@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<if test="rtnPrjno != null and rtnPrjno != ''"> and rtn_prjno like concat('%',#{rtnPrjno},'%')</if>
<if test="rtnPrjnm != null and rtnPrjnm != ''"> and rtn_prjnm like concat('%',#{rtnPrjnm},'%') </if>
<if test="rtnRfndst != null and rtnRfndst != ''"> and rtn_rfndst = #{rtnRfndst}</if>
- <if test="rtnTdracctno != null and rtnTdracctno != ''"> and rtn_tdracctno = #{rtnTdracctno}</if>
+ <if test="rtnTdracctno != null and rtnTdracctno != ''"> and rtn_tdracctno like concat('%',#{rtnTdracctno},'%') </if>
<if test="rtnTdracctnoccycd != null and rtnTdracctnoccycd != ''"> and rtn_tdracctnoccycd = #{rtnTdracctnoccycd}</if>
<if test="rtnTdracctnm != null and rtnTdracctnm != ''"> and rtn_tdracctnm like concat('%',#{rtnTdracctnm},'%')</if>
<if test="rtnTdracctnobnkno != null and rtnTdracctnobnkno != ''"> and rtn_tdracctnobnkno = #{rtnTdracctnobnkno}</if>