MWF.xApplication.AppMarketV2.LP = { "title": "App Market", "implodeLocal": "Import from local", "download": "Free download", "setupTitle": "About to install", "ok": "OK", "cancel": "Cancel", "downloadInfor": "The following modules will be downloaded and installed:", "setup": "Install", "setupDone":"Installed", "update":"Update", "conflict": "Conflict", "ignore": "Ignore", "create": "Create", "cover": "Cover", "name": "Name", "id": "ID", "setupSuccess": "Application installed successfully!", "localApp": "Local Application", "confirmsetupTitle":"Installation confirmation", "confirmsetupContent":"Are you sure to install this Application?", "confirmupdateTitle":"Update confirmation", "confirmupdateContent":"Are you sure to update this Application? If you change this app after installing the Application, it will be replaced after this update", "all" : "All", "searchHolder": "Enter search keywords", "accessDenyNotice": "The App Market requires an administrator role to access" };