure you want to execute it?",
  72. "accept_confirm_title": "Accept Meeting Confirmation",
  73. "accept_confirm": "Are you sure you want to join the '{name}' meeting?",
  74. "disagree_confirm_title": "Confirmation of rejected meeting application",
  75. "disagree_confirm": "Are you sure you want to reject the '{name}' meeting application?",
  76. "agree_confirm_title": "Agree to the meeting application confirmation",
  77. "agree_confirm": "Are you sure you agree to the '{name}' meeting application?",
  78. "cancelMeeting": "Cancel Meeting",
  79. "applyMeeting": "Apply Meeting",
  80. "addMeeting": "New Meeting",
  81. "editMeeting": "Edit Meeting",
  82. "addRoom": "New Meeting Room",
  83. "editRoom": "Edit Meeting Room",
  84. "refresh": "Refresh",
  85. "setting": "Settings",
  86. "phone": "Mobile",
  87. "mail": "Mailbox",
  88. "meetingSubject": "Subject",
  89. "meetingDescription": "Description",
  90. "meetingAttachment": "Attachment",
  91. "meetingDetail": "Detail",
  92. "editAddress": "Edit Address",
  93. "removeBuilding": "Remove Location",
  94. "address": "Address",
  95. "name": "Name",
  96. "meetingTopInfor": "Hello {userName}! Today meeting:",
  97. "noMeetingTopInfor": "Hello {userName}! You have no meetings today.",
  98. "roomDisable": "The meeting room is disabled",
  99. "noPermission": "The meeting details are not visible",
  100. "config_saveSuccess": "Configuration saved successfully!",
  101. "cancel_createMeeting_title": "Cancel meeting application confirmation",
  102. "cancel_createMeeting": "The meeting application is about to be cancelled. The data you filled in will be lost. Are you sure you want to cancel the current meeting application?",
  103. "meeting_input_error": "Please fill in the following correctly:<br/>",
  104. //"meeting_input_subject_error": "Please fill in the full meeting title!",
  105. //"meeting_input_room_error": "Please select a meeting room!",
  106. //"meeting_input_person_error": "Please choose to invite participants!",
  107. //"meeting_input_date_error": "Please select the meeting start date and time correctly!",
  108. //"meeting_input_time_error": "Please select the meeting start time and end time correctly!",
  109. "meeting_input_subject_error": "Meeting title cannot be empty!",
  110. "meeting_input_room_error": "The meeting room cannot be empty!",
  111. "meeting_input_url_number_error": "Meeting URL and meeting number cannot be empty at the same time!",
  112. "meeting_input_person_error": "The invited participant cannot be empty!",
  113. "meeting_input_date_error": "The meeting start time cannot be earlier than now!",
  114. "meeting_input_time_error": "The meeting end time cannot be earlier than the start time!",
  115. //"meeting_input_subject_error": "Please fill in the full meeting title!",
  116. "meeting_saveSuccess": "Meeting application saved successfully!",
  117. "deleteAttachmentTitle":"Delete attachment confirmation",
  118. "deleteAttachment": "Are you sure you want to delete the attachment you selected?",
  119. "startMeetingImmediately": "Start Meeting",
  120. "endMeetingImmediately": "End Meeting",
  121. "startMeetingSucccess": "The meeting has started",
  122. "endMeetingSucccess": "The meeting has ended",
  123. "dateFormatMonth": "%Y-%m",
  124. "dateFormatMonthDay": "%m-%d",
  125. "dateFormatMonthOnly": "%m",
  126. "dateFormatDay": "%Y-%m-%d",
  127. "dateFormatDayOnly": "%d",
  128. "dateFormatAll": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
  129. "dateFormat": "db",
  130. "person": "person",
  131. "persist": "persist",
  132. "hour": "Hour",
  133. "minute": "minute",
  134. "to": "to",
  135. "all": "All",
  136. "myWaitConfirm": "Audit",
  137. "myWaitAccept": "Invite",
  138. "noTask": "No meeting invitation today",
  139. "noMeeting": "No meeting",
  140. "noAddress": "Address not filled in",
  141. "hostPerson": "Host Person",
  142. "hostUnit": "Host Unit",
  143. "meetingType":"Meeting Type",
  144. "meetingMode": "meeting mode",
  145. "meetingModeSelectText": ["offline meeting","online meeting"],
  146. "meetingModeSelectValue": ["offline","online"],
  147. "meeting Url": "meeting link",
  148. "meeting Number": "meeting number",
  149. "netMeetingAbb": "Net",
  150. "yes": "Yes",
  151. "no": "No",
  152. "other": "Other",
  153. "createOnSave": "Automatically generated after saving",
  154. "copy": "Copy",
  155. "noRoomBuilding": "Network meeting without meeting room",
  156. "week": "Week",
  157. "weeks": {
  158. "Sun": "Sun",
  159. "Mon": "Mon",
  160. "Tues": "Tues",
  161. "Wed": "Wed",
  162. "Thur": "Thur",
  163. "Fri": "Fri",
  164. "Sat": "Sat",
  165. "arr": ["Sun", "Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri", "Sat"]
  166. },
  167. "device": {
  168. "projector": "Projector",
  169. "board": "Whiteboard",
  170. "tvset": "TV set",
  171. "tv": "Video Conference",
  172. "camera": "Camera",
  173. "wifi": "Wifi",
  174. "phone": "Tellphone"
  175. },
  176. "inputAddress": "Add Address",
  177. "save_success": "Save successfully!",
  178. "delete_building_title": "Delete Confirmation",
  179. "delete_building_hasRoom": "There are still meeting rooms under '{name}' and cannot be deleted.",
  180. "delete_building": "Are you sure you want to delete '{name}'",
  181. "delete_room": "Are you sure you want to delete the meeting room '{name}'",
  182. "roomForm": {
  183. "name": "Name",
  184. "building": "Location",
  185. "floor": "Floor",
  186. "device": "Equipment",
  187. "photo": "Photo",
  188. "capacity": "Capacity",
  189. "auditor": "Auditor",
  190. "available": "Status",
  191. "roomNumber": "Room Number",
  192. "phone": "Tellphone",
  193. "verification": {
  194. "inputName": "Please enter the name of the meeting room",
  195. "inputBuilding": "Please enter or select the location of the meeting room",
  196. "inputCapacity": "Please enter the capacity of the meeting room"
  197. },
  198. "save_success": "The meeting room was saved successfully!"
  199. },
  200. "listNavi": {
  201. "myApply": "My Application",
  202. "myMeeting" :"Invitation",
  203. "wait": "Not started",
  204. "processing": "In progress",
  205. "completed": "Completed",
  206. "reject": "Rejected",
  207. "room": "Meeting Room"
  208. },
  209. "config": {
  210. "navi": "Navigation",
  211. "autoHide": "AutoHide",
  212. "default": "Default View",
  213. "applyProcess": "Meeting Application Process",
  214. "legend": "Icon",
  215. "meetingStatus": "Meeting Status",
  216. "wait": "Appointed",
  217. "progress": "Meeting",
  218. "completed": "Completed",
  219. "invite": "Invitation",
  220. "conflict": "Meeting Room Conflict",
  221. "weekBegin": "Starting day of the week",
  222. "meetingViewer": "Visible range of meeting details",
  223. "meetingViewerTitle": "If the visible range is empty, only the initiator, invitees and meeting managers can see the corresponding meeting details.",
  224. "viewSetting": "Enable View",
  225. "viewCustomName": "Display name",
  226. "mobileCreateEnable": "Whether the mobile terminal can create a new meeting",
  227. "mobileCreateEnableOptions": ["Yes","No"],
  228. "meetingType":"Meeting Type (one per line)",
  229. "enableOnline": "Enable online meeting",
  230. "onlineConfig": "Online meeting configuration",
  231. "onlineProduct": "Online meeting product",
  232. 'hstUrl': 'Service Address',
  233. 'hstKey':'Service Interface KEY',
  234. 'hstSecret': 'Service interface SECRET',
  235. 'hstAuth': 'Is authenticated',
  236. 'o2ToHstUid': 'People Synchronization Fields',
  237. "onlineConfigNotEmpty": "Hostel service address, interface Key, and interface Secret cannot be empty",
  238. "employee": "employee",
  239. "unique": "unique",
  240. "distinguishedName": "distinguishedName",
  241. "mobile": "mobile",
  242. "mail": "mail",
  243. "weixin": "qq",
  244. "qq": "qq",
  245. "apiAddress": "web conferencing api address",
  246. "key": "key",
  247. "secret": "secret"
  248. },
  249. "nextActivity": "Next Activity:",
  250. "nextUser": "Processor:",
  251. "deal": "Deal",
  252. "processStarted": "File has been started",
  253. "processStartedMessage": "You started a new job:",
  254. "needSignInPerson": "Checked in",
  255. "printQrcode": "Print QR Code for Sign-in",
  256. "weeklyViewTitle": "{month}, week {week}",
  257. "onlineConfigNotJson": "The online meeting configuration is not in the correct JSON format"
  258. };