@@ -60,57 +60,58 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
select depositdescid, ppid, trnuid, rqbody, sgtid, sgtno, prjno, pltfmcstno, entpnm, pgno, version, rtn_trnuid, rtn_status, rtn_code, rtn_severity, rtn_message, rtn_rsbody, rtn_rcrdtotnum, rtn_crnpgno, rtn_pgrcrdnum, rtn_totpgnum, rtn_content, rtn_lescstno, rtn_tdrno, rtn_cstno, rtn_prjno, rtn_prjnm, rtn_sgtno, rtn_sgtnm, rtn_sgtst, rtn_mrgnst, rtn_tdracctno, rtn_tdracctnoccycd, rtn_tdracctnm, rtn_tdracctnobnkno, rtn_tdracctnobnknm, rtn_tdrnum, rtn_mrgnamt, rtn_tdramt, rtn_agncsvcfee, rtn_frzamt, rtn_fineamt, rtn_tdrdt, rtn_tdrtm, rtn_duetp, rtn_mbrshpno, rtn_svcfee, rtn_remark, reason from bank_depositdescr
select depositdescid, ppid, trnuid, rqbody, sgtid, sgtno, prjno, pltfmcstno, entpnm, pgno, version, rtn_trnuid, rtn_status, rtn_code, rtn_severity, rtn_message, rtn_rsbody, rtn_rcrdtotnum, rtn_crnpgno, rtn_pgrcrdnum, rtn_totpgnum, rtn_content, rtn_lescstno, rtn_tdrno, rtn_cstno, rtn_prjno, rtn_prjnm, rtn_sgtno, rtn_sgtnm, rtn_sgtst, rtn_mrgnst, rtn_tdracctno, rtn_tdracctnoccycd, rtn_tdracctnm, rtn_tdracctnobnkno, rtn_tdracctnobnknm, rtn_tdrnum, rtn_mrgnamt, rtn_tdramt, rtn_agncsvcfee, rtn_frzamt, rtn_fineamt, rtn_tdrdt, rtn_tdrtm, rtn_duetp, rtn_mbrshpno, rtn_svcfee, rtn_remark, reason from bank_depositdescr
- <select id="selectBankDepositdescrList" parameterType="BankDepositdescr" resultMap="BankDepositdescrResult">
- <include refid="selectBankDepositdescrVo"/>
+ <select id="selectBankDepositdescrList" parameterType="BankDepositdescr" resultType="com.ruoyi.mast.bank.domain.BankDepositdescr">
+ select b.*,r.rtn_rfndst
+ from bank_depositdescr b left join bank_refund r on (b.sgtid = r.sgtid and b.rtn_tdracctno = r.rtn_tdracctno)
- <if test="ppid != null "> and ppid = #{ppid}</if>
- <if test="trnuid != null and trnuid != ''"> and trnuid = #{trnuid}</if>
- <if test="rqbody != null and rqbody != ''"> and rqbody = #{rqbody}</if>
- <if test="sgtid != null and sgtid != ''"> and sgtid = #{sgtid}</if>
- <if test="sgtno != null and sgtno != ''"> and sgtno = #{sgtno}</if>
- <if test="prjno != null and prjno != ''"> and prjno = #{prjno}</if>
- <if test="pltfmcstno != null and pltfmcstno != ''"> and pltfmcstno = #{pltfmcstno}</if>
- <if test="entpnm != null and entpnm != ''"> and entpnm = #{entpnm}</if>
- <if test="pgno != null and pgno != ''"> and pgno = #{pgno}</if>
- <if test="version != null and version != ''"> and version = #{version}</if>
- <if test="rtnTrnuid != null and rtnTrnuid != ''"> and rtn_trnuid = #{rtnTrnuid}</if>
- <if test="rtnStatus != null and rtnStatus != ''"> and rtn_status = #{rtnStatus}</if>
- <if test="rtnCode != null and rtnCode != ''"> and rtn_code = #{rtnCode}</if>
- <if test="rtnSeverity != null and rtnSeverity != ''"> and rtn_severity = #{rtnSeverity}</if>
- <if test="rtnMessage != null and rtnMessage != ''"> and rtn_message = #{rtnMessage}</if>
- <if test="rtnRsbody != null and rtnRsbody != ''"> and rtn_rsbody = #{rtnRsbody}</if>
- <if test="rtnRcrdtotnum != null and rtnRcrdtotnum != ''"> and rtn_rcrdtotnum = #{rtnRcrdtotnum}</if>
- <if test="rtnCrnpgno != null and rtnCrnpgno != ''"> and rtn_crnpgno = #{rtnCrnpgno}</if>
- <if test="rtnPgrcrdnum != null and rtnPgrcrdnum != ''"> and rtn_pgrcrdnum = #{rtnPgrcrdnum}</if>
- <if test="rtnTotpgnum != null and rtnTotpgnum != ''"> and rtn_totpgnum = #{rtnTotpgnum}</if>
- <if test="rtnContent != null and rtnContent != ''"> and rtn_content = #{rtnContent}</if>
- <if test="rtnLescstno != null and rtnLescstno != ''"> and rtn_lescstno = #{rtnLescstno}</if>
- <if test="rtnTdrno != null and rtnTdrno != ''"> and rtn_tdrno = #{rtnTdrno}</if>
- <if test="rtnCstno != null and rtnCstno != ''"> and rtn_cstno = #{rtnCstno}</if>
- <if test="rtnPrjno != null and rtnPrjno != ''"> and rtn_prjno = #{rtnPrjno}</if>
- <if test="rtnPrjnm != null and rtnPrjnm != ''"> and rtn_prjnm = #{rtnPrjnm}</if>
- <if test="rtnSgtno != null and rtnSgtno != ''"> and rtn_sgtno = #{rtnSgtno}</if>
- <if test="rtnSgtnm != null and rtnSgtnm != ''"> and rtn_sgtnm = #{rtnSgtnm}</if>
- <if test="rtnSgtst != null and rtnSgtst != ''"> and rtn_sgtst = #{rtnSgtst}</if>
- <if test="rtnMrgnst != null and rtnMrgnst != ''"> and rtn_mrgnst = #{rtnMrgnst}</if>
- <if test="rtnTdracctno != null and rtnTdracctno != ''"> and rtn_tdracctno = #{rtnTdracctno}</if>
- <if test="rtnTdracctnoccycd != null and rtnTdracctnoccycd != ''"> and rtn_tdracctnoccycd = #{rtnTdracctnoccycd}</if>
- <if test="rtnTdracctnm != null and rtnTdracctnm != ''"> and rtn_tdracctnm = #{rtnTdracctnm}</if>
- <if test="rtnTdracctnobnkno != null and rtnTdracctnobnkno != ''"> and rtn_tdracctnobnkno = #{rtnTdracctnobnkno}</if>
- <if test="rtnTdracctnobnknm != null and rtnTdracctnobnknm != ''"> and rtn_tdracctnobnknm = #{rtnTdracctnobnknm}</if>
- <if test="rtnTdrnum != null and rtnTdrnum != ''"> and rtn_tdrnum = #{rtnTdrnum}</if>
- <if test="rtnMrgnamt != null "> and rtn_mrgnamt = #{rtnMrgnamt}</if>
- <if test="rtnTdramt != null "> and rtn_tdramt = #{rtnTdramt}</if>
- <if test="rtnAgncsvcfee != null "> and rtn_agncsvcfee = #{rtnAgncsvcfee}</if>
- <if test="rtnFrzamt != null "> and rtn_frzamt = #{rtnFrzamt}</if>
- <if test="rtnFineamt != null "> and rtn_fineamt = #{rtnFineamt}</if>
- <if test="rtnTdrdt != null and rtnTdrdt != ''"> and rtn_tdrdt = #{rtnTdrdt}</if>
- <if test="rtnTdrtm != null and rtnTdrtm != ''"> and rtn_tdrtm = #{rtnTdrtm}</if>
- <if test="rtnDuetp != null and rtnDuetp != ''"> and rtn_duetp = #{rtnDuetp}</if>
- <if test="rtnMbrshpno != null and rtnMbrshpno != ''"> and rtn_mbrshpno = #{rtnMbrshpno}</if>
- <if test="rtnSvcfee != null "> and rtn_svcfee = #{rtnSvcfee}</if>
- <if test="rtnRemark != null and rtnRemark != ''"> and rtn_remark = #{rtnRemark}</if>
- <if test="reason != null and reason != ''"> and reason = #{reason}</if>
+ <if test="ppid != null "> and b.ppid = #{ppid}</if>
+ <if test="trnuid != null and trnuid != ''"> and b.trnuid like concat('%', #{trnuid}, '%')</if>
+ <if test="rqbody != null and rqbody != ''"> and b.rqbody = #{rqbody}</if>
+ <if test="sgtid != null and sgtid != ''"> and b.sgtid = #{sgtid}</if>
+ <if test="sgtno != null and sgtno != ''"> and b.sgtno = #{sgtno}</if>
+ <if test="prjno != null and prjno != ''"> and b.prjno = #{prjno}</if>
+ <if test="pltfmcstno != null and pltfmcstno != ''"> and b.pltfmcstno = #{pltfmcstno}</if>
+ <if test="entpnm != null and entpnm != ''"> and b.entpnm = #{entpnm}</if>
+ <if test="pgno != null and pgno != ''"> and b.pgno = #{pgno}</if>
+ <if test="version != null and version != ''"> and b.version = #{version}</if>
+ <if test="rtnTrnuid != null and rtnTrnuid != ''"> and b.rtn_trnuid = #{rtnTrnuid}</if>
+ <if test="rtnStatus != null and rtnStatus != ''"> and b.rtn_status = #{rtnStatus}</if>
+ <if test="rtnCode != null and rtnCode != ''"> and b.rtn_code = #{rtnCode}</if>
+ <if test="rtnSeverity != null and rtnSeverity != ''"> and b.rtn_severity = #{rtnSeverity}</if>
+ <if test="rtnMessage != null and rtnMessage != ''"> and b.rtn_message = #{rtnMessage}</if>
+ <if test="rtnRsbody != null and rtnRsbody != ''"> and b.rtn_rsbody = #{rtnRsbody}</if>
+ <if test="rtnRcrdtotnum != null and rtnRcrdtotnum != ''"> and b.rtn_rcrdtotnum = #{rtnRcrdtotnum}</if>
+ <if test="rtnCrnpgno != null and rtnCrnpgno != ''"> and b.rtn_crnpgno = #{rtnCrnpgno}</if>
+ <if test="rtnPgrcrdnum != null and rtnPgrcrdnum != ''"> and b.rtn_pgrcrdnum = #{rtnPgrcrdnum}</if>
+ <if test="rtnTotpgnum != null and rtnTotpgnum != ''"> and b.rtn_totpgnum = #{rtnTotpgnum}</if>
+ <if test="rtnContent != null and rtnContent != ''"> and b.rtn_content = #{rtnContent}</if>
+ <if test="rtnLescstno != null and rtnLescstno != ''"> and b.rtn_lescstno = #{rtnLescstno}</if>
+ <if test="rtnTdrno != null and rtnTdrno != ''"> and b.rtn_tdrno = #{rtnTdrno}</if>
+ <if test="rtnCstno != null and rtnCstno != ''"> and b.rtn_cstno = #{rtnCstno}</if>
+ <if test="rtnPrjno != null and rtnPrjno != ''"> and b.rtn_prjno = #{rtnPrjno}</if>
+ <if test="rtnPrjnm != null and rtnPrjnm != ''"> and b.rtn_prjnm = #{rtnPrjnm}</if>
+ <if test="rtnSgtno != null and rtnSgtno != ''"> and b.rtn_sgtno = #{rtnSgtno}</if>
+ <if test="rtnSgtnm != null and rtnSgtnm != ''"> and b.rtn_sgtnm = #{rtnSgtnm}</if>
+ <if test="rtnSgtst != null and rtnSgtst != ''"> and b.rtn_sgtst = #{rtnSgtst}</if>
+ <if test="rtnMrgnst != null and rtnMrgnst != ''"> and b.rtn_mrgnst = #{rtnMrgnst}</if>
+ <if test="rtnTdracctno != null and rtnTdracctno != ''"> and b.rtn_tdracctno like concat('%', #{rtnTdracctno}, '%')</if>
+ <if test="rtnTdracctnoccycd != null and rtnTdracctnoccycd != ''"> and b.rtn_tdracctnoccycd = #{rtnTdracctnoccycd}</if>
+ <if test="rtnTdracctnm != null and rtnTdracctnm != ''"> and b.rtn_tdracctnm like concat('%', #{rtnTdracctnm}, '%')</if>
+ <if test="rtnTdracctnobnkno != null and rtnTdracctnobnkno != ''"> and b.rtn_tdracctnobnkno = #{rtnTdracctnobnkno}</if>
+ <if test="rtnTdracctnobnknm != null and rtnTdracctnobnknm != ''"> and b.rtn_tdracctnobnknm like concat('%', #{rtnTdracctnobnknm}, '%')</if>
+ <if test="rtnTdrnum != null and rtnTdrnum != ''"> and b.rtn_tdrnum = #{rtnTdrnum}</if>
+ <if test="rtnMrgnamt != null "> and b.rtn_mrgnamt = #{rtnMrgnamt}</if>
+ <if test="rtnTdramt != null "> and b.rtn_tdramt = #{rtnTdramt}</if>
+ <if test="rtnAgncsvcfee != null "> and b.rtn_agncsvcfee = #{rtnAgncsvcfee}</if>
+ <if test="rtnFrzamt != null "> and b.rtn_frzamt = #{rtnFrzamt}</if>
+ <if test="rtnFineamt != null "> and b.rtn_fineamt = #{rtnFineamt}</if>
+ <if test="rtnTdrdt != null and rtnTdrdt != ''"> and b.rtn_tdrdt = #{rtnTdrdt}</if>
+ <if test="rtnTdrtm != null and rtnTdrtm != ''"> and b.rtn_tdrtm = #{rtnTdrtm}</if>
+ <if test="rtnDuetp != null and rtnDuetp != ''"> and b.rtn_duetp = #{rtnDuetp}</if>
+ <if test="rtnMbrshpno != null and rtnMbrshpno != ''"> and b.rtn_mbrshpno = #{rtnMbrshpno}</if>
+ <if test="rtnSvcfee != null "> and b.rtn_svcfee = #{rtnSvcfee}</if>
+ <if test="rtnRemark != null and rtnRemark != ''"> and b.rtn_remark = #{rtnRemark}</if>
+ <if test="reason != null and reason != ''"> and b.reason = #{reason}</if>