MWF.xApplication.Homepage.LP = o2.HPLP = { "title": "Homepage", "myTask": "Task", "myTaskCompleted": "Task Completed", "myRead": "Read", "myReadCompleted": "Read Completed", "myDraft": "My Draft", "myProcessDraft": "Draft", "startProcess": "Start process", "noSubject": "Untitled", "noWork": "No Documentation", "noHotpic": "No hot news at the moment", "noInforItem": "No information temporarily", "noCalendar": "No schedule on the day", "noFile": "Click here to visit the Network Disk", "moreInfor": "More...", "allInfor": "Latest news", "moreMeeting": "More...", "moreFile": "More...", "myMeeting": "My Meetings", "myFile": "Netdisk File", "myMeetingInvited": "Invitation", "myCalender": "Schedule", "moreCalender": "More...", "calender": "Schedule", "noMeeting": "No meetings in the near future", "meetingTime": "Meeting Time", "meetingLocation": "Meeting Place", "accepted": "Accepted", "rejected": "Rejected", "accept": "Accept", "reject": "Reject", "acceptConfirmTitle": "Attend the meeting confirmation", "acceptConfirm": "Are you sure you want to attend the \"{name}\" meeting?", "rejectConfirmTitle": "Decline meeting confirmation", "rejectConfirm": "Are you sure you refuse to attend the \"{name}\" meeting?", "prevPage": "Previous", "nextPage": "Next", "nextActivity": "Flow to the next step", "completedActivityName": "Process Completed", "taskStartTime": "Received Task Time", "taskCompletedTime": "Task Processing Time", "readStartTime": "Received Read Time", "readCompletedTime": "Read Processing Time", "readActivity": "Read Activity", "draftTime": "Drafting time", "draftUser": "Creator", "currentActivity": "Current Activity", "taskRoute": "Route", "currentUser": "Current Processor", "publishTime": "Publish time", "publishPerson": "Publisher", "download": "download", "today": "today", "allDay": "All Day", "calenderInfor": "Hello {name}! {date} You have