Redis for Windows - ======================================================== This file provides information about Windows-specific changes to Redis. For release notes related to original Redis project - please see 00-RELEASENOTES. -------------------------------------------------------- 2021-10-18: Redis 5.0.14 for Windows Bugfix/maintenance release of Redis for Windows, updated to be in sync with redis/5.0.14 ( Additionally "SCRIPT DEBUG SYNC" is now available. -------------------------------------------------------- 2020-11-08: Redis 5.0.10 for Windows Bugfix/maintenance release of Redis for Windows, updated to be in sync with redis/5.0.10 ( NOTE: active memory defragmentation feature ("activedefrag" option) is turned OFF. -------------------------------------------------------- 2020-05-02: Redis 5.0.9 for Windows First release of Redis 5.x for Windows, updated to be in sync with antirez/5.0.9. -------------------------------------------------------- 2020-01-26: Redis for Windows This is a hotfix release of 4.0.14 branch that fixes #50 related to running in Sentinel mode. -------------------------------------------------------- 2020-01-15: Redis for Windows This is a hotfix release of 4.0.14 branch that fixes 2 Windows-specific issues: * #46 - added support for older Windows versions (prior Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012) * #47 - fixed problem with parsing command-line arguments. -------------------------------------------------------- 2019-08-29: Redis 4.0.14 for Windows Redis 4.0.14 for Windows is a merge of Windows-specific changes from latest (unsupported) 3.2.100 release from MSOpenTech and original Redis 4.0.14. -------------------------------------------------------- 2018-10-01: Redis for Windows (alpha) This release is still an alpha version, but contains enhancements and fixes for: * #14: decrease logging verbosity of some cluster-related messages * #23: ZRANK/ZREVRANK bugfix (win-port only) * failed unit tests (bdcf80e). -------------------------------------------------------- 2018-03-26: Redis for Windows (alpha) This release is still an alpha version, but contains a fix to issue #12 (crash when rewriting AOF file - this issue was specific to Windows port only). -------------------------------------------------------- 2018-03-17: Redis for Windows (alpha) This release is still an alpha version, but contains a fix to issue #11, which was related to sending back larger amounts of data to Redis clients (this issue was specific to Windows port only). -------------------------------------------------------- 2017-11-22: Redis 4.0.2 for Windows (alpha) Alpha version of Redis 4.0.2 for Windows. Redis 4.0.2 for Windows is a merge of Windows-specific changes from latest (unsupported) 3.2.100 release from MSOpenTech and Redis 4.0.2 and this alpha release consists of: * all Redis 4.0.2 features except modules, * all executables of Redis (redis-server, redis-cli, redis-benchmark, redis-check-aof, redis-check-rdb). Main difference to official Redis 4.0.2 (except no support for modules at the moment) is old version of jemalloc-win dependency, which is planned to be updated to the same version in beta release.